Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics, chapter 80.

"Welcome-", it was Kenjiro who opened the door, and as soon as he saw it was Subaru, Kenjiro came out to greet him warmly, "Subaru's already here, come on, come on in."

"Excuse me then." , Subaru nodded to Kenjiro and walked in with Kanna and Tor.

"Is Sakamoto-sensei here already?" The people in the living room, hearing Kenjiro's words, all flocked to the entrance to greet Subaru. Subaru took a general look at the three men and two women, in addition to the Masamune he knew.

"That, hello everyone, first time meeting, I'm Sakamoto, my real name is Subaru Hasegawa, please let me know." , Subaru bowed slightly, then introduced the two behind him, "These two are my cousins, this is Hasegawa Tor and this is Hasegawa Kanna."

"Yes! Please teach me for the first time!" , Thor folded his hands in front of him and bowed ladylike.

"Humm, please teach me more." , Kanna also followed Tor's example and bowed.

As soon as Subaru was introduced on this side, before he was introduced on the other side, he already blew up.

"Sister?! Sakamoto-sensei, you actually have two sisters! Or is it so cute?!" The young man who headed the group looked like he had been struck by lightning and looked at Subaru with an exaggerated shock.

"Wow! What kind of creature is this, it's so cute~!" , the other two girls flashed in front of Kanna as if they saw some rare creature, their eyes all in the shape of little stars.

"Ehehehe~~ Come give your sister a hug, okay." , the girl with silver hair and blue pupils and wearing a black knitted dress stretched out her hands towards Conner, her saliva almost flowing down.

"Don't." , Kanna stepped back fearfully and then hid behind Subaru, grabbing Subaru's pants and looking nervously at the girl.

"Ehehe, it sure is cute." , Kanna's rejection not only didn't make the young girl angry, but the young girl held her face and shifted happily.

For a while, it was supposed to be the perfect end of the self-introduction session when Subaru was introduced and then the master's side introduced themselves. But, one hiding in the corner drawing circles, two staring at Kanna were about to drool, all messed up....

"Hey! I say, you guys, is there any ownership at all? Subaru is a guest!" , Kenjiro picked up Izuki, who was alone and frustrated in the corner, and shouted loudly.

The young man with yellow-brown hair and glasses at the side puffed out his hands and said helplessly, "Mr. Editor, I was going to say hello properly, but who knew Sakamoto-sensei was so foul, and as a result, well..." this my pot....

"Ahem! All in all, just don't stay in the entrance all the time, let's go to the living room for introductions and all that!" , Kenjiro greeted everyone and dragged Izuki inside the living room by his collar, watching Subaru in a daze....

"Okay, now let's start introducing ourselves!" , Izuki finally came back to her senses, though she still looked devastated, "I'm Hashima Izuki, 20 years old, light novelist. The motto is... Sister First, Sister Sai High! A life without a sister isn't a perfect life at all!" , Izuki raised her hand as if she was taking an oath.

No wonder... Subaru was speechless for a while. No wonder Editor-san warned himself to be careful of a super sister-controlled writer, I thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seemed to be a very apt description....

"Yes, yes, yes~ It's my turn, it's my turn!" , the silver-haired girl next to Izuki raised her hand, "My name is Chloe Nayuta, 18 years old, um... identity is, Senior's fiancée!"

"Crab male don't talk nonsense." , Izuki knocked Chloe Nayuta's head and the latter threw out his tongue and didn't say anything else.

"Chloe Nayuta? You're the author of the "Scenery" series?" , Subaru asked in surprise, a name Subaru had heard before.

"Hey? Do you know me? Yes, it's that Chloe Nayuta. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who are interested in this, but I don't think you'll be able to find them.

Then next to the long-haired brown girl also introduced herself: "My name is Shirakawa Kyo, college student, Izuki's classmate, first meeting please advise."

"Well - I'm Not Broken Haruto, first time meeting please teach me, Sakamoto-sensei can call me Not Broken or Haruto all of them." , the young man who originally said Subaru was foul pushed his glasses.

"My name is Hashima Chihiro, I'm Izuki's brother, please teach me more." , the last boy who spoke introduced himself.


Subaru was a little surprised when he heard the name, somehow connected to Miyazaki Hayao's "Spirited Away", but the Spirited Away in that was a girl, and the one in front of her was just a boy....

No, a cute boy? After taking a closer look at Chihiro, Subaru thought that Chihiro was like a cute girl. It was probably due to the hints in Chihiro's mind....

"That, I won't introduce myself, Subaru and I already know each other.", I waited until everyone was done before speaking. , waiting until everyone had finished before Masamune spoke.

"Hey, do you guys know each other." , Izuki asked, looking at Subaru and then Masamune.

"Well, we met and talked for a while at the last Subaru autograph sale."

"Yes.", Subaru nodded his head to Masamune. , Subaru nodded and cast a smile at Masamune, "Hello again, Masamune."


