
Chapter 1120

Nowadays, Li Feng is not hesitating to deal with Jobs's blow. Although the business wizard who has been almost "mythical" in his career is indeed very successful, Li Feng also needs him to take charge of Apple, but in terms of personal qualities, Jobs He has never been a high-quality person.

Gang leader Qiao can be said to be a very indifferent person, with a weak concept of family affection. Although there are various beautifications in later generations, the previous girlfriends, children and even later wives of the Qiao leader once said that the Qiao leader is actually a grumpy, cruel and mean. People.

Apple and Amazon have had problems before, but to a certain extent, this is an opportunity for Li Feng to further control the two companies. After all, the two companies today are still small. If the scale of future generations is hundreds of billions or trillions , Then almost no individual has the ability to control alone, but now it gives Li Feng an opportunity.

As Li Feng walked out of the small conference room first, it also attracted the attention of everyone who chatted in the office. When he saw Li Feng actively greet everyone with a smile, everyone knew that Li Feng had won, which also meant With this time, Apple's waves passed.

Li Feng's victory naturally requires Steve Jobs to compromise. At this time, everyone can think about the next situation when seeing Jobs's dead face, but when he sees Li Feng is very generous with Joe's gang leader When they said hello, everyone was quite curious.

"OK, we are all settled, Steve, I believe Apple will return to glory under your leadership."


Although his hand was held by Li Feng, Jobs still snorted to express his dissatisfaction at this time. In the end, he did not make any excessive actions, which can only be regarded as acquiescence.


The next general meeting of shareholders was basically implemented in accordance with Li Feng's idea. After all, the shareholders who hold most of the shares have already voted, and the board of directors can only implement it.

One board member was added on behalf of the established consortium. The shareholders behind the scenes are mainly Rockefeller, Morgan, and Roosevelt family funds. The representative of the Wall Street consortium has once again added a place to many Wall Street consortia such as BlackRock and Citigroup.

Of course, Li Feng and others still let Steve Jobs be the CEO of Apple, and as a consolation, let him be elected as the chairman. At the previous gathering before the conference, Li Feng reached an agreement with him privately, as long as the future development of Apple is honest, Li Feng The forces represented here will continue to support him.

On the same day, the news of Apple’s shareholders meeting spread throughout Silicon Valley, and quickly spread to those interested in the upper echelons of Europe and the United States who were concerned about Apple’s developments or those of Li Feng’s developments, among them Amazon naturally.

In fact, since Bei Tianzi received the news from Apple, he has been a little restless. After all, Apple is just a test. When the interests of this big man are infringed, Li Feng, who was not exposed before. The big guy suddenly intervened in Apple. Now the board of directors of Apple is almost completely controlled by Li Feng. Then it is Amazon's turn.

You must know that Amazon directly wanted to directly dilute Li Feng's shares through the increase of shares. This is much more serious than Apple's. The previous attack on Amazon was also more serious than Apple, causing Amazon's losses to be much more serious than Apple.

Naturally, Bei Tianzi is also trying to contact those shareholders behind the scenes, so that they all support themselves, so as not to repeat the same mistakes.However, many shareholders are ambiguous after receiving the call from Bei Bale, which makes Bei Bale feel the state of the world.

It must be admitted that Li Feng’s reputation in the United States is still very strong now. When I heard that Amazon’s management was antagonistic to Li Feng, the company’s largest shareholder, especially when they received Apple’s ending, many people were in their hearts. Weigh it up.

Although it is not clear to the outside world how many shares Li Feng owns in Amazon, some people at the top of the company naturally know that Li Feng occupies three seats on Amazon’s board of directors, and each seat represents more than 10% of the shares. In fact, until now, Li Feng Feng's total stake in Amazon is 32%. This is indeed a super large shareholder, and even a little more shares can initiate a forced acquisition.


The founder of Rubei Tuzi now accounts for nearly 20% of the shares. Li Feng knows that Bei Tuzi’s desire to control is very strong. He has very little cash in his shares. Later, Amazon’s market value is hundreds of billions. Bei Tuzi still occupies nearly 20% of the shares.

Bei Baozi cashed out part of it for personal consumption when it first went public. For example, after going public in 1997, Bezos bought a mansion worth tens of millions of dollars, etc. These cashes were only tens of millions of dollars. Used for personal and family life.

Later, Bei Tianzi never had a cash-out plan. Until 17 and 18, when the market value of Amazon was hundreds of billions and even reached trillions, then Bei Tianzi began to cash out one after another. After all, such market values ​​are actually inflated. Including ingredients, smart people such as Bei Tianzi will naturally choose to cash out at the right time.

Nowadays, Amazon has problems because of the two largest shareholders in the company. In particular, one is the founder of the company but the other is a super boss who is comparable to the old wealthy myth, and more importantly, Li Feng’s age advantage, everyone Will weigh it in my heart.

Sure enough, after finishing the work on Apple’s side, Li Feng directly asked the representatives of Amazon’s board of directors to propose again to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Both the top executives of Amazon and the shareholders behind the scenes were secretly shocked. Knowing that Li Feng, who just won at Apple, turned his attention to Amazon.

It was also because the news that Li Feng had problems with Apple and Amazon made a lot of headlines in the media, which caused the stock prices of the two companies to drop a lot again, but with the end of Apple’s shareholders meeting, it started to recover. However, Amazon is in the wait-and-see stage, and the stock price is barely maintained. Many people are watching, depending on the results of Amazon's extraordinary shareholders meeting.

However, whether it is Li Feng wins or Bezos wins, at least a period of downturn in Amazon's stock price is inevitable. This is the ending after the confrontation between the two big bosses. This also caused Bezos's pressure to increase again. Those capital shareholders It's not very talkative.The fall in Amazon's stock price has led to a sharp drop in the value of these shareholders, which makes these capital tycoons naturally dissatisfied.


Although Li Feng owns more shares in Amazon than Apple, it is much more difficult to get more than half of the shares in Amazon's shareholders meeting than Apple. However, when Li Feng looked through the documents in hand, more than 45% of the shares. At that time, he also showed a satisfied smile.

Among them, I took another 3.5% of the shares from the stock market, allowing my own shares to account for 35.5%, and the remaining 10% was taken from the Wall Street consortium and American giants. Naturally, these forces gave temporary execution rights. What? This is the result of Li Feng's own network resources and the contacts of the consortium.

Although there are not more than half of the shares, more than 45% of the shares are basically regarded as the general trend, after all, there are still circulating shares that account for about 15-20%.When the time comes to compete for financial resources, Li Feng is very confident about this.

"Boss, when are you going to Seattle?"

"Hehe..., it happened that Bill invited me to visit Seattle, so let's go with him."


Hearing Li Feng's words, Eric Schmidt, Li Feng's number one network general, couldn't help being speechless for a while, should he pretend to be 13 like this, but he also felt that his boss was powerful.

In Eric Schmidt’s view, both Apple and Amazon are now well-known giants in the United States. But now, the battle between the two founders and Li Feng has not yet begun. In fact, the overall situation has been determined. ,ended.