Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 67.

"Thor?!!! I'm sorry. I'm sorry! When did you show up here-", Subaru retracted his hand like an electric shock and apologized to Tor.

Thor folded his arms over his chest and looked at Subaru with a look of relief, "I'm so happy that Subaru has finally taken the initiative on me..."

"No it isn't! It's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

"So happy..."

"Hey hey! Are you listening to me?!"

"Gotta tell Misao the good news soon, she'll be happy!" , and after saying that Thor ran straight downstairs.

"Ah-!!! Thor! Stop it now!" Subaru even chased after her, and if she did tell Misao-san, it wouldn't be good news then - bah, it wouldn't be good news in the first place!


"Thank you for your guidance!"

The next day, the women's basketball club's practice was over, the grounds were packed up, and everyone was ready to go home.

"Ah, wait, guys, I still have something to say." , Subaru called out to the crowd who were about to leave.

"Well?" , all five of them stopped and looked at Subaru quizzically.

"That is, just, I wanted to ask, do you have time tomorrow afternoon?"

"Us?" , Mansail tilted her head and made eye contact with the others for a moment, "There's no training tomorrow, so I guess... there will be."

"That's great! There's a place, can I ask you to come with me?"

Let Jihana and the others attend Run and the others' Live, then the five of them will be touched by the three of them who are also working hard for their dreams, right? Whether it was basketball or music, the way everyone worked hard for their goals was the same, and that was why Subaru wanted to agree to Jun and the others in the first place. Subaru wanted this Live to be a bridge for them to communicate with each other, instead of just meeting to fight.

Jihana didn't have much of an expression, Subaru had told Jihana about this a long time ago, and knew the time of Run's three Live, but the other four seemed to have misunderstood something....

"HEY?!!! Could it be that tomorrow, Subaru wants to go on a date with us?!" , Saeki covered her mouth in surprise and made some more remarkable statement, and then this statement exploded the atmosphere that was still quite calm in an instant.

"Ah!!! A date or something, this, that, yah~~", already shy, once she heard Saeki say that, Avery's body went soft and she just sat on the floor.

"Is that so." I understand," and nodded to Subaru, "Good job Subaru, it won't be unfair to date all five of us at the same time! I've decided to forgive you for what happened last time!"

"Oh~ Oni-san, want to go on a date with Hyuga?" , Hyuga tilted his head, then hugged Subaru's waist happily, "Hyuga, I want to go to the amusement park~~"

"Hey, guys, it's not like that...hear me out! Hey! Jihana, you also help me say-", Subaru said even waving his hand to try to calm everyone down, but in the end, no one listened at all.

"Ah, do you want to go on a date with Subaru-nii-san tomorrow, what kind of clothes should I wear, a skirt or a kimono, a kimono would still give off too traditional a feeling, or should I wear a skirt-"

"Chihuahua?! Even you?!" , Subaru looked at Jihana incredulously, he had thought that Jihana who knew about Run and the others would be able to help explain herself, but who would have thought that even Jihana would be brought in.

"Really, all of you calm down and listen to me!!!"


"What? So it's not a date! By the way, what Live ah." , Makifumi pouted and stomped her foot in dissatisfaction.

After spending a lot of effort to explain, the loli finally calmed down. However, one by one, their faces didn't seem to look very good....

"Well, I heard about what a nearby Live looks like, so I was more interested and wanted to ask if you guys had time to go to Live with me, so..."

"No go!" , True Sail rejected it outright, not giving it the slightest chance.

"Oh~ Hyuga, I can go say~", even though it wasn't a date, Hyuga was still quite happy.

"That, Live, I don't feel like I can stand the atmosphere there very well, so...", Ally weakly raised her hand and said, for a personality like hers, it's true that she's a bit uncomfortable with the fiery atmosphere of the scene. However, this wasn't that kind of Live, so Subaru decided to explain it to Ally afterwards.

"But...", Sae pushed up her glasses and blushed unconsciously, "Don't couples who go Live with Subaru-nii-san and are on a date do that a lot, and for the record, it seems like it's still a date. "

"It seems so hey..."

After a few seconds of silence.

"Subaru-san, please make sure I come along!" , Ellie said with a squeezed fist and a determined face.

HEY?!!! I thought you said you couldn't get used to the atmosphere there! You're acting like you're going to die for me, Ellie!

"Let's just say it's a date, then I'll go." , Manami smiled happily, and his little tiger teeth showed, not even noticing that he still looked angry just now.

Why would you go if you said it was going to be a date! And it's not even a date, okay?

"Oh~~ If it's a date, Hyuga will be happy to say that~~"

Ahaha...if Hyuga-san says so, then it's a date~~!

