Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics. Chapter 131.

"Wouldn't that be nice, he likes your pineapple so much . Pack, simply you can keep it." , Subaru said with a smile.

"That's the problem." , Satania hugged the dog and said a little sadly, "I'm not allowed to keep . Dogs, and, Jubari, Vernette, and Llafair, the apartment they live in, are not allowed to keep . . dogs..."

"Can't have. A dog? Then if you send it back...", Subaru didn't say the rest of that sentence, but it was anyone's guess what he was going to say.

"No!" , Satania blurted out, "It's baffling to kill stray dogs at random, isn't it! Why do they get to just take the lives of other animals at will?"

Subaru frowned, "Satania..."

"Subaru." , Thor leaned in and whispered, "Can't you help her out, our family should be able to raise . . dogs, right?"

"Could be could be...", Subaru scratched his hair a little troubled. "But it's only a temporary reprieve, this area is actually off limits to . Dogs, and if we were to keep one we'd have to keep it in the house all the time."

"That would be even more pathetic."

"Right." , Subaru wrapped his arms around the dog in Satania's arms with a bit of a headache.

"Can't Subaru's side do the same?" , though she had generally heard what Subaru and Thor were talking about, Satania looked at Subaru with a hopeful gaze.

"It can be raised, but it won't solve the problem at all.", Subaru shook his head. , Subaru shook his head. "Satania, if you really want to keep this dog, should you try to find an apartment that allows . . an apartment where dogs are allowed?"

"It's no use, I've already checked with Vernette, no apartments around the school are allowed to have . Dogs, and the apartments that are allowed are far away from the school."

"That's still a real headache..."

Subaru sat on his butt on the couch, pondering the way he could have it both ways.

"Never mind." , Satania stood up abruptly and walked towards the door. "I'll go think of something else, excuse me."

"Satania...", Subaru frowned and watched her back out of the living room.

"What to do?" , Thor said to Subaru.

"...I'll go find their landlord, maybe there's something I can do." , Subaru stood up with his knees braced and went out shortly after Satania went out as well.


"Ah... it really still doesn't work?" , Satania took a piece of paper and carefully looked at it word by word.

No matter how many times you read it, the words on the contract that this apartment forbids pets will still not be read away.

"Woof! Woof!"

"What are you going to do now?" , Satania said to herself as she lay on the couch.

"If this continues, if we can't find the owner, then the only way to get it back inside the shelter is to send it back inside."

"Stray dogs inside shelters are subject to euthanasia if they never find their owners..."

"No no no." , she threw her head to shake the thoughts out of her head. "Absolutely, absolutely not send it back!"

"Okay, watch it again!" , Satania picked up the contract again and looked at it carefully.


"Who is it...Subaru? Why are you in my house...", Satania froze for a moment when she saw Subaru, who suddenly appeared in front of her house, and then suddenly saw the person behind Subaru.

"Ah! Landlord!" , Satania was shocked and took a few steps backwards, keeping the dog behind her. "Subaru, you bastard! You actually turned me in?!"

"I say, can you turn your brain off for a while?" , Subaru helplessly knocked Satania on the head and said to the landlord behind her, "Landlord-san, it's troublesome."

"It's no trouble at all, Sakamoto-sensei." , said the landlord, pulling out a piece of paper. "Miss Hutuzawa, this is the new contract, if you want to keep . Dog, just sign this contract, the original one is considered null and void."

"This...", Satania looked over the new contract, just as she still had the original contract in her hand, she compared the two contracts over and over again, there was no difference except for the one forbidding pets that had really disappeared.

"Alright, stop looking around and sign it now, you'll be able to keep . . dogs. Other landlords are busy too."

Satania looked at the contract and then at the dog behind her, her eyes sparkling.



"From now on, you're my second demon! Be a cow for me later!" , Satania pointed at the dog in front of her and laughed.

At my own request, the angel demons, along with Subaru Tor, had gathered at Satania's house for the so-called contract ceremony of making demons.

"Nah, Subaru, how did you do that? Is it with a spell?" , Thor leaned into Subaru's ear and whispered.

"How am I supposed to use your spells."

"How would that..."

Subaru blinked, "I was going to try the practicality of the saying that money makes the devil, but it just so happens that Landlord-san is also a fan of Sakamoto-sensei, so he simply agreed after giving him a few signed books."

"Subaru!" , Satania crossed her arms with one arm and pointed at him, "As my first ambassador, you've done well this time!"

"Yes, yes, it is my honor to serve Your Highness the Great Demon."

"Meowhahahaha! You're very perceptive! Subaru!"

"Yes, yes, long live Your Highness the Great Demon..."

Chapter 235 - Women's Basketball Club's New Enemy (Cheng) Man (Yuan)

Wise Elementary School gym.

"When you go to the basket, you can choose to break through like this, but this is an approach where you have to pay special attention to the defender's focus and look for opportunities to one-up them."

"Yes! Subaru-san, I know!"

