
Chapter 674 South Korean chaebol symbol--modern Zheng family

While chatting, Li Fuzhen and others estimated that they had finished the press conference and appeared in the administrative hall on the 23rd floor. The overall atmosphere today was good, and everyone was pleasantly chatting.

Unconsciously, time is slowly passing by, and guests who have received invitations one after another begin to arrive.On the contrary, Li Jianxi took his pair of children to welcome the big men from all parties who had accepted the invitation. If he left his future family, he still stayed with Li Feng.

Just when Li Feng and Lin Changxu talked about the "world situation" casually, naturally, the financial crisis is naturally the most important of them. Anyway, small talk, which can be considered as a fart, and the two talked well, but they suddenly watched. When Lin Changxu's face suddenly became straight, he stood up.

Paying attention to the eyes of others, Li Feng immediately turned his head to look, but he saw Li Jianxi and a group of people walking towards Li Feng surrounded by an old man with age spots and reading glasses. Obviously, this old man should be a big man. .

"Chairman Zheng, hello, it's been a long time!" But after seeing Lin Changxu, a South Korean business tycoon, got up and walked to the old man, he respectfully greeted him.

"It's Chang Wook. I haven't seen it for a while. It's a pity. I heard that the lady has already dated Jianxi's son. This is really cheap. Jianxi. I said before that I would let my grandsons compete. It's a little bit."

The old man obviously knew Lin Changxu, and he greeted him with a random smile and started a joke, which immediately caused everyone to agree and gag.

Seeing this situation, coupled with the fact that people are called Chairman Zheng, depending on the age of the old man, Li Feng also understood at this time. This should be the head of the Hyundai Group, the largest consortium in South Korea, and is known as South Korea. Old man Zheng Zhouyong of modern spirit.


"This should be the guest from the American Emperor-Mr. St. John Lee. I am Zheng Zhouyong in modern times. As expected, as the rumors of such a genius and romantic figure, seeing Mr. John's volley birth, I have to feel that we are indeed old. Up."

When Li Feng understood his identity, he naturally stood up to welcome him, not too deliberately, but only the necessary respect. After all, his identity was enough to be on the same level as others.

For the founder of Hyundai Group, such a bigwig is definitely worthy of respect. Although the later Samsung has surpassed Hyundai, Hyundai's strength is beyond doubt.What's more, today's father Zheng Zhouyong is still alive, and now is the peak of modern times.

"You are too old. I have good luck. You are the idol of the global business elites. From a very young age, I have heard of Hyundai Group and your name. At that time, I imagined that I would become An entrepreneur like you." Li Feng smiled and complimented.

Anyway, relying on the fact that he was young and kind, and his sweet mouth would never suffer, he immediately made the old man smile.

Of course, joking returns to joking, and Li Feng also understands that no one will underestimate himself or even treat himself as an ordinary teenager when a company has reached its current scale.Whether it is intrigues in the shopping malls or various fights in private, Li Feng has witnessed a lot now, from death battles by force to commercial competition.

"Mr. Li is polite. I didn’t know anything when you were so young. Now you have established a world-class large group company. From ancient times to the present, in terms of business, the world has There is only one St. John Lee." Father Zheng listened to Li Feng's words and replied with a smile in admiration.

Sure enough, after listening to Mr. Zheng's words, all the big guys around him were dumbfounded.It is true that Mr. Zheng gave Li Feng too high a rating. Who is Mr. Zheng, but he is known as a symbol of Korean wealth.


Regardless of other people's psychology, Li Feng still feels happy for a while. This is the evaluation of South Korean Hyundai's father Jeong Joo-young. Today, Hyundai Group ranks among the top five in the global wealth list, which can be said to be the peak of Hyundai.

"You are too old. Compared with modern times, our Century Group still has a long way to go. I hope that we can become a great company like modern times." After a surge of excitement in the mind, it quickly calmed down. , Smiled and responded modestly.

Seeing that Li Feng calmed down quickly, Zheng Zhouyong emphasized the importance of Li Feng in his heart. While nodding secretly, he also thought of the situation of his family, and he also felt a sense of'bearing like John Lee'. .

Zheng Zhouyong is actually very clear in his mind and his own situation, Hyundai Group now looks brilliant, but it is actually facing a great crisis.One is that the Asian financial crisis is in full swing. Hyundai, the largest group in South Korea, is naturally the first to bear the brunt and is facing a big crisis; the second is the issue of the next generation of Hyundai Group.

Sometimes it’s not a good thing that the offspring are super capable. If they can be like Samsung, although the internal fighting can be because the third son Li Jianxi’s super abilities far surpass the others, it’s just that Li Jianxi can successfully take over. If one family is capable, it can still overwhelm the others.

The most troublesome thing is that Zheng Zhouyong knows that his sons are actually good in all abilities, and none of them can overwhelm the rest of the brothers and sisters. The consequence of this is that the Hyundai Group will inevitably be decomposed after one hundred years.


Li Feng didn't know that the old man who was looking at him was thinking of this scene at this time. Otherwise, Li Feng was also surprised when he positioned the old man's prediction. Obviously, the old man's psychology is actually like a mirror.

Later, the modern group was not just as the old man predicted, it even seemed that there were family children who committed suicide. Obviously, the fierce degree of family conflicts in this group is obvious.

The later generations of Hyundai Group and even several big families in South Korea caused the fights caused by the disputes, but many ordinary keyboard men like to see gossip, even on the China Internet, there are also full of content about Hyundai, Samsung and other wealthy families. Various news.

Unfortunately, although Zheng Zhouyong's heart is like a mirror, there is no way.As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to break housework, even if it is the modern Korean spirit of Zheng Zhouyong, there is nothing to do.

In this regard, in Li Feng’s view, the wealthy families across Asia are still inferior to the large European and American families in terms of family inheritance. When European and American families consider inheriting, they mainly set up family assets to operate as family funds.

In this way, although no family members have integrated inheritance in name, firstly, they avoid the worry of high inheritance tax, preserve the family heritage as much as possible, and secondly avoid the possibility of families fighting for assets.

And Asia and other places are deeply influenced by Chinese culture, and they pay attention to family management. Even the big companies of later generations, although they are introducing advanced western corporate management experience or something, they really do not have to be after the older generation retired. It's basically a family member taking over.

It doesn't matter if there are few children or even single children, but if there are many children, it is inevitable that all parties will fight for the huge assets.


In terms of family inheritance, European and American strategies are more clever, but in terms of family inheritance, those in Asia are more direct.Of course, those Chinese wealthy families in later generations have gradually and more and more come into contact with European and American inheritance methods, and have established family funds, etc., to attract the advantages of all parties.

Regarding the way of family inheritance in Europe and the United States, later generations will often cause extensive discussion on the Internet. After all, the so-called family philanthropy funds and other fund models have pros and cons, and they also involve a huge amount of property. Ordinary people pay attention.

Next, under the greet of Father Zheng Zhouyong in person, Li Feng saw the many children of the Zheng family behind him. Many online protagonists such as Zheng Mengxian, Zheng Mengjiu, Zheng Mengzhun and other Zheng brothers have appeared in succession.

"John, this is Mr. Jin Yuzhong from Daewoo Group." Just as he greeted everyone in the Hyundai Zheng family, Li Jianxi pointed to a 60-year-old man with white sideburns, large back and glasses next to him. Introduced.

"Oh..." Li Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the introduction, and he greeted him enthusiastically.