Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics. Chapter 134.


"Think about it, stupid!"

"Subaru-chan, this kid-"

"I know that." , Subaru smiled and touched Saeki's head. "You should take Yami-san to the health room for a break. Yami-san, I'm sorry for suddenly imposing such heavy training on you."

"Well, hmm." , Yami replied sullenly.

"We'll be leaving then." , Saji bowed, and pulled Yami flamboyantly towards the health room again.

"Unbelievable! That Fujii, I can't believe he'd do that to Saiki!" , Xia Yang said with wide eyes, surprised.

"Right." , Subaru patted him on the shoulder. "Although I don't know what happened between Yami-san and Saji. But-"

Subaru looked at the others who were gradually running together on the playground and said with a smile, "But it's easy to create a friendship if you can find a common goal and strive for it."

Chapter 239 - Bleep's Next Production Plan

"How's your sister, is she holding up."

"Oh~~ It's perfectly fine."

"Where's Yami? Take a break and come over, don't force it."

"Me, I'm fine."

"It's the last lap, sprint to the finish line!"


When the last person also crossed the starting line, Subaru walked out onto the playground.

"Well, that's it for now." , Subaru clapped his hands and nodded his head in satisfaction. "Everyone has worked hard in training today! Hard work!"

"It's finally over, meow~~", Manabu lay down on the ground with his small chest rising and falling.

The others couldn't care less about how dirty the floor was, this was the time to take a break.

The ten people of the women's basketball club, yes, even Yami, who had come off the break midway through the game, had returned to run with the team again. It was only now that it felt like a whole.

"Alright, alright, everyone don't sit down right away, let's go inside the gym and take another break." Subaru then proceeded to clap his hands again. "It can be dangerous to suddenly sit down and rest after a long run, oh!"

At Subaru's urging, the crowd finally regrouped in the gym.

"Well, I'm satisfied with the results of today's training, that's it for today oh dismissed!"

"Thanks for the advice!" , bowed seven times, and the little lollies ran inside the locker room as if their punishment was over, cheering as if their punishment was over.

When the little loli were gone, Subaru said to Xia Yang, "I'm leaving, what about you?"

"I'm waiting for Tsubaki and Shuu here."

"Really? Then don't do something like peeping, or else, someone will just humanely destroy you before I even have to say anything."

"Who would?!" , Shayo shouted angrily.

"Who knows...", Subaru gave him a meaningful look, then smiled and walked out of the gym.

"This guy!" , Xia Yang gritted his teeth and stomped his foot a few times.

At the same time, inside the locker room's shower room.

"Ah - exhausted exhausted, I must take a comfortable soak when I go back later.", , Shin Fan said while wiping the foam. , said Makifumi as she wiped the foam.

Saji nodded, "That's right, I have to take a nice bath after every training so as to relieve my fatigue."

"Is your basketball club training this hard every day? It's exhausting!" , Tsubaki rinsed the lather from her hair.

"That's right, if I had known, I wouldn't have participated, it's too tiring." , Shuu echoed.

"You can't hold on just to that extent? That's so lame." , Shin Fan hemmed and hawed.

Tsubaki retorted, "Dull sail is the one, didn't you keep complaining about the coach when you were running, and obviously we didn't even talk about it!"

"Don't call me Dull Sails! Tsubaki Shuu!"

Makifan and Tsubaki and Shuu stared at each other, then suddenly puffed out and laughed together.

"...Hahahahahaha, in the end, it's Subaru's fault!"

"It's the coach's fault!"

On the other hand, Mimi stared thoughtfully at Jihana, who was bathing.

"Umm - Chihuahua?"

"Yes, yes? Mimi sauce, what can I do for you?"

"Jihana, slightly more boobs."

"Hey, yeah, yeah, thanks."

"I'm still a flat washboard...", Mimi took a look at her breasts and sighed very ruefully.

"But, but Mimi-san is only in the fifth grade, she'll develop later."

"What what what, what are you guys talking about?" , True Sail squeezed out from between them. "What flat washboard?"

