Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

Chapter 137 Pilot (2)

“In that case, Miss Langsan said yes!” Ansiyen was a little proud to hide in her eyes. She had heard Grandpa say how smart Miss Lansan thought she was. She had never thought she would say yes so much. She was a little girl who couldn't get on the stage. As long as she wins this time, she will seriously humiliate Miss Lansan so that she can't lift her head in Beijing in the future, which is also to avenge the face of her family's last loss.

Ansiyeon thought that Blue Phantom had little talent. Not only did Ansiyeon think so, but everyone at the party said so. How could she have had time to learn the talents of those women if Miss Lan Fu had disappeared for many years before being recovered?

Anseyeon gave a gift to the queen and others in charge, and it had to be said that beauty is good at everything, and so is Anseyeon, but the men who receive attention as beauty waiters are not of any good mind.

The talent that Ansiyeon is going to show is that she painted a daisy diagram. Everyone sat in their seats and watched Ansiyeon paint this daisy flower in the garden. After waiting for a few columns of incense, Ansiyeon demon smiled and put down the brush in his hand. The demon smiled and made many men in the field look hot. She is a woman who can hook people up.

“Shi Yeon drew a daisy diagram and asked the princes and sons to point it out!” Ansiyen bent down slightly to the man's side of the seat, and many of the men whose clavicles were slightly exposed were blinking. Where else would they go to see the painting, they could only look at the beauty in front of them.

Blue Phantom also saw the painting, the method of painting was not skillful and sophisticated enough, and the painting of daisy was not realistic, did not paint the essence of the daisy flower, the daisy flower is a hermit in the flower, has the style of pine cypress and the character of plum flower, but Anseyeon's painting is only empty.

“Miss Langsan, please!” Anseyeon looked at Blue Phantom and said, "I think I've seen Blue Phantom look ugly.

Blue Phantom stood up and gave a slight gift. If Anseyeon attracted attention because of that more beautiful face, then Blue Phantom stood up to attract the attention of everyone. Blue Phantom has a characteristic temperament. It drifts like a fairy, spills like a warrior, fragile like a porcelain, so that many temperament contradictions merge together, forming a characteristic temperament, making people always have to go near it independently.

Several people familiar with her saw her stand up and thought she would pick up the ancient qin and sing a song. After all, they all knew that Blue Phantom was the famous sounding girl of the mainland, and that Blue Phantom was truly unique, but Blue Phantom stood there without taking out the ancient qin or lightly turning on the lips, which many people did not understand.

“Miss Lansan can't do anything, if Miss Lansan really won't, just admit defeat, Siyeon can understand!” Anseyeon's proud voice sounded at the banquet, but it attracted more sympathy.

When people were about to say anything else, the wind's cold eyes swept the entire banquet, and everyone who had been swept by the wind's eyes felt their soul was scared. The feeling of blood that could tear you apart at any moment made people afraid to say anything.

“Dark, pale purple, melting and metallurgical yellow. Ceramic fence colour with aromas in the house.

When it is forbidden to re-emerge, it is really frightening. May the golden parrot rise to the White Jade Hall. ”

The crisp and delicate voice sounded in the room, from the first sentence of Blue Phantom, people stood still, then admiration and shock, no one thought that Blue Phantom was actually exported into poetry. Also, Wenchai was so brilliant, even Fengying Xuan and other people stood still, they didn't think that the girl standing in the field was not only a musician, but now even poetry came with an open mouth, who doesn't like such a girl?