"Heh - then, to welcome Sakamoto-sensei Subaru Hasegawa and the official start of the meeting, cheers!" Izuki raised the glass with the beer in it and said to the crowd. Incidentally Subaru and other minors were all juices.

The others also raised their cups and clashed together.


Chapter 143 - Sisterhood Writers, Horrible as Hell


A couple of glasses collide and splash out with a mix of beer and juice, not sure if the drink will be juice flavored beer or beer flavored juice.

"Eh- that, Subaru? Is it okay to call you that?" , Izuki scratched his cheeks and asked hesitantly.

"Yes, rather I'd rather be called Subaru, calling me Sakamoto-sensei is really a bit...", Subaru said slightly embarrassed, he had taken the name Sakamoto for a moment of pleasure, but now that he was being called more, he somehow felt a slight sense of shame....

Izuki became very serious and said with a low tone, "Na Subaru, I have a very important question for you!"

" go ahead."

" did you manage to portray your sister so well! Whether it's personality, ability, or how she normally interacts with her brother, Hikitani Komachi is the perfect sister image for her brothers! This is the national treasure of a sister that many brothers dream of! Komachi - no, Komachi God is already a place of faith for us, a model for all sisters!" , Izuki rambled on and on, and slapped the table hard when he got excited.

"Ahaha... Izuki... calm down a bit.", Subaru with a somewhat embarrassed smile signaled Izuki to calm down first. , Subaru with a somewhat embarrassed smile signaled Izuki to calm down first. The suddenly violent Izuki startled Subaru, but everyone else was calm, as if they were used to it....

"Nah! Make sure you tell me! Still, does Komachi God have a prototype in life? May I ask if it is Miss Toll or Miss Conner!"

I don't know. If you want to ask the old thief, go ask him. Subaru rolled his eyes in his heart, as if he was a super girl writer.

When he saw Izuki looking at him expectantly, Subaru could only say, "Well... there's no prototype or anything like that, it's just a fantasy that exists in my mind. As for what you said about why it was written or something... I can't answer you on that either, I can only say that when I think about it in my mind, the words just come out naturally."

"Yeah?... There's no trick to it...", Izuki slumped back down, clearly a little disappointed.

"Senior, there's no need to be discouraged, the sister that senior describes will always be my favorite sister! Because I, for one, love Elder's novels!" , Chloe Nayuta hugged Izuki's arm, her face still rubbing against Izuki's arm.

"Yeah, yeah. This image in everyone's mind is different, it's possible that it's just that the character I'm portraying is just right for some people's tastes, it's not that the character Izuki is portraying isn't popular ah!" , Subaru echoed and comforted Izuki a few times.

"Exactly!" , Izuki suddenly slapped the table, the fighting spirit reignited, "The sister I described is the perfect sister in my mind, the one no one can replace! Not even if it's Komachi even if it's Komachi Kami!"

"Yes, yes! Everyone's sister is unique! It's your own sister who is the cutest in the world!" For some reason, Masamune suddenly echoed Izuki's words, his cheeks flushed red, and he mistook beer for juice.

Subaru suddenly remembered that it was the girl named Saori who was so pretty the other day, even though she had a glimpse of her, right? I guess Masamune is getting further and further away from girl control.

Sister control writer, horror like that....

On the other hand, Kenjiro covered his face in despair, like "I don't even know you guys".

After calming himself down with a large gulp of beer, Izuki burped and asked Subaru, "Saying that, what does Subaru think of his sister?"

So, can we stop talking about the things about the sister.

After Izuki asked, everyone, even Tor and Kanna, stared at Subaru with interest, after all, Tor and Kanna were nominally Subaru's cousins, and were still quite concerned about these things. As for the others, they were purely gossiping about what Sakamoto-sensei thought of his sister.

"Me?...", Subaru thought a little and spoke up, "Actually, to be honest, I don't have much of an impression of my sister, I think, right, she should be like a kitten in need of care, normally caring for her and helping her out! and watch her grow. Then, from time to time, she tries to return the favor, and while it can be clumsy and laughable, you can take comfort in thinking about how your sister is growing up day by day...that feeling, right?"

Of course, I could talk for days and nights if it meant what I thought about my sister - Subaru added in his mind.

"Oh!!! Awesome!" , Izuki stared at Subaru in wide-eyed wonder.

"It's worthy of Sakamoto-sensei who wrote Haruhi!" , Masamune also looked touched and clapped his hands lightly.

"No... I think you guys are overdoing it..."

"Not at all." , Izuki shook his head, "Listening to Subaru, I feel like my portrayal of my sister can be deepened a bit more."

"Yeah, that would be great to help you..."

"Speaking of which, I heard from my editor that there were already animation companies that wanted to animate Spring Things, but I heard that you turned them all down Subaru?" , Not Broken suddenly interjected.

Subaru's reluctance to animate has been a major headache for the editors here.

