The day passed and soon, Miyagi's mother and stepfather returned.

After a week of harmony, Miyagi and Kim Yun had a very good relationship. The two of them went in and out together, as if they were brothers and sisters. On this day, the two of them came home from class, had said something funny, and then saw their parents in the living room.

Kim Yun's face immediately faded. He was afraid of his insincere father, but who is Kim Yun? He has been an emperor for decades. If it's about momentum, his father is not enough.


However, what should still be done, Kim Yun looked at Xu Ru again, "Auntie. ”

“Eh!” Xu Ru hastily responded, as this was the first time the master had looked at her with his own eyes, and he was calm and angry.

Miyagi also screamed his uncle well.

Kim deeply glanced at Miyagi and looked at his son again. Although he was negligent in discipline, he didn't want to teach. He just didn't have time. He didn't think that his son could understand himself.

Thinking about the time reported by the butler, not only did his son not go out to mess with the baby, but he also went to class every day, the teacher said he had become polite a lot, and all this... is because of this little girl?

Jin Shen doesn't have any feelings about Miyagi. Anyway, the Jin family has a huge family business. It's only a small thing to raise a girl for dowry, but he doesn't mind being nice to her if the girl can lead his son on the right path.

So he nodded his head towards the palace and asked Kim Yun some questions.

Like why you have to change your name.

Miyagi was pulled aside by Xu Zulu. Although she heard that the young master had been kind to her daughter, she was still worried, so she said to her softly.

“Mo, has the master been nice to you lately? ”

Miyagi nodded without hesitation, which was unquestionable. After all, the whole family saw how good Young Master Kim was to her.

Xu Ru looked at her new daughter and wondered if she was relieved or even more worried. Finally, she touched her daughter's head and thought to herself, "My daughter is so cute, it's normal for the young master to like her..."

Then the family of four had dinner together for the first time, and Kim Yun took the palace directly to the second floor.

None of these people had anything to do with him, but as long as they stayed out of the way, he would still do his duty as a son.

Gongyi foam has always been a little afraid of Jin Deep, so she just didn't eat anything. Upon returning to the room, Kim Yun hugged Gongyi through the dark door of the two rooms and took out the small cake prepared by the morning from the fridge to her.

“Thank you, brother!” The palace was happy to take over.

Kim Yun smiled, touched her head, then hugged her to watch TV. He tried to receive all kinds of messages from the world while holding Palace Foam and didn't want her to leave.

Miyagi foam is also very good. She will feed Kim Yun once by herself. The relationship between the two people is too intimate, but Miyagi foam didn't realize it. She just thinks they are better than the other siblings.

Kim Yun stared at the little foam in his arms for a while, and he already knew that the world was 16 years old and 18 years old.

But women are usually 18 years of age before they are fully developed, and it was wrong of him to marry at the age of twelve or three in the world.

So he decided to wait...

When Mo is 18 years old, there are six years left.

It's not that hard if you have her with you every day...

Miyagi saw him staring at himself and fed him a spoonful of cake.

“Brother, is it good? ”

Kim Yun barely tasted it because his whole heart was in the palace foaming, and he lowered his head and licked her lips, "Mmm... delicious. ”

“Brother! ”

Palace foam slightly mumbles, they kiss often these days, but Palace foam thinks it's too often bad, so sometimes it stops.

Kim Yun chuckled, and the magnificent big eyes are a delicate ju sand mole.

“Mo doesn't like it? ”

Miyagi Foam was surrounded by Jin Yun Huan. She held the cake and said with boredom, “No, it's just... you kissed too much...”

She blushed and lowered her head. She was embarrassed.

Kim Yun saw her long eyelashes dip slightly, and the shivering curvature seemed to scratch on his heart!

He swallowed hard and decided to retract his previous words.

Six years. It's been a long time!

A dangerous feeling made the palace numb with foamy hair. When she looked up, she found that her brother was actually looking at her again. Every time he revealed this vision, she felt like she was being stripped naked and a little scared, so she pulled Jinyun's sleeve.

“Brother, it's time for you to help me review...”

Kim Yun only came out of that crazy desire and took a deep look at her.

“Okay… review. ”

Man is greedy, he used to think that if he could be with Mo every day, he would be willing to live half of his life.

But now that we're together, he finds it so hard every day, because he has a deeper desire that he didn't dare think about before...

Kim Yun's gaze swept across the queen bed as she took Miyagi to the desk and her heart trembled.

He really doesn't know how long he can stand it...

The next day, Kim Yun came to pick up someone from Miyagi's class at school. He was about to take the college entrance exam. This daily benefit will soon be gone, so Kim Yun greatly cherishes every day now.

But I never thought I'd wait for his baby. He's not here?

He grabbed a boy and asked him if he had a strange look on his face. "A schoolsister said you had left beforehand and asked her to send Miyagi... didn't she? ”

Kim Yun was shocked and grabbed him in a hurry and asked, "I never said anything like that. Who is that man? What does it look like? ”

The boy's face grew heavy, “She looks pretty, short hair, a mole on her chin...”

Before he finished, Kim Yun ran away. He already knew who he was!

Because of the school regulations, no cell phones were allowed in junior high school, so Mo didn't, but the person who took her had a cell phone, only he didn't know the number, because his original phone had been thrown away.

The door of the principal's office was kicked open by Kim Yun, the principal was unknown, so he looked at Kim Yun walking in the big step, his legs trembled, and thought this young master was going to beat him up for a while!

Kim Yun walked to the principal and tried to get himself comfortable, so he didn't grab his collar directly.

“My sister's gone! Ask the principal to send someone to look everywhere in the school. Besides, I want Livier's number, now! ”

As soon as the headmaster heard that he wasn't here to trouble him, he relieved himself, and heard that the young master's very precious stepsister had recently disappeared, and he panicked, "Wait a minute, I'll let someone find it! ”