
Chapter 743

Seeing the two daughters and husband-in-law of the Bao family, Li Feng could only appreciate the shrewdness of the ship king.

It has to be said that the ship king deserves to be a man of the world business at that time, an elite talent.Not to mention the position of the richest Chinese at that time, the status of the ship king in the world business community at that time is definitely well-known, and the name of the "Baolongwang" can be seen.

Not to mention the competence and status of the ship king’s business community, but the distribution of the ship king’s inheritance, which shows its shrewd side.

The business of Ship King is roughly divided into two parts, one is the maritime business-global shipping series, and the other is the land business-Wheelock series.Naturally, in addition to these two major industries, the private investment of the ship king and other industries are also distributed all over the world.

It handed over the maritime shipping business (except Japan) to its eldest daughter and son-in-law. The company's market value was about 10 billion U.S. dollars at the time, and the Defeng series (except Japan) was handed over to the second daughter and son-in-law. The company's market value was also Around tens of billions of dollars.

Since the third daughter is married to Japan, she has given all of the ship’s industry in Japan to the third daughter. Don’t underestimate the Japanese industry.

When the King of Ships died, it was the craziest time for Japanese real estate, plus insurance, trading and other industries.Although not as good as the first two, in the latter private investment groups and family funds, the three daughters were given a little compensation. On the whole, they are no less inferior to the assets obtained by the first two.

In the end, the younger daughter and son-in-law were married. The younger daughter married the American emperor. Therefore, the ship king compensated the third daughter with his private global investment group and family funds, and most of it was handed over to the younger daughter-in-law.

It is said that there are nearly tens of billions of dollars in national debt, stocks, cash and other assets. The assets allocated to the four daughters are almost the same, and they are evenly distributed. Think about the status of the two sons-in-laws of the ship king in Xiangjiang. One can imagine how rich the assets left by the charter king are.


It is said that the ship king has almost evenly distributed all the assets under his control of about 40 billion US dollars to the four daughters. Of course, the 40 billion US dollars are in control, not all of the ship king’s personal possession.

Many people may be puzzled. Doesn’t the shipowner’s inheritance to his children need to pay estate tax? Doesn’t it mean that the estate tax is half?In fact, this question is still old.

No matter where it is, if you inherit corporate shares, as long as you do not choose to cash out shares, you will not be allowed to pay taxes. This is a protection for the long-term operation of the company.Therefore, in addition to family charitable funds, there is another way for the rich to avoid tax, which is to establish a family private enterprise.

Then all the assets are included in the enterprise, and then left to the future generations of corporate shares. As long as these shares do not choose to cash out and enjoy dividends, the property can be passed on forever.

The assets left by the ship king to his children are combined in two ways. The two core industries are directly handed over to the two daughters, so that they can inherit the shares and management rights of the company, as long as they do not cash out.Similarly, the latter two young daughters inherited part of the business, family investment companies, charity funds, and so on, and they did reasonable tax avoidance.

To say that the assets are left to the younger generations in the form of enterprises, the most famous one is Wal-Mart’s Wharton family. After the death of the old Wharton, he has not handed over all the inheritance to a few children and so on. Their names can be found on the wealth list, and they are all high.

The old Sam Wharton corporatized his personal assets, such as the establishment of a Wharton family investment company, which was completely controlled by family members, and then put all the shares of Wal-Mart under the name of the investment company.

Then let the children of the younger generation each get the shares of the family investment company, and inheriting the shares of the company naturally does not need to be called inheritance tax. Naturally, there are still very complicated operations that cannot be explained by a simple sentence.


Including the charter king and later generations of Li Chaoren, etc., the assets of these super-rich have been smoothly inherited to the next generation.There are no more than two forms, one is directly passed on to the next generation in the form of corporate shares, and the second is family funds.

Many people in later generations were talking about the American imperialism or European countries charging inheritance taxes for rich families. In fact, in Li Feng's view, the American imperialism is the middle class. If they pass away, most of their property will go away obediently. After paying the inheritance tax, it's not that these people don't have so much financial resources and energy to handle these affairs.

Even many heirs simply auction off the property they want to inherit. There is no way. The estate tax cannot be paid. They can only pay the inheritance tax after the auction and after receiving the cash. The result is that the inherited estate can get half of the inheritance. , Often rich families do not have such problems.

To put it bluntly, a country like the United States still sets rules for the rich. After all, the ruling class is the rich class, isn't it?

Just like this time, if Li Feng acquires the remaining shares of Standard Chartered Bank from the Bao family, it will be a huge cash transaction, and the total amount of this transaction will be transferred to the private investment company controlled by the Bao family. Or among charitable funds, at most a small amount of corporate income tax is paid, and there is no tax at all.


In any case, the Xiangjiang Bao family can't be underestimated at any time, but unfortunately, the charter king died a little earlier, and Li Feng wanted to see each other.

The eldest son-in-law and second son-in-law of the later generations of the Bao family are regulars on the rich list. Everyone is worth billions or tens of billions of dollars. As for the third son-in-law and the fourth son-in-law, they are very low-key, and they can hardly see their news.

In fact, although the third or fourth son-in-law is not as conspicuous as the eldest son or the second son, they are by no means inferior in strength. However, they choose to keep a low profile and live by the family fund. In name, the wealth is not theirs, and no one can use them. .

After some introduction, Li Feng and his party walked into the Li family villa.

"Pai Rong, Pai Hui, this is Mr. St. John Lee from the United States. I was also entrusted by him to contact you. You also know the general thing, which is about the remaining shares of Standard Chartered Bank in your hands.

You have been reducing your holdings of Standard Chartered shares before, and Mr. Li is very interested in the remaining shares in your hands. As for how to talk about it, you will discuss it yourself. Our family will not participate."Leaving the study room temporarily for Li Feng and the Bao sisters, Li Chaoren said frankly, and after speaking, he took his two sons and left the room.

Obviously, although Li Chaoren helped the two parties contact once, but the details will not be involved. On this point, the Li family and his sons are still very shrewd. No matter whether your talk is successful or not, we are watching from outside.


Seeing the Li family and his son leave, Li Feng smiled and didn't care. The Bao family talent in front of him was Li Feng's goal, wasn't it.