On the pitch, Subaru was demonstrating the attack to Jihana.

"...There really is something wrong with it, isn't there."

"Well, there's definitely a problem."

By the side of the ball field, the two loli got together and looked at the two on the field with fury.

"I say, I've been feeling that something's wrong with these two ever since we got back from the festival." , said Makifumi with her hand on her chin. "It doesn't feel like anything has changed, but something sure has changed, right, it's really hot hey!"

"That is to say." , Saji fiddled with the basketball in her hands in boredom. "Didn't you press him several times after that, and he still refused to say anything. Hmmm..."

"Ohhhh what are you talking about?"

"Wow. Surprise me!" , Saiki slapped her chest. "Hyuga you shouldn't suddenly run behind someone and talk. We're discussing what exactly happened between Subaru-san and Chihaya at the Summer Festival."

"Oh? Ernie sauce? Chihuahua?"

"I feel that way too." , Ally sat down next to her. "It always feels like Jihana is, um... not as shy as she used to be?"

"...Right!" , Sage suddenly hammered his hand. "That's it! Tomohana is not so shy even now with Subaru-nii-san, Akira used to tell us that sometimes she was so nervous she couldn't even say hey!"

"Yes oh!" The little girls suddenly came to their senses, and then they all stared at them with "unkind" eyes.


"...Well, you try again, the last time was pretty close to that feeling." Subaru was trying to pass the ball to Chihaya, then stopped somewhat confused. "Chihuahua?"

"Subaru-nii-san, that...", Tomohana stood at a loss for words, her fingers weakly pointing to the side.

"What?" , Subaru looked over at the finger.


And then immediately became uncomfortable all over.

"I say you guys, what are you doing here if you're not going to training?" , looking at the four little loli who were transformed into great detectives, Subaru asked helplessly.

"Ah, we ah, it's nothing." , Makifumi whistled, acting like it was nothing.

"Jihana, what happened to them..."

Ji Hana lowered her head, "I, I don't know..."


"Excuse me!"


"Hey?" , the door was suddenly pulled open heavily and five schoolchildren walked in, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Finding a familiar figure inside, Subaru spoke in confusion, "Hana-Moon?"

"Oh~~ Hanazuki, and Takenaka's sister."

"Sister, next, good afternoon!"

"Tsubaki Shuu?"

"Don't call us Tsubaki Shuu ah, dumb sail!"

"Why are you here, Yami?"

"Well, Saji, enjoy your last day of clubbing!"

"Mimi sauce!"

"Tomohana, let's have a showdown."

It looked like they were all familiar people... Subaru scratched his hair in a bit of confusion before he noticed the girl whose name was called by Jihana.

With silky white hair and delicate features, it was like a doll... or was it a sportswear doll? She was wearing a sweatshirt with a big France logo on it.

"Ready?" , standing in the middle of the room, Mimi spoke up.

"Get ready!"

Then the twin who had become Tsubaki Shuu stepped forward first.

"I'm the ace of the women's basketball team! Tsubaki Takenaka!"

"Same ace! Takenaka Shuu!"

Then there was Yami with long purple hair.

"Sniper, Fujii Yami!"

Then there was Hazuki.

"I'm my sister's sister, Hakamada Hanazuki."

Still introducing herself with so much personality ah Hanazuki....

Finally the white hairs stepped forward.

"Mimi Bargley, from France!"

"We are the next generation of the Wise Heart Elementary girls basketball club!"


A long silence.


"Ah- I told you guys not to just barge in without permission!" , not long after, a hedgehog head also ran in, and this was the familiar that everyone knew - Shayo Takenaka.

"Hey, Takenaka, explain to me what's going on?" , Subaru took Xia Yang to the side and asked with a hard scalp.

Xia Yang sighed, "It's just as you see it, long."

"What do you mean it's just as I see it ah!" Subaru strangled him. "What's the operation of this new generation of Huishin Elementary School girls' basketball club?!"

"Hey! It's so hard...", after breaking Subaru's arm with force, Haruyo took a few breaths before saying in a bad mood, "It's simple, they want to defeat you and take your place."

"Huh?" , Subaru glared. "Anyway this is too strange. Let's not even talk about whether we can win or not, who says we have to give up our spot in the women's basketball club if we lose?"

"How should I know!"

"And you say you don't know, didn't you bring it-ah?" , Subaru wrapped his arms around Xia Yang's neck again and looked at him unkindly.

"It's not like I brought it here! They are the ones who want to come." , Haruyo said evenly.

"Confused...", Subaru looked over there, the members of the women's basketball club seemed to be arguing with them already.

"However." , Haruyo's tone suddenly became serious. "This is also for the good of your women's basketball club, if you want to participate in the national basketball competition."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know?!" , Xia Yang looked like he had seen a ghost. "If you want to participate in the national basketball tournament, you must gather 5 starters and 5 substitutes, that's 10 members. If we rely on True Sail and the others alone, they won't be able to participate no matter how well they play."

"There's such a thing?!"