From time to time, Wu Yuan will come to audition to follow up on the progress after he has set up to star in the first issue of "Tang Bien". The hardest part of a historical drama is to study, followed by an actor. His qualifications have been deep enough, but the popularity has been wandering at this critical point for a long time. "Tang Bien" is a work he is prepared to fight for. Every character in this play he has studied carefully, and the selection of matching characters is beyond the ordinary interest.

When he entered the audition room, his first reaction was, "How can you be so quiet today?"

There are obviously a lot of people sitting in the hall as usual, but even a needle may fall on the floor quietly and hear voices. Wu Yuan heard the crisp sound of contact between his heel and the ground. He stopped at once. He looked around a little embarrassed and found that it might be too dark in the hall, and no one noticed his arrival.

The lights were all concentrated on the empty space at the judging table, and Wu went back to God, and immediately his attention, like those around him, was sucked away by the youth who stood at the center of the light.

When Rodin plays, he likes to look directly at his opponents. This habit of easy laughing ground has been preserved since the first play, which will give him the illusion of mingling with the characters in the play and make it easier for him to enter. But this habit is not so good for his opponent. As Rodin's acting becomes more sophisticated and powerful, it is easy for the person who looks at him in front of the camera to be carried away by his eyes, and then overwhelmed by him in his momentum.

At the audition, when no one was playing, he cast his own eyes on Zheng Kezhen's face, fantasizing that Zheng Kezhen was the lobbyist who came to lobby him into the Dynasty as an official.

Zheng Kezhen only felt that he was sucked in by those deeply blind eyes. He couldn't touch the heavens and the earth, and his feet were soft. At first, Rodin just looked at him faceless, even though he seemed to hear something funny, the muscles in the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, pulling out an arc that wasn't even a smile: “Go away ——” as if he wasn't in love at all. After he finished this sentence, his arm threw a subtle arc, like wearing an invisible broad-sleeved robe, the footsteps were lightly like the next second to feather Deng Xian. Zheng Kezheng's consciousness reached out in his direction. He had yet to move, but the other party suddenly stopped.

He stopped there, his head slowly lowered, wondering what he heard, and his heart seemed to weigh something violently.

Zheng Kezhen has slowly stood up, his heart began to unconsciously repeat the line of the lobbyist in this scene, and his lips began to creep slightly as his heart said.

Rodin suddenly trembled as he was about to finish the sentence, as if he was laughing behind their back.

When he turned his head, he had an unfaden smile on his face. The sense of unreality in the upright cloud grew stronger. The smile was thin and weird, and no one could see what it meant. This time, Rodin didn't look Zheng Kezhen in the eye.

His gaze swiftly swept around Zheng Kezhen's face. His eyes were dim, as if he were hiding something he could not tell. "Li..."

He quickly discovered his mouth error, flashed a slight aversion in his eyes, and continued in a frozen fashion: “Holy - is that what he really said? ”

When he heard the other person's answer, his eyes were even more subtle: “So much for the people…" At the end of the sentence, his voice cavity carried an unheard laugh, and his eyes were blinded, “Excellent. ”

This short change, the lines are distinct from what the whistle says, but anyone who knows the plot can easily feel the contradictions and inequalities in his heart.

Then Rodin stunned again, and after three seconds he retrieved his gaze from the distant sky, holding his mouth to restore his cool image.

“I'll come with you. ”

Once his expression was finished, his full face disappeared without a trace. He bowed one step backwards towards the chairman of the jury: "I'm sorry, Zheng Zhi, Deng Zhi, my name is Luoding. What I'm auditioning for is the character of Zhongfuzhu in Tang." ”

When he made the scene, the silence of the scene was broken, and the staff at the rear began to turn to each other and talk. Zheng Kezheng opened his mouth and didn't say a word. Nah, he shouted: “Vu...”

“Yes!” His words were too late to exit, but before he knew each other, he opened his mouth one step, and Zheng Kezhen's heart was frightened by the sudden clapping and screaming. Then he looked back at God and found out that the people were actually far away. He couldn't get angry with Wu because he was interrupted. He could only wrinkle his eyebrows and put his gaze back on Rodin. He couldn't help but thrill.

Now Rodin looks like the two people who were just completely out-of-the-box. Although the eyebrows haven't changed, neither his eyes nor his looks, nor even his unclear temperament around him, have faded away that layer of immortality that can't be climbed, adding a hint of freshness and hardness. Compared to each hair silk filled with "Don't come near me", it's obvious that Rodin is much more real now, and it's easy to get a crush on him.