"It really is better to think about what to wear, let's decide it's a skirt, but which one exactly should I wear, or let's choose -"

Chihuahua too....

Subaru looked helplessly at the five people who had become confused again.

"Hey, hey, the school bus is about to leave-"

Subaru shouted with his hands in the shape of a trumpet, but of course, no one could hear what he was saying.

What the hell will happen tomorrow... Subaru began to worry somehow about the Live that was already completely prepared.

Chapter 117: Subaru who was tricked

"Chihuahua and the others, they're a bit slow..."

Subaru took a look at his watch and looked around.

"Hey~~! Subaru! Here we go!" , Makifumi's voice suddenly sounded, Subaru looked towards the source of the voice, and the five people from the women's basketball club were waving to themselves, walking towards this way.

Oh!!!! That's quite a delight to watch! Since it was the weekend, no one was wearing school uniforms, and that's when everyone's different styles were fully reflected.

Mafan was a lively denim shorts and t-shirt, a sports girl's image. Hyuga was a cute white silk skirt. Saji is a more conservative light blue skirt. Ally is in a long yellow skirt, probably because she is shy and doesn't want to attract attention. Lastly, Ji Hana is wearing a cute little purple dress with a matching wristband, as if she is a daughter of a noble family.

Compared to everyone else who looks like a group of blooming flowers, Subaru herself looks very ordinary. Ordinary jeans and a T-shirt, but other than her face, she really didn't have anything to look at.

"Subaru-nii, sorry for waiting."

"No no, it's just that I came earlier. By the way, everyone's dressed beautifully today! It's cute!"

Subaru's reactions to this compliment were clearly split between the five for a moment, with Chihika Saji and Ally all shying a bit, and the words of Manabu and Hyuga...

"Of course it is! Even if it's a date with five people, you have to split the difference!" , Manabu generously accepted Subaru's praise and even made a declaration of victory.

"Oh~~ If Oni-san likes it, I'll only show it to Oni-san from now on, oh?" , Hyuga was even more exaggerated than Manabu, and just started attacking.

"Hyuga-san, you can't say such things lah...", Subaru bent down and touched Hyuga's head, if anyone heard it he would really be arrested as a loli control.

"Sar, since we're all here, we're off, there's not much time left before Live starts."


"That, Subaru-nii-san, may I ask which band is hosting the Live? I don't think I've heard anything about it around here lately, so don't you have to charge an entrance fee?" , Saji pushed up her glasses, confused.

"Well, you'll know when we get there, and as for the tickets, it's free so don't worry about it at all lah."

A few minutes later, the crowd arrived at the entrance of the church. Since the journey was familiar, everyone had a presumably hesitant expression, and when Subaru stood in front of the church, basically everyone guessed Subaru's intentions.

Saji stared blankly at the church with its doors open and said, "Brother Subaru, the band you're talking about, could it be..."

Subaru nodded, confirming Saeki's suspicions, "Yes, it's Run and the three of them who will be hosting Live today-"

"Ah!!! Subaru, how dare you betray us!" , Manabu stomped his foot angrily and pointed at Subaru excitedly.

Subaru even waved his hand, "Calm down calm down, I didn't betray you all, there's a reason why I let you all come to this Live today!"

"Well, I don't believe you have any reason to!"

"It's true, True Sail, and everyone else, just calm down and listen to me..."

After that, Subaru explained to the five of them in detail what had happened with Run and the others over the past few days. The five were a little touched when they talked about how Run and the others had successfully held a Live even though they had asked someone like Subaru, who they had never met before, to do it, as if they had seen how hard they had worked to defeat the boy's club, but when it came to creating songs later, the atmosphere that had just eased up a little exploded again.

"What?! Subaru! You even wrote a song for them! No fair! You haven't even composed a song for us yet, even though we were here first! No fair!" , True Sail stomped the ground a few more times angrily, poor shoes, not a bad day to be devastated.

True Sail play basketball and they are in music, it's not like the two are the same thing, and your lines sound a bit dangerous ah....

"That, True Sail, I've been teaching you guys how to play basketball, I can't teach Run and the others how to play basketball and teach you music..."

"That has nothing to do with this! Subaru is no good anyway! It's all Subaru's fault!"

It's simply an unruly lady, Shinhan... The others also showed more or less disgruntled jealous expressions. Especially Hyuga, whose cheeks puffed up like a small bun, more like selling out than being jealous.

Sighing and giving in to the five's lewdness, Subaru compromised, "Then next time, I'll also compose a song for you five and give it to you to sing, that's fine."

"Really?!!" , not only True Sail, but the other four were also bright-eyed, as if they had received some valuable gift.

"Really." , Subaru nodded helplessly.

"Wow! Great!" , the little lollies happily discussed, and for a while, Subaru couldn't get any words in again.