"Well, because... because I'm still a student, I don't have a lot of energy to put into animating it anymore, and I don't want to just leave the animation of Haruhi to someone else completely, so I'd rather watch it myself before I feel comfortable." , after thinking for a while, Subaru found a more reasonable reason.

"Yeah... that's true." , Unbroken cupped his chin and continued, "Actually, my novel is going to be animated recently, and although that side said to feel at ease to leave it to them, it really still can't be completely put to rest ah."

Izuki hammered his palm and suddenly realized, "That's right, Haruto's novel is already going to be animated, congratulations!"

"Didn't I tell you about this already...", Unbroken sighed helplessly. This guy, whose mind was 10% fiction and 90% sister, couldn't fit in anything else at all.

Regardless, the others sent their congratulations in time.

"What's next?" , Izuki said as he propped his hand back and looked at the ceiling.

I've had my fill of drinks and snacks.

Subaru felt that there shouldn't be any more activities later either, and a little more chatting about this meetup would almost be over.

"Right, since it's a writer's meetup, I really should play with this, right?"

Izuki suddenly slapped her hands together, rummaged through the shelves, and took out a plastic box.

"Oh?! A writer's exclusive game or something?" Subaru was instantly interested, and it was an unprecedented experience for everyone to play board games together like this. The others were also intrigued by Izuki's statement, and stared at the box in Izuki's hand all together.

"Let's just play - flying chess!"


For a moment, everyone fell to the floor as if they had been struck by lightning.

Chapter 144 - Two Chiefs Dueling Against Each Other! (above)

Subaru forced himself to cover his mouth, almost spitting out the juice in his mouth.

"Fly, flying chess?!"

"That's it!" , Izuki opened the box and nodded proudly. "If you want to talk about a meeting, a meeting is not complete without playing flying chess!"

But what does this have to do with the author's meeting....

"But it's like only four people can play if you're flying chess, right?" , thought for a moment, Subaru asked.

Izuki waved his hand divinely, "Never mind! This one of mine is a large flying chess piece that can support - well, only six people can play at the same time..."

"You youngsters play, I won't join you, go get some sleep and call me when it's time for dinner.", Kenjiro first stated that he was quitting the game. , Kenjiro first stated that he was out of the battle and went straight to sleep on the bed.

"Me too... I'm still not very good at board games and stuff, I'll just watch you guys play." , Kyo raised his hand and positioned himself to move to the corner of the table.

"That, I still have to prepare lunch, so you guys go ahead and play." , Chihiro also exited and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Uh... Then that would be enough numbers." , Izuki counted the number of people once, and it was exactly six: Izuki, Chloe Nayuta, Unbroken, Subaru, Tor, and Masamune.

"Then let's get started!" , Izuki laid the drawing of flying chess on the table, worthy of a large flying chess game played by six people, the whole board was much more complicated than the classic flying chess, but the principle was still the same.

As Subaru was placing his eyes on the table, a figure suddenly blocked Subaru, and then the figure sat down, and Subaru saw a small head bobbing in his arms.

"Humm, I want to watch Subaru play." , Kanna sat on Subaru's lap and leaned her back against Subaru's chest.

"Eh, is Kanna-san also interested in flying chess."

Kanna-san nodded hummingly and adjusted her sitting posture as if she was shrinking comfortably on the couch.

"Yeah? Let's play together then." , Subaru leaned towards the table so that Kanna could see the chessboard on the table.

"Damn it! It's good to have a sister! I want my sister too!!!" , on the other side of the table Izuki squeezed his fist tightly and gritted his teeth. She was trembling as if she was trying to suppress something, and the veins in her hands were popping out.

"Ahahaha...", Subaru could only reply with an OMG laugh to the girl-controlled writer who was looking at him enviously.

For some reason, Subaru felt that Masamune was looking at himself with hidden envy as well.

"Alright! Start now! I'm going to kill it all!" , Izuki slapped the table, and all the regrets of not having a sister turned into endless fighting spirit, melting into the struggle of this flying chess game.

"Oh!!! Go Senior!" , Chloe Nayuta raised her hands and waved like a fan at a concert.

"Humm, Subaru go for it!" , Kanna also raised her hand to cheer Subaru in solidarity.

"To decide who will be the first to roll the dice, let's have rock-paper-scissors!" , Izuki raised his hand and suggested.

Everyone nodded and held out their hands as they shouted in unison, "Rock Paper Scissors!"

After several rounds of rock-paper-scissors duels, Izuki managed to kill from among the six.

Round 1.

"Hmph, let's show Ere how to throw 6 points in the first round!" , Izuki squeezed the dice in his hand and threw them after making a very mid-range Pose.

One point, next.

"How did..."

"What about me next!" , Chloe Nayuta casually threw the dice, which spun a few times before locking at 6.

"How!" , Izuki looked incredulous as Chloe Na by Duo cheerfully tuned out a plane.

"My turn." , unbroken pushed up his glasses and threw them out casually.