Red Alert Superspace Corps

Chapter 502, Strong deterrent signal

Pen Fu, the fastest update red police super-time warfare group latest chapter! The Secretary of the Central Bureau of Love Mike listened to Matives, shook his head and said:

"Strictly speaking, it is not a wide range of peacefulists. He is an actual action, never saying peace in his mouth, nor the people who will only stand up and call peace, but a means that will use their own. To achieve peace, the most critical is that he has powerful force for peace. "

Mike's explanation, let three people present, they are silent.

This kind of person is the least dealt of, standing in the country, the interest is the first pursuit, and in order to the fundamental interests of the country, the United States is not a war, the United States can always have a long-awa-worry.

"That is to say, this future military resource company from Somali is also for the so-called peace?" Martis asked.

"There is such a purpose, but do not rule out other reasons, according to our information, the future technology group is from Somalia, because Somalia promises to completely accept the conditions of the future technology group, this condition is Somalia will become The second Tanzan Bike said Mike.

"This condition we already know, then talk about the reason you have been hurry." *** said.

"After the new product conference in the future technology group, the founder and investor of the world's top technology enterprises were all invited by Fan Zeze, visiting a production workshop of the future technology group, and then went to the satellite launch center in Tanzan. .

We subsequently learned that in the factory, Fan Zeze personally greeted these people, and showed the 3D printing technology of the future technology group. In the future, the technology group used half an hour, printing a diameter ten meters, length ninety-five The heavy-duty launch rocket of the rice, the rocket is printed, it is a finished product, and it is not necessary to add any equipment. It can only be put into use with the fuel.

In the Rocket Launch Center, witness the launch of the launch of the launch, this launching carrier, the same type of heavy-duty launch rocket, the specific data I will submit a written report.

This rocket is not only printed with 3D, but it has returned to the atmosphere after entering space, and the ability to defend the sea platform, the rocket can be highly recycled.

It is reported that the cost of the launch is not $ 40 million, and the future technology group has also rejected the record of the maximum load quality of the human launch rocket, and also refreshed a multi-star high up to one arrow. Record of hundreds of satellites.

An arrow seven hundred satellites, each satellite quality is 250 kg, which will fully cover the earth's near-way track, providing satellite network coverage for the ground, will also be the world's most sophisticated global positioning system.

According to the news we learned, the future technology group carries the Rockets space cabin, with the ability to release satellites in different orbits, different heights, release satellites. The thrust and carrying capacity of rockets can be transported to the height of 500 kilometers from the ground. "

Mike is a series of focus on reporting reports.

When he received this information, he was stupid, just like these three people in front of him, not the same.

For the country, why is the launch rockets are high-end technologies, that is, the carrier is actually missile.

Every country that has been launched by carriers is almost almost equivalent to technology with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

One arrow star, in fact it is a kind of intercontinental ballistic missile multi-war technology, according to the difficulty of the two stars, it can also infer a basis for the level of the international ballistic missile multi-war guide technology.

Of course, in order to save costs, the carriers of countries will not be too big.

However, the future technology group can print out a carrier rocket for half an hour, and can also be controlled to the ground, and the high cost of carrier the rocket can be controlled.

Didn't hear, launching a seven hundred stars carrying rockets, the entire launch cost is only 40 million US dollars.

For every time the world's world launches the rocket, it is a hundreds of millions of dollars, which is cheap.

And if you launch the same quality launch rocket, the cheap cost is even less than ten times more than the US launching Saturn.

"Do you think that future Technology Group has already mastered the technology of mature intercontinental missiles, and has a very advanced multi-war guidance technology?" *** is not a military expert, but how many stops will be understood.

"It is not only a problem, but the future technology group may have more multi-war guidance technology, which will exceed our estimate, because from the means of freedom to place the satellite from the other space capsule, the future technology group really has Intercontinental balls If the missile technology, its multi-war guidance technology is very terrible, and it is very likely that each multi-war guidance means will have advanced rail technology.

As a result of the launching satellite, if the carrier is not seven hundred satellites, but the seven hundred quality in 250 kilograms of neutron bombs, it can easily achieve the exact blow to us, and our The anti-missile system is not able to defend such an attack. Mike is very serious.

"The future technology group has neules?" Martis asked: "Or say that you have evidence to show that the future technology group has a nuclear weapon?"

"Mr. Minister, the nuclear energy technology owned by the future technology group, from the mature technology of the molten salt reactor, the future technology group has no nuclear weapons, just think that the problem does not want to have, as long as Fan Zeze wants to nuclear weapons, the future technology group has This kind of suspicion is now manufactured, so this suspicion is not. "

No Mike solution, Ma Lan said: "Future military resources company in the battle of Mogadisha, in a fully rolled advantage, in the city of Mogadis, realized zero casualties, all The anti-government armed forces, the routine combat power is quite amazing, plus this launch rocket, I feel a very strong signal, which is obvious to shock the world, including shocking us. "

Martis heard the words, it seems that some can't serve, but Ma Lan continued: "Mr. Minister, you are the departure of the Marine Corps, you should be very clear, change The Marine Corps fully attacked Mogadisha, and it is impossible to play such excellent records. "