He and Deng Jian, who had just been brought in beside him, looked at each other clearly and saw the same surprise and ecstasy as himself. In fact, when the ancients were codifying the text, because of the simplicity of the word, there were often overstated characters whose attributes were described. Like Fu Zhu, the book says that this person is clean and flowing, the four words are quite understandable, but unlike the world, even Zheng Kezhen can't touch his mind. His original goal was just to find an independent performer who could deduce the light and spiritual survival of the Volkswagen and add some similar visual effects through light and later stages, but he really didn't expect that someone in the world could actually dedicate that kind of feathered spirit to the immortal on the scene!


They've never heard that name before. It's incredible. With this kind of acting and appearance, you can make a lot of noise by looking for a tricky movie, okay?

Wu Yuan walked slowly from the rear to the front of the stage. The closer he got, the more amazing he felt.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to confess that he had just arrived in town after a short performance by Rodin.

Wu Yuan has been mixing in the entertainment industry for more than 10 years, starting with children's stars, and being able to sit near the top of today's TV scene male stars, is by a staircase slowly accumulated by a play. There were not enough opponents he had worked with, but there were hundreds of them. He even had contact with some of the movie leaders who had specially participated in television, but the shock he had been given at that moment was stronger than ever since he came out.

The slightly picked eyebrows, the light temperament and subtlety can show the mental perfection of the little movement, so far apart, Wu Yuan distinguishes the emotions of the characters he is going to express without any difference. On the acting level alone, Wu Yuan asked himself about the downwind of Gambai, he lost no pants left.

The moment after the scene, many emotions became more curious. With this ability, even with fewer opportunities, one cannot remain anonymous for the rest of their lives. It can be tough not to help the entertainment industry, but as long as your fists are strong enough, there will always be talented people willing to pursue them.

Wu Yuan was stubbornly surprised when he came close enough to have been able to shift his attention from the temperament of the other party to the five officials.

The most important thing in the entertainment industry is the handsome man and beautiful woman, even Wu Yuan himself is a handsome man who can be recognized by the crowd of cranes walking down the street at a glance, but the five functions are as refined as the person in front of him every minute is like carefully carved out, but few, the woman Liu can far recall several top beautiful women, but among the men, except for the existence of the freshness of the plastic surgery, he really can not remember the second except for each other.

“Are you new?” Wu Yuan jumped in front of Rodin in surprise and couldn't help but weigh in. It was against the sky! His eyelashes were so long, like makeup, Pan Yiming saw it and had to die of idiocy!

Luo Ding recognized who he was at the first sight. He and Wu Yuan have also had face-to-face conversations at various awards parties in his previous life. The other party's privately had some off-line personality already learned, and he took a step backwards in silence: “Hello, my name is Luo Ding. I used to be a singer. If you shoot a film, you can really be a new person. ”

As he put it, the repeated doubts of not many people on the scene were resolved. Zheng Kezhen also took a long sigh of relief. He said, "How can such an act have always been nameless? It turns out he chose the wrong path to go to the mixed music forum." The idea was just for a moment, and the next second he realized —— this is the new guy!?

How could such an act, such an onset typhoon, be a newbie?! Zheng Kezhen himself is the director, how can you not understand what this means? How many old actors' old theater bones have been quenched for decades without necessarily having Rodin's skill in making every move. Such lines and subtle facial changes made him feel uncomfortable from the beginning. He could not remember exactly what and where. After Rodin answered Wu Yuan's words, he became clear-minded - Rodin this guy, whether it was his casual temperament or his pure acting, was so out of tune with his face!

Isn't this guy a fairy monster?

Zheng Kezhen slapped the table, shook the pen away all the way, and forgot everything for a while.

He reached out to Rodin and said, "There you are! Volkswagen!”

Rodin seemed surprised and stepped aside to smile and still looked so gentle: “Thanks to Zheng Zheng's cultivation, I will certainly live up to your expectations. ”

From the moment he found out that the director was Zheng Kezhen, he realized that his audition would have to be held steady. Zheng Kezhen's stubbornness and sophistication are as famous as his talent. Which of those Ministry's classic documentaries is he not the head to toe director? A director like this is the most convenient person to get along with, but with strength, he must be more afraid of the appearance of Black Curtain and Dark Box than an actor for his own work.

The atmosphere was peaceful, but the group of artists who auditioned with Rodin only mourned and were brushed off without even having a chance to open the line for half a day. Although this is very common, it can be depressing and half-dead every time.

Luo Dinghui listened to Zheng Kezhen on a series of subsequent orders, suddenly felt a bunch of real eyes hit him.

He looked unconsciously at the past in the direction of his eyes, and in the darkness, he could only see the gleaming eyes of the light reflecting his emotions in the upward whistle.