No, no, Shu Xin couldn't believe it was true.

I just had no intersection with the Huo family in the last life, and I knew nothing about the Huo family. Otherwise, I could know the reason.

Shu Xin felt that there must be some misunderstanding.

Yao Huiqin personally sent Shu Xin to Huo Yanqing's residence, as if afraid that Shu Xin could not find the master bedroom, she was also sent upstairs, pushed open the door of the master bedroom, and watched Shu Xin go in, with a certain comfort in his eyes. The ignorance of the light, Wen Wen said: "Tomorrow I will call you to dinner, if you are too tired tonight, you can get up later tomorrow."

Shuxin didn't understand, why was he tired at night?It’s not too tiring to play mahjong.

Huo Yan heard the sound at the door and shouted, "Heart."

"Go, Xiaowu calls you." Yao Huiqin said to Shu Xin with a smile, "I will close the door for you."

Why is this so ambiguous?

Shuxin smiled awkwardly, "Thank you."

Shuxin walked into the room and saw that Huo Yanqing only sat around the bed with a bath towel around her waist, her hair was wet, and her hair was still dripping. It was obvious that she had just taken a shower.

Healthy honey-colored skin, strong chest, sexy abdominal muscles, sultry mermaid line, ah, be crazy, this figure is so good!

Shuxin couldn't move her legs, surprised by the "beauty" in front of her, and stood there staring.

"Come here, help me." Huo Yanqing's voice was low and dyed the freshness after bathing, which was extremely magnetic.

"What help?"

"The wound touched water while taking a bath. Help me get some medicine."

Shu Xin found out that Huo Yan leaned over with an open medicine chest, holding tweezers in his hand and holding a cotton wool. He was just treating himself with a shoulder injury.

Shu Xin put away his thoughts and hurriedly walked over. Although he had guessed that Huo Yanqin's injury should not be light before, when he saw Huo Yanqin's shocking wound on his shoulder, Shu Xin instantly reddened his eyes, and his heart was like an aphid bite. It's as painful as a cone.

Almost the entire right shoulder was bluish-purple, where it was hit by a cement block. The wound was very deep, and the surrounding meat was all scratched, and it was still red.

It's been two days. It's still so serious. It's not difficult to imagine what kind of flesh would be blurred at that time.

The man even lied to her that it was not painful and had a skin trauma.

Shuxin bit his lip to suppress his tumbling emotions, took Huo Yan's tweezers in his hands, dipped in iodophor, and prepared to clean his wounds, but he could not bear to fall with his hands raised in the air.

The wound hasn't completely scabbed, and it must be painful to wipe it on.

Shuxin was the most afraid of pain when she was a child. She could avoid the injection, but at this moment she hoped that she could hurt Huo Yan.

"what happened?"

Shu Xin wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes silently, and didn't speak. The small white hand squeezed the tweezers in her hand before moving gently to treat Huo Yan's wounds.

While cleaning, puff your mouth gently to blow the wound, as if blowing this way will not hurt.

Huo Yan tilted her mouth to dilute a thin smile, and enjoyed Shuxin's lovely and caring service.

Although Shu Xin didn't speak, Huo Yanqing knew she was crying.

His hearing was extremely sensitive, and he could hear something strange from her breath.

How could his little girl be so kind.

After the wound was treated, Shuxin's mood was almost adjusted, and he asked, "Uncle Wu, where do I sleep tonight?"

"I had planned to let you sleep next door, but now I can only sleep here with me."