The chief engineer bowed slightly, "Okay, Mr. Huo."

Only Huo Yanqing, Yang Ji, Shu Youkang, Shu Xin and Huo Chief Engineers entered the haunted house tunnel.

Shu Youkang led the way, Yang Ji followed Huo Yan and followed, followed by Shu Xin and finally the chief engineer.

Shu Xin's eyes kept sticking to Huo Yanqin. Huo Yan asked her last time if Shu Youkang disagreed with them. What she said was that Shu Youkang thought she couldn't reach him.

It stands to reason that he should show as much care to her as possible in front of Shu Youkang, value her, and make Shu Youkang feel that he is sincere to her and don’t care about his identity, so maybe Shu Youkang will be moved by him, and then agree with them together .

But now Huo Yanqing is obviously keeping a distance from her, and the title has also become Miss Shu.

Did he notice anything?

Shu Xin was thinking, Huo Yanqing in front stopped suddenly, and a low voice whispered in the tunnel, "The tunnel is too large, we divided into two sets of acceptance, which can save time. Mr. Shu and our engineers, I and I Miss Shu."

Shu Youkang's eyes swept back and forth on Huo Yanqin and Shu Xin, and then looked forward. The tunnel was divided into two. It is expected to be built in water and land styles, which makes people experience different thrillers." Ok, Mr. Huo, then we will meet at the end of the tunnel."

"Huh." Huo Yan responded faintly, and then turned to Shu Xin behind her, "Miss Shu, please lead the way."

Shu Youkang stared at Shu Xin and Huo Yan leaning away for a moment, before turning around and heading Huo's chief engineer to go the other way.

Turning a corner, Huo Yan stopped, "Heart, come here."

When Shuxin in front heard Huo Yan yelling at her, her heart was slightly warm, stopped, turned around, walked in front of Huo Yanqin a few steps, directly rushed into his arms, holding his waist tightly.

Huo Yan tilted his expression slightly, then smiled at the corners of his eyebrows, one hand clasped the back of the comforting head, one hand gently pinched her chin, and bowed his head to kiss the lips that made him think day and night.

Yang Ji blushed and walked away.

Shu Xin's hands wrapped around Huo Yanqin's smooth neck, responding enthusiastically to his kiss.

The unique masculinity, taste in his mouth, and familiar body temperature all made her miss her.

Huo Yan squeezed her comfortable chin on her waist and clasped it tightly, pressing her hard on him. The girl's body was so soft that he wanted to rub her into his body.

Both kissed urgently, very eagerly, and soon a heavy gasp rang around.

Shu Xin felt like a drowning person, he was about to breathe, but he still couldn't let go of Huo Yanqin, his body was hot, and his legs were so soft that he was about to stand.

Huo Yanqin is much higher than Shu Xin, kissing him. Shu Xin needs to raise his head slightly. Some people lean back. They stand on the tunnel path and kiss. There is nothing to rely on. She is not stable.

Shu Xin opened his eyes slightly, saw Huo Yan leaned behind a stone column, and gently patted Huo Yanqing's shoulder.

Huo Yan opened her heart and pressed her lips, asking, "What's wrong?"

There was a shy smile in the corner of Shuxin's mouth, "My legs are soft and I can't stand, there is a stone pillar behind you..."

Huo Yan tilted Shuxin and him in a different direction, then Shuxin took two steps back, and his back was attached to the stone pillar.