Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 104.

"What should we do, Subaru-nii-san...", Jihana grabbed Subaru's sleeve, tears welling up in her eyes in her haste. "Hyuga's fallen, she..."

"It's okay, Chihuahua." , Subaru stroked Chihuahua's head comfortingly. "Hyuga is probably considered eliminated, so we'll be able to see Hyuga when we get out."

"Hmm...", Jihana nodded hesitantly, wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

After thinking for a moment, Subaru put his hand on Avery's shoulder, "Avery, um - you can go down this way too."

"Hey?" , Ellie stared blankly at Subaru.

"Ellie has been holding back since just now, but it's almost the limit now, so it's okay.", Subaru gently stroked Ellie's head. , Subaru gently stroked Ally's head.

Ally, whose personality was completely at odds with her appearance, was even more afraid of these things than Shinhan, right? but, for the sake of everyone, Ally had been holding back since the beginning. Now, Subaru could even feel Ally's shoulders trembling slightly, which was heartbreaking.

"Just leave the rest to me, Jihana, Saiki, and Manabu, and if you're Ally, go get some rest. We'll make it out of here, so don't worry Avery."

"Yeah, Ally, it's perfectly fine to leave it to us, so don't worry Ally, just wait outside for us to come out!"


"Alright Ellie, leave the rest to us, we and Subaru-san will definitely escape!"

"...hmm!!!" , Ellie replied, sitting shakily at the mouth of the slide. "Everyone, come on!"

When she finished, Ellie slipped away.

"Okay, let's go! This time, we must escape!"


Chapter 188 - Shin Fan and Sa Ji's Birthday Party! (vi)


Subaru quietly opened the door and peeked around, but other than a ghost who was still persistently knocking on the door, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Subaru gave a wink and slipped out like a thief. The three of them followed Subaru, and it looked as if they were a foursome of thieves.

It works! Just sneak up on the third floor first...

Crunch~~ Unfortunately, as if True Sail's next step had stepped on some mechanism, the floor made an unbearably sharp wail and managed to attract the ghost in the knocking.

"Giggle...", the ghost let out a series of unpleasant, hoarse laughs, instantly changing back to the stance it had just taken, and floated over with its hands hanging down.

"Run!!!" , Subaru urged, turning with everyone else and running up the stairs to the third floor.


Ghost in hot pursuit behind, and from time to time will also give a back chilling sneer.

The four of them quickly made their way up to the third floor, and as expected, the ghost could only get stuck on the third floor stairway, unable to actually step onto the third floor.

"Quickly go quickly." , too late to rest, Subaru hurriedly urged. He, however, remembered that there were a few more ghosts coming down the third floor just now.

As the four of them took a step to run, the ghost that had caught up to them let out a shrill whistle as if it was summoning its companions.


As expected, after the ghosts screamed, the faster ghosts from earlier immediately manifested from one side of the corridor and pounced at the four of them with fangs and claws.

This time there was no need for Subaru to greet them, as the four of them simultaneously picked up their pace and ran over to the other side of the corridor.


Perhaps it was because the lights were too dim, but Jihana tripped and fell heavily to the ground all of a sudden - fortunately there was a thick foam mat laid in front of the place where Jihana had fallen, so she wasn't hurt.

"Chihuahua, quick, get up!" , Subaru was busy helping Chihuahua up.

"But, Subaru-nii-san...", Jihana looked to her feet, her ankle was caught by a rope, although it could also be freed, but by the time it was freed, the four of them would also fall into the hands of these ghosts.

"Subaru-san, you guys should leave me alone and run first." , Chihuahua looked back at the approaching evil ghosts and said to Subaru in a hurry.


"Get out of here, Subaru-san,", Jihana then urged, with a hint of tears. "Just get out of here anyway, you and Makifumi and Saji. I'll be waiting for you at the end."

"Sorry, Chihuahua." , and with that, Subaru shrugged and ran away. "True Sailor, Saji, let's run!"

"Come on!" , Chihuahua waved her hand like a drum and was quickly drowned out by the evil spirits.

"Well - damn, are we the only three left now." , True Sail stomped his foot, then shrank his shoulders in fear and carefully observed his surroundings.

With True Sail's guidance, the three of them escaped to the fourth floor again, not knowing what would be waiting for them, but it was better than being chased all the time.

"The fourth floor is the last floor, right? Here, you should be able to find a way out."

What had been a very ordinary trip to a haunted house had now fully evolved into a puzzle solving game, and the remaining three had to search through all sorts of scary things to find that glimmer of hope that they could get out. Thanks to this, however, Manami is now overcoming most of his fears and focusing on how he can win this game.

Saji pondered for a moment, then said to Subaru, "Subaru-chan, the only way we can get out now would be to get to the second floor, then try to draw the people on the first and second floors to the same staircase we came from, and then go down the other staircase."

"That's right though." , Subaru nodded. "But the biggest problem is that we can't get to the first floor at all, and the two staircases from the second floor to the first floor are blocked."


"And judging by the slide that Hyuga and Ellie slid down, this house has obviously been modified, so I suspect that the real exit isn't actually the door on that side at all, but another exit, or somewhere that will get us directly to that side of the door."

"In that case, what are we waiting for, let's look on the fourth floor!" , said True Sail standing up to start looking, Subaru even held her back.

"Don't worry True Sail, there are all sorts of people grabbing us on the first, second, and third floors, and I'm sure the fourth floor won't be missing either-"

As if to corroborate Subaru's words, along with a few dull low roars, several zombies with tattered clothes and terrifying faces came out from inside the shadows.


"Ah!!! Zombies!!!"

