Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

1558 1678, I will always be waiting for you (19)

Mu Qingran glanced through the rear-view mirror at the black car behind him, the two bodyguards. Yesterday she was suddenly hit by Yu Anna against the wall. The two men descended from the sky, and Muranian knew that someone was protecting her in secret.

Later, she noticed that she would follow them when they were in and out, but they were all quiet and could not be found through special observation. They only appeared when she needed them.

Yesterday she asked who they arranged for them to follow her. They said it was Shen Tingxi, and they had been secretly protecting her long and long ago.

How much did the man do for her silently?

Mu Tranquil thought of Shen Tingxi, his heart was warm, and he thought that he was still in the detention center, and the moisture in his heart gradually spread.

Ju Qiulan didn't speak when he saw Mu Tranquility, hesitated for a few seconds and then said, "They seem to be Xi'er."

Mu Tranquility looked back, pressed the sour eye socket, and lightly hummed.

The car fell silent again, and the silence lasted until the two of them sat down in the cafe.

Mu Tranquility's poor language, coupled with his not very friendly relationship with Ju Qiulan, has never taken the initiative to speak.

After the coffee came up, Ju Qiulan spoke again, "I just met Yu Anna."

Mu Serenity didn't know why Ju Qiulan suddenly reported this to her. "Uh", he lowered his head and stirred the coffee quietly.

Ju Qiulan was arrogant, even if she had a peaceful relationship with Mu Tranquility, but the other party kept silent, she also felt particularly embarrassed and uncomfortably cleared her throat, saying: "That night... Xi'er and Yu Anna were not together."

"Huh?" Mu Tranquility looked at Ju Qiulan with some shock. In fact, she understood Ju Qiulan's words, but she was afraid that she had misunderstood.

Ju Qiulan thought of the absurd things he had done, and could not look directly at Mu Jingqing's clear eyes. He uncomfortably opened his eyes. "It was the night when I took the medicine. Xi'er didn't touch Yu Anna."

Mu Serenity's heartbeat began to speed up, joy filled his heart, and the corner of his mouth did not consciously lift up slightly. After knowing that Mu Yiqing was his father yesterday, she was still thinking that she and Yu Anna were half-sisters. My sister was with her beloved man, and I felt awkward at all, and it was particularly uncomfortable to think about.

Unexpectedly, I heard such good news today. Mu Qingran was so happy that he did not know what to do. He took a sip of coffee and was too hot, and hurriedly put it down. I don’t know if it was hot or excited. Tears accumulated in my eyes. Spin around.

Ju Qiulan looked at Mu Tranquility's reaction and felt more guilty in her heart, which allowed her to admit mistakes for those things in the past. Her character, especially in front of people she once looked down upon, could not do it.

I can only explain what happened that night as far as possible, "Xieer did not know about the personnel that night, so he did not know whether there was any relationship afterwards. It was all about Yu Anna’s mouth. The blood on the bed was Yu Anna’s own hand. Made it..."

After a pause, Ju Qiulan took a sip of coffee and continued, "The medicine is from me, and the medicine is very heavy. I don't know how Xi'er survived..."

Ju Qiulan sighed softly, "Probably this is the fate between you."

Mu Tranquility wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and whispered, "Thank you."

Ju Qiulan heard the word thank you slightly stunned. She has always been opposed between Mu Tingxi and Shen Tingxi. She has also done a lot of breaking up the two people, especially the medicine. She is planning it by herself. Now she says thank you to her?

Mu Jing’s generosity made Ju Qiulan feel that her pattern was extremely small, and she felt a sense of selflessness.

The old face was unconsciously red, Ju Qiulan took the coffee and bowed his head to squeeze, concealing his uncomfortable.

Mu Qingran saw Ju Qiulan's strange appearance, and also felt that Ju Qiulan was showing her favor, her tone of speech, and the explanation of the drug administration. This was an attitude.

Ju Qiulan is an elder and has a strong personality. It is basically impossible for her to apologize to her.

In the past, I didn't mind saying anything, Mu Mujing couldn't say it, because it was also against my heart.

But Ju Qiulan is Shen Tingxi’s mother. Hu Xin'er said that Ju Qiulan occupies a very important position in Shen Tingxi’s heart. For the man who loves her and she loves deeply, she is willing to try her best to ease the relationship between the two. To be at peace, at least don't be tit-for-tat.

After Mu Tranquility calmed down his inner excitement, he said softly, "Auntie, in order to prevent Tingxi from embarrassing us, shall we try our best to stay calm?"

Ju Qiulan looked up at Mu Tranquility, the girl's clear eyes without traces of impurities, no pleasing, only the truth.

The more critical the moment, the better one can see one's heart. In Xi'er's most difficult time, Mu Tranquility did not choose to leave, but instead eased the relationship with her regardless of previous suspicions.

Before Ju Qiulan just felt ashamed of Mu Tranquility, at this moment, she had begun to regret the things she had done. She had spared no room to hurt someone who was sincere to Xi'er.

Ju Qiulan looked away, looked at the sour astringency in her eyes, and pretended to take a sip of coffee before calmly speaking, "Okay."

The two sat quietly again for a moment, and Mu Heran hesitated for a moment, unable to resist the thoughts in his heart, and said in the end, "Auntie, can you help me see the west side of the court?"

Originally, she could ask Huo Yanqing for help, but Huo Yanqing was too busy with Shen Tingxi for a few days, as well as his own company, the time to spend time with her was reduced. She can't be selfish enough to trouble him again.

After Shen Tingxi got in, Ju Qiulan hadn’t seen him yet. Shen Jiuyan had recovered from his illness, and he needed to deal with the dark tide in the help, as well as Xi’er’s affairs. He didn’t want to put a burden on Shen Jiuyan. Did not mention.

The first time Mu Serenity asked her to help, Ju Qiulan didn't know what to do, or she was looking for someone cheeky, how many people would sell her a little thin noodles?

Thinking of Ju Qiulan like this: "I try my best, but I can't guarantee that I can see it."

Mu tranquil nodded, "Well."


Mu Qingran received Ju Qiulan's call on the next morning. The two of them agreed to meet at the door of the police station.

When Mu Tranquility arrived, Ju Qiulan was already waiting there.

"Can't stay too long, you make a long story short." Ju Qiulan said.

Mu Jingjing suppressed his inner excitement and nodded.

The two went in, and a man in uniform led them all the way to the door of the room where Shen Tingxi was detained. "You can only enter one person, and the time cannot exceed ten minutes."

Ju Qiulan was a little disappointed, "Can't two people?"

The uniformed man frowned and shook his head in embarrassment.

Ju Qiulan looked back at Mu Tranquility, "Go in, let Xi'er not worry, his father is thinking of a way, and he will be able to get him out soon."