Reaching the shore of the lake, the Lions proceeded from there along the lake and came to the nearest city.

The sun is already falling and we'll start looking for accommodation first.

The King's capital of the Holy King has the largest church in the world and many pilgrims come from all over.

As a result, the city had a number of lodgings.


"Sorry, boys. I didn't bury everything."

"I'm sorry. There's no room available right now."

"I'm sorry. All rooms are buried."

And no matter which inn I go to, I can hardly rent a room with all the fill.

Concerned, Lion asked the Inn's general.

"Hey, Auntie, how come everywhere is full?

"Oh, you don't know? Right now, a regular ship to the King's Capital has been suspended."

"Suspended operation?

There are regular boats out to the Wang capital in the heart of the lake, which are used by travellers and pilgrims.

However, it is said that the operation is currently stopped due to certain circumstances.

"That's why every inn is full of pilgrims who can't cross to the king's capital."

"It is."

Apparently, he came at a bad time.

"Wouldn't there be an empty inn somewhere like that?

"Hey... oh, over there..."

He had something on his mind.

but the general has a face that doesn't float anywhere,

"But maybe you should stop. 'Cause there's a rumor that's not very good... which is why it could be empty."

"Not a good rumor?

Is the room too old and dirty, or does the clerk have a bad attitude?

"I do have a little season in it, but it's still a decently cleaned and beautiful inn. The general is a good person too..."

"Then why?

The general told her that she thought she would be able to speak.

"Well... I hear there's a young lady ghost out there."

Lyon came to the inn as the general told him.

The exterior is indeed a very ordinary inn.

But the other inns were busy with guests, but they are secluded.

Apparently, there's really no customers in because of the rumors.

The general said, "Ho, are you really going...?" He was strongly worried, but Lion didn't go through with it.

"Even if there was a ghost, we'd just have to demystify it."

"" Oh, you say?

"Dead people become spiritual bodies and wander the world."

"" Do you want to be?

"Uh, yeah... well, I hope you imagine it's like a blurry mist, not a body with this kind of entity"

"" Hmm...?

A twin who returns a nod like he knows he doesn't.

It's hard to explain the ghost to a child.

"Hey... I knew you wouldn't stop?

"... why are you scared?

"Beh, I'm not scared of anything else!? I'm not afraid of ghosts!

Then stop grabbing my back.

Sticking it on Lion's back, Mertella was shaking.

"You're more or less like a ghost yourself already."

"No disrespect! Don't go with that!

"I replaced my soul with another body. It would be something similar."

Rather, it could be horrible.

"" Ouch!

"Wrinkles are not ghosts! Don't point!"

The twins, who became convinced faces, apparently recognized the presence like Mertella as a ghost.

I said, "Can you do it?"

"No, at least it's not food"

Mertella says outrageously.

"If the wax is more or less similar, so be the Lord!

"Reincarnation seems a little different again"

"Together, together! Yeah! Whatever you want!

Attract Mertella screaming in a yake-fucking-mood and go inside the inn.

The front door is empty, so it looks like we're open.

"I'm sorry.... No one?

But no one shows up when I speak up.

Surprised, I saw a young woman in the back of the hallway.


"No, he said it wasn't a ghost."

Mertella hiding behind Lion, but that's a living person.

It could be the Innkeeper.

... For that matter, I look at this one with suspicious eyes.

Finally, more and more air is wrapped around it.

"Uh... I'd like to stay?

"Customer!? Yes, you're here. Eh!

Suddenly, a good voice flew in.

Where did the dark atmosphere go earlier, rushing at full speed?

"Thank you! Thanks! Four people, I'll show you!

Looks so happy.

And he tries to show me to my room with or without it.

Apparently, there are no guests in there at all because of the rumors, and they wonder if it's something they're going to miss the Lions who finally showed up.

Lion said.

"Two rooms is fine. Me and these two are staying in the same room."

"Why not!? I'd rather have a room with you!

"You're not a child..."

"So, because! What are you gonna do when the ghost comes out!?

He's still afraid of ghosts.

"… Customer……"

"Oh, you don't have to worry. Because I've heard rumors."

"Oh, you did..."

"But that's tough. He doesn't seem to have any customers at all..."

"It is. Ooh!

The young general cried out in tears.

"It's a huge deficit this month because of rumors. Ooh! If I stay like this, this inn will crumble!

It seemed like a very real situation.