Before Subaru could speak, True Sail suddenly screamed and scattered his legs, quickly disappearing around the corner.

"True Sail, wait for us!"

Subaru and Saji also hurried to follow, but the zombies were obviously a little too fast, and as Subaru and Saji caught up to the true sail, the zombies caught up to the trio.


A walker reached out and grabbed Subaru's arm, the sticky liquid suddenly flowed onto Subaru's arm, Subaru's heart overflowed with nausea, and with a hard jerk, he pulled his hand out of the walker's hand.

As soon as Subaru pulled his arm out, his clothes were grabbed by another walker, then another hand, then his neck... In the next instant when Subaru thought he had escaped, he was tackled to the ground by several walkers, completely unable to move.

"Subaru (brother)!"

"Run, don't worry about me!" , Subaru tried to pull away, but Naijin was crushed at the bottom by four or five zombies, and even though Subaru tried his best, it was just futile.

"What to do, what to do, now even Subaru has been caught." , shouted Makifan anxiously, all panic in his eyes.

"Pull yourself together! We have to trust Subaru-san!" , Saiki gave a gentle push behind Makifumi's back and they continued to run forward. "Since Subaru-chan said there might be a way out of the fourth floor then there will be! Let's run to the end first anyway!"

"But, but...if, wait, Sage gets caught too...I...I..."

"Then we'll talk later, but at least for now, I'm still next to you, aren't I?"


"Okay, cut the crap, to the end. You're more familiar with this place, think about what mechanism could be hidden there to get us down to the first floor."

"Hmm... I'll think about it...", Makifumi held her head in her hands, trying to think back.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" , Saji urged anxiously, she could already faintly hear the shrieks coming from a short distance away.

"I'll think again...there's a way to escape, a way to get out..."

"Come on!"

"Ah!!! There's no way out of here! There's only one window here, is it hard to get us to jump out of here?!" , Shin Fan threw his head in irritation, then punched the boarded up window.



Before Saji could say anything, the board that had been smashed by the real sail was suddenly opened like a door, and sunlight came in from outside, lighting up this entire hallway.

"What... is this...", Sae was lying on the window sill looking outside. "Mansail, do you see, there's a slide outside hey! We're saved!"

Saji pointed excitedly outside, and Makifumi followed Saji's finger to see a large slide spliced together in front of the window, stretching downward.

"Really hey! That's what Subaru said! Let's hurry down!"


Together they climbed to the top of the window and then sat on the slide.

"It's going down oh." , Saji said nervously, her palms already wet with sweat.

"Let's go."

Afterwards, they slid down together, not knowing how many spirals in the air, and landed on top of a large foam pad.

"Did we, like, escape?" , Shinefan shook his somewhat dizzy head and asked the person next to him.

"Well, True Sail, look ahead."

"Huh?" And when I heard that True Sail looked up--

All the people who had disappeared appeared in front of them: the Chihika, Hyuga, Airi, Subaru, and Nessun, as well as the other maids, all of them smiling at them.


"Happy Birthday! Manami (Miss)! Saji (Miss)!"

Chapter 189 - Shin Fan and Sa Ji's Birthday Party! (vii)

"Ah, I'm exhausted~~", True Sail was lying motionless on the bed, not bothering with the hem of his shirt that was inadvertently lifted up by the wind.

"Did you have fun, True Sail?"

"Well! It was fun!" , replied Makifumi, rolling over and sitting up in bed. "Still, it's kind of scary to think about now..."

Subaru smiled and stroked True Sail's head: "But you know later, all those ghosts and stuff are played by people, and real ghosts don't exist at all oh."

That being said.... Actually Subaru himself was also scared when he was caught by the zombies, and was thinking that he was going to be dragged somewhere and locked up, when the zombies suddenly opened their mouths and said, "Everyone is waiting down there, young master Hasegawa should also hurry down" or something....

"Well! I know it!"

"Speaking of which, where did Hyuga and Ellie get to after they slipped off?"

"Oh~ Hyuga and Airi met Yamahara and then kept looking at Oni-san oh~"

"So, is that Chihuahua too?"

"Yes." , Jihana nodded. "The maid ladies who played the ghost caught me and sent me to Hyuga."

"But it was a heavy loss to say the least, only two of them actually escaped."

"Hmph..." , at this point, Manabu raised his chin proudly. "The last exit, but I found it oh!!!"

"Yes yes, Mansail is amazing." , Saji puffed out her hands and teased, "I wonder who ended up tugging on my shirt and kept asking me what to do what to do.... Who was it?"

"Well, that's just a test to see if you can find a way out. Ultimately, it's up to me, isn't it!"

The crowd laughed.

At that moment, Nessun walked in.

"Ladies, dinner is ready, please move to the dining room on the first floor, where Master Fenya is waiting." , she bowed and made an inviting gesture.

"Papa?! Is Dad back already?"

Is he your father? Kazuya Misawa.... A name I've never heard of. Subaru thought about it, not having any memories about the name.

"Yes, Mitsuba-san, while you were playing the game, the Master had returned and was then preparing dinner for you."

"I see," , True Sail looked happy. "Then let's get out of here!"

Naisaint stopped True Sailor: "Please wait a moment, Miss True Sailor. Before that, Miss Truefan needs a change of clothes."

"Hey~~ Why ah."

"It's the master's order, because Miss Truefan's birthday party is more important so it must be taken seriously - that's what the master said."

"Well..." , True Sail's ponytail dropped down and followed behind the other maid.

"Then, please follow this one to the dining room.", Naisei." , Neisei instructed the other maid beside him. "Young Master Hasegawa, please go with me to change your clothes first."