Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

Chapter 41 Ruthless Golden Pavilion

Flowery buildings, flower-clustered plaques of "Ruthless Gold Pavilion” hang tall, and as soon as you enter the door you will see the lobby covered with white carpets, stretching all the way to every corner. There is a high platform in the middle of the hall, full of floral clusters.

Because it was daytime, no one was in this famous green building in the capital. Lao Zheng saw Blue Phantom attacked the men's clothing, and the masked man walked in and hurried up.

“Master!” The old lady's expression immediately closed, and the face full of matrimonial fat and water powder became respectful.

“Well, what about the third dude?” Blue phantom sighted the whole green building for a circle, and it could be seen that the third brother managed the green building well.

“The Third Dude is resting on the third floor. Do you need to wake the Third Dude?” The old man ordered the door of the green building to be closed. After all, the master's affairs are very mysterious, to avoid unnecessary people knowing the master's whereabouts, so several sons have already ordered him to hide the master's whereabouts.

“No, you go down to work," Blue Phantom walked straight to the third floor. The old men looked with respect at the figure of their master, who had a lot of property in the heartless palace, and their master was the young man, who had five sons under him who handled all the business, who had the intelligence and strength no one else had.

Blue Phantom slowly walks on the stairs to the third floor. This green building was founded three years ago, not as luxurious as other green buildings, but with a certain elegance. Such an arrangement would be more enjoyable for the men who think about the lower half of the body. In their own green building, guests can order which prostitutes to serve, but prostitutes also have the right to refuse, and such rules are not only not scaring the men, but are more attractive, on the contrary, obedient women are tired.

The most useful use of this green building is to spy on intelligence and gather information. The girls in the green building are not all ruthless pavilion people, only true, false, false and true can make people realize the true purpose of ruthless golden pavilion.

Pushing through the door of the third floor room, Blue Phantom saw Ghost 3 still asleep, and the folding fan that never leaves the bed, and every time Blue Phantom turns a white eye, the fox quilt of this bag is actually pink, pink, too test her acceptability.

“Well, don't pretend you're asleep." Blue Phantom picked up the cup and poured himself a cup of tea. You'll find Ghost Three sleeping in bed still pretending to be asleep. He couldn't help laughing.

“Then go back to sleep, I'm leaving." Blue Phantom dropped the teapot and stood up and ready to leave.

“Little sister is getting busier now, where can I find time to see Brother San?" Ghost 3 picked up the folding fan beside the bed and began to rock. The strange painting style had a sense of joy.

Blue Phantom quickly understood that the news of Brother Sang was the most sensible, I'm afraid he knew long ago to return to Beijing City, but I haven't seen him myself for half a day, so I was just angry. In fact, when I returned to Beijing, I was prepared to come to visit Brother Sang Ruthless Golden Pavilion for the first time, to surprise Brother Sang, but after a delay, I went straight to the palace.

“Why did Brother San become more and more childish, more and more like Master” Blue Phantom is not angry, he has become accustomed to the occasional suction behavior of Ghost Three.

“Humph, you won't let us save our hearts. This water in the capital is too deep. You didn't even tell the master to come directly without planning anything." Ghost 3 dressed up in his robe and reproached the little sister who had no sense of crisis.

“Always come back, now that you have the chance, of course come back," Blue Phantom said.

“That's it, we can't stop what you want to do. Be careful with everything." Ghost 3 sighs. He's a little sister. Don't look at the national color, Tianxiang, the weak poor man, but the bones are stubborn more than anyone else, and with unpredictable bullying.

The Blue Phantom of "Help Me Investigate Pluto Fengxuan" speaks of the main purpose of being here today.

“What, did he piss off little sister?” Ghost 3 asked hastily.

“No, it's just that this person feels too dangerous to me, and a few people are dangerous. Of course, I need to understand clearly." Blue Phantom remembers that Wingxuan, and he can't help it. This kind of person's martial arts is no better than him, and his identity cannot be overwhelmed. It's really a problem.

“Pluto has not much information about him, except for those so-called rumours." Ghost Three frowned and recalled everything about Pluto.

“I'm not in a hurry, I'll go to Ruthless Treasure Palace, Third Brother?” Blue Phantom asked.

“Are you going to sing today?” The three ghosts asked with their eyes open.

Blue Phantom nods.

“Now Zhenzheng Pavilion is definitely going to make money again, you don't know how shocked you are by one of your songs, how many Daguan noble people are in Zhenzheng Pavilion to listen to you, but you, sometimes not once in six months” Ghost Three looked at Blue Phantom and seemed to see that real gold and silver were all in his pocket.

“Third Brother, you are such a traitor, it seems that you want to sell Xingzi like this," Blue Phantom said.

“Hey, Little Sister, this is wronging me. Your Third Brother, I am a good traitor, but I would never sell Little Sister. You are the treasure of Master and Brothers." The ghost smacked his palm and looked seriously at Blue Phantom.

“How's your health? Did you use Chanel to stop the poison?” The three ghost topics changed too quickly, but the real concern was real.

“Well, good, it won't hurt your life for now." Blue Phantom doesn't worry about his body all day because of the poison, although he tries to save it.

Ghost 3 suddenly doesn't know what to say to comfort the little sister in front of you. Do you think you can definitely get rid of your body poison? But after all these years, the poison is still torturing Little Sister. They all know how painful that poison hurts from the time she was a little girl, but their little sister never called anything, never cried. She knows how much such a little sister hurts.

“Heard White Lotus has been on fire lately?” Blue Phantom remembers the most popular woman in this green building called White Lotus.

“Of course, can a woman trained like a little sister not be loved? How many people have lost their lives to see White Lotus? But...” Ghost Three sold the Guan.


“This White Lotus has someone in mind? Guess who?” Ghost Three asked.

“It can't be you. Don't touch the women in this green building. Is this all your money tree?” Blue Phantom warns that Ghost Three loves beauties.

“Now you've wronged me. She looks at you.”
