
Chapter 912

In fact, the well-known Al Manila firm was in pain. To put it bluntly, it was the result of Li Feng's backing.Not only financial support, but also network and influence support.

For example, in Hollywood, Los Angeles, many media groups, etc., there are also a variety of top high-end talents, such as Hollywood stars, media group executives, etc. When a lawyer is needed, many will find Tianquan Firm, except for Los Angeles Outside of the local area, Silicon Valley is undoubtedly Li Feng's second priority.

Through my own contacts, I have made a lot of effort to open up business for Tianquan in Silicon Valley, such as helping to contact Silicon Valley’s network resources. If you say where Silicon Valley is, it is one of the places that produces the most intellectual property rights. The result is being pulled by Tianquan. A lot of business came.

As early as in New York, Li Feng also made connections. From Rockefeller, Roosevelt family to Hilton, Hearst, etc., they all helped Tianquan gain a firm foothold.

There are so many groups under Li Feng himself. Finance, real estate, hotel, retail, industry, media, Internet, energy, luxury goods consumption and many other industries are also supported without hesitation.

With so many industries, Li Feng has recently been thinking about how to better run its subsidiaries, and is preparing to re-plan and reorganize. After all, according to Li Feng’s ideas, several cores under Li Feng have basically formed. It is the development in their respective areas.

"If this is the case, then Moken, I solemnly invite you to join Tianquan. You can start with the senior vice president and partner. After you are familiar with the company, you can take over as the CEO. Then Zach will let him become chairman. That's it.

Of course, I believe your income will not be inferior or even more than your previous income. I am very confident about this."Li Feng finally replied to Zhu Qingwen with a smile.


At this time, Zhu Qingwen was indeed very excited. The conditions offered by Li Feng were really good. Besides, Zhu Qingwen is only in his early 40s. For a professional person, this is the best age. Ability, ability, experience, and energy.

There is a saying that there is no room for two tigers in a mountain, unless there is a male and a female. In Li Feng’s heart, if Zhu Qingwen can be dug from the Al Manila office, on the one hand, it will undermine the confidence of the Al Manila office and strengthen the sky. Power is strength.

Secondly, you can make plans for the next step, such as the merger of Tianquan and El Manila. If Tianquan has been competing with others and competing for business at low prices, it may be possible to initiate acquisitions and mergers directly in the end. , Just can let Zhu Qingwen as a link.

There is no so-called'workplace ceiling' here in Li Feng, so Zhu Qingwen is very excited, but as the nation's top lawyer is still very calm, saying that he is going home to think about it for a few days. In this regard, Li Feng I don't mind.

Anyway, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhu Qingwen is undoubtedly moved, and very excited, Li Feng just needs to wait for the news.

"Morken, I really need you to lead a line or something. You know, I invested in a pharmaceutical company to develop anti-cancer drugs. I know that your elder brother, Professor Zhu Zhuwen, also specializes in cancer. I think whether it is sponsoring His laboratory directly allows your eldest brother to come to our company for a part-time job or something, maybe it is another opportunity for cooperation." Li Feng suggested with a smile.

"I want to bring an investor like you to Mr. Li for my brother, he should welcome him."

"Haha..., in short, I hope you go back and think about my proposal. I also have half Chinese ancestry, and I'm half a fellow, I won't let you suffer." Li Feng finally laughed and joked.

"hope so…"



At noon, Li Feng personally invited Zhu Qingwen to have a Chinese meal.

"Moken, as the head of a possible Tianquan firm in the future, are you interested in meeting with my personal lawyers, finance and other teams in the afternoon? No, the tax filing deadline is about to reach the deadline. I will have to conduct a detailed discussion in the afternoon. My personal tax report last year." After the meal, Li Feng smiled and sent out an invitation again.

"Uh...Mr. Li, forget it. I still have to officially join Tianquan after all. I really have to wait until the day I join. If Mr. Li invites again, I will definitely not postpone it."

After thinking about it, Zhu Qingwen declined immediately. Li Feng understood this, so he changed the subject and sent him out of the office building after chatting for a while, showing his sincerity.

It was past 4 in the afternoon, and there were many people sitting in Li Feng's office. Zac was still leading the team. After more than 2 hours of discussions, it was finally time to end.

"John, the general situation is like this." Zach said to Li Feng with a smirk.

"Uh..., that is to say, last year I needed less than 5 million U.S. dollars in tax income?" Li Feng asked speechlessly.

"Uh, John, last year your personal income was mainly these. One is the dividends of investment companies, excluding overseas parts; the second is the partial dividends of media groups and real estate groups, and the third is the partial dividends of your investment, such as the Hilton Hotel. What, the income is not too small, more than 200 million US dollars.

It’s a pity that you can’t afford to spend a lot of money. Your private jet, your luxury homes in the United States and the world, etc., can be tax-deductible, plus, the women behind you are not small. There are also various employee expenditures. As a result, the 200 million US dollars of income was almost spent."Zac joked again.

That's right, the annual tax filing deadline is approaching. Every year after the New Year, the deadline starts from January to early April. This is Midea's tax filing day, and Li Feng is naturally unavoidable.

"It's all reasonable and legal, and we must ensure that there is no problem 100%." ​​Li Feng confirmed again.

"Don't worry, this is a detailed argumentation conducted by the entire team. No matter what, it is reasonable and legal."

"That's good, hehehe...!"



In fact, Li Feng is ready. Now it is the time for the company to expand every year. After all, the establishment time is too short. At the beginning, there will be no dividends. Then, when they stabilize, what are the shareholder assets held by individuals? , Have become the assets of the enterprise, and perhaps the annual tax return list will be more economical.

In this regard, in Li Feng’s eyes, the most famous bigwigs in the past are actually doing this, such as Gates, Buffett, Zuckerberg and so on. The first two will not talk about it. There is a good set in this respect.

On the one hand, it is claimed that the shares held by individuals will be charitable, and on the other hand, it is claimed that the CEO of FB only receives a salary of $1. Anyway, if that is the calculation, it is estimated that Xiaozha's annual income is almost a negative growth.

But people’s enjoyment is not at all ambiguous. Xiaozha’s family includes fixed assets and high living expenses, such as top-level security, private jets, and bullet-proof luxury cars. These are all paid by the company. It is said that every year This expenditure is in tens of millions of dollars.

In short, in Li Feng's view, the U.S. super-rich have their own methods of tax avoidance, and they are all sophisticated.

In fact, those super-rich people do this, relying on a company to rise at the beginning, but when the business enters a stable period, they gradually cash out, and then begin to penetrate into all walks of life, slowly increasing their influence Power, from the once American giants.For example, Rockefeller and so on, and then to the newly emerging rich people like Gates and so on, nothing else.

Of course, among these, Li Feng, because the people with the plug-ins used a two-pronged approach, from the beginning to develop his career and penetrate the industry together.


Looking at the tax declaration form, under the reminder of Zach and others, signing his own name also means that the tax declaration day every year is over again.