"Ahem, back to the main topic, just now I also told you in detail about Run and the others, in the end, when I would agree to them in the first place, I also saw your shadow in them. You guys are all working tirelessly for your goals, so all the more reason to get along. I invited you guys to Live today, both to give Jun and the girls encouragement and also to give you all a bridge of communication, so please, come in with me!" , Subaru bowed his head slightly, showing his sincerity to everyone.

"Puh-hahaha!" , suddenly all five of them laughed, leaving Subaru, who was still confused, looking at everyone with a confused face.

"Subaru is really stupid, we were actually going to get along with them, or we wouldn't have come at all today." , Makifumi elbowed Subaru in the stomach.

"Hey?" Subaru is still confused, but how would Manabu know that the members of the band are Jun and the others, unless... Subaru looks at Tomohana, who bows her head in embarrassment as soon as she meets Subaru's eyes.

So it was you who told on them, Tomohana!

"I was about to act like I suddenly knew for a while to get mad at Subaru-san for hiding it from us for so long, but I didn't expect to get something unexpected." , Saji also hid a light laugh and added.

"In fact, even if Jihana doesn't tell us, we can still roughly guess that Subaru-san is such a gentle person and didn't give up on us in the first place, and we don't think Subaru-san would have given up on them either." , Ally continued to add.

"Oh~ Oni-san, very gentle to say~", Hyuga stood on her tiptoes vigorously, she had wanted to touch Subaru's head, but she couldn't reach it, so she had to settle for rubbing Subaru's face.

"Everyone...", Subaru looked at the five of them with emotion, it's really great to be understood like that... but, what can I say, there's always a feeling of being thoroughly unhappy about being looked at....

"Subaru, remember our date! In the future, we will have to compose a tune for the five of us, and it will have to be sung by all five of us!"

"Yes yes~~ I know." , Subaru nodded with a 'completing this isn't a piece of cake' expression. Having the memories of so many songs from her previous life, it really was a piece of cake to do this.

"Well, after all this time talking, it's almost time to start, let's go in now, or we won't have any seats later oh." , Subaru clapped his hands and said to the five.


Chapter 118 Live begins!

"There's quite a crowd here." , Subaru walked in with the five of Jihana, there were more than half of the pews in the church now, and in a little while it would probably be full.

"Subaru, let's sit over there!" Shinpai held Subaru by the arm and pointed to a corner seat.

Subaru nodded in agreement with a little thought, then took a step ahead and sat in the very back.

"Ah, no, no, Subaru get me to the middle seat." , Manabu said as he dragged Subaru to the middle of the seat. Then the little lollies took their seats in a whirlwind, and by the time they came back to their senses Truefan and Chihuahua alone occupied one side, Sage and Ellie were on the more peripheral side, leaving only Hyuga standing in place.

True Sail wrapped his arms around them and smiled proudly, "Haha, Hyuga, you'll have to sit in the third circle now!"

"Ohhhh?" , Hyuga tilted his head, "Hyuga, have your own seat oh~"

"Hey-shew~", Hyuga tugged at her skirt and then sat down on her butt.

"Hyuga sauce?!"


The five Subaru's shrieked at the same time. Because the seat that Hyuga was talking about himself was actually on Subaru's lap... Subaru was shocked by Hyuga's sudden action and raised his hands and stiffened his body.

"Oh~~ Oni-san seat!" , Hyuga held up his hands, his head still rubbing against Subaru's arms.

Subaru finally came back to his senses and carefully said to Hyuga, who was so happy that he was bobbing his head, "Hyuga-san, that, can you come down...?"

"Ohhhh, why?"

Before Subaru could say anything, Saji answered for Subaru, "Look, there are so many other people around, you're going to cause trouble for Subaru-san."

"Yeah, yeah." , Chihika echoed first.

"Oh~ But, no one is looking towards Hyuga-san oh?" , Hyuga tilted his head, confused, as if he was confused as to why people were reacting so strongly to the Onigiri-san seat.

"Hey? So it seems like hey...", Subaru looked around and noticed that everyone was basically talking about the upcoming Live, and that Manabu had chosen the most corner spot again, so no one was even paying attention to this side from the beginning.


For a moment, no one knew what to say, and Subaru was at a loss for words. Just let Hyuga come down? Come on, you can't stand such a cute Hyuga sauce? Doesn't your conscience hurt?

"Oh~ Oni-san seat, soft and comfortable to say~", Hyuga yawned and used Subaru as a reclining chair to fall directly on Subaru's body, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

It's too, too close! Subaru tried his best to lean back as far as he could, but with every little bit of leaning back Hyuga stuck a little closer, and Subaru had also stuck to the back of the chair, there was no way back.