"Well - True Sail has slightly more boobs too." , Mimi said seemingly resignedly as she looked at True Sail.

"Of course!" , True Sail said proudly with his hands on his hips. "After all, you guys are still fifth graders, you can't possibly compare to us la!"

"Oh~ But, Hana-Moon is a little bigger than True Sail, oh?"

"Well!" , True Sail stepped back a few steps on the water bank, looking like he was struck.

"That's right, Yami's is also a bit bigger than True Sail." , Saji's mouth curled to add the attack.

"Hey! Don't add me in without permission." , Yami shouted in discontent.

"You guys...", Manabu bowed his head, his shoulders shaking. "That's too much! Take my punishment! Saji! Hyuga!"

"Ah! True Sail, stop it!" , Saji, who had already learned her lesson, fled in a panic.

"No escaping!" , shouted Makifumi. "Tsubaki Shuu, help me catch Saiki! Hey, Hyuga, got you!"

"Don't call us Tsubaki Shuu! But this mission, we accept!"

"Oh?" , Hyuga tilted his head, feeling nothing for the clutches of True Sail.

"What's everyone talking about?" , playing around, Ellie suddenly wiped her hair and came over.


There was a long silence, and then everyone but Hyuga went back to their original positions.

"Suddenly, there's no interest in discussing it..."

"That's right..."

"Hurry up and finish your wash and go home..."

"Let's just discuss Subaru."

"I feel the same way, I blame that coach, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have had to take a hit today..."

"HEY? Everyone, what's going on?" , Ellie tilted her head, looking confused.

At the same time, inside the conference room of Bleeping Company.

Because the screening of "Unheard of" was over, the company executives and the production team gathered in the conference room to discuss the next plan.

"Ah-choo!" , Subaru suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose, wondering to himself, "Strange, who's yelling at me?"

"President?" , Toda pushed up his glasses and asked.

"Ah, nothing." , Subaru waved his hand. "Where were we?"

"Next is a report on the current state of the company and the next steps."

"Well, please go ahead."

"Because of the tremendous response to Unheard of, and the other animations produced during the same period. Our company has finally survived the toughest period of time, and now, we've recovered at least sixty to seventy percent of the economic strength we had in the past."

"Gentlemen." , Subaru smiled as he closed the file, stood up and bowed. "Thank you for your contribution to the company, it is truly appreciated."


"There's one more thing that doesn't have much to do with the company, but it's closely related to you, President." , Toda continued.

"Hey, me?"

"Yes. Because of Unheard of, basically everyone knows that Sakamoto-sensei is the president of the Bleeping Company, and because of that, both our company and your fame, Sakamoto-sensei, have gone up a lot."

"That's really something." , Subaru smiled.

These were already reflected on Subaru's INS account, and since the screening, Subaru's follower count had skyrocketed.

"So Mr. Manager, please tell us what our company's next step is."

"Yes." , the manager stood up. "Regarding the company's next plan, my suggestion is to resume normal operations, previously, due to the ill-functioning funds, we had no choice but to put all our hopes on the president's work, but now that the situation has improved, we can aim further ahead."

"Right." , Subaru nodded. "That's what I was thinking too. Because I don't know much about the company either. Anyway, how the company used to be run, and how it still is. Everything, I'll need everyone's help."

"Yes! President!"

Chapter 240 - Bleeping Voice Agency

"So, may I ask the president if he will give a script to participate in the production of the next issue of the animation?" , Toda asked.

With her words, everyone in the conference room looked at Subaru expectantly, and if there was anyone who was skeptical of the new president at the beginning, the achievement of one Unheard of Flower was admired by all.

Subaru held his chin with one hand, "Yeah, I think... I shouldn't be involved this time, after all, the company can't just rely on me right, it also needs to look at other excellent works."

"That's right." , although a bit disappointed, the crowd echoed the sentiment.

"Although I'm not going to be involved in the production of the guppies anymore, I've decided to make an animated movie for the next issue."

"An animated movie?!" , Toda repeated with some surprise. "Or did you write the script, President?"

"Yes. It's called 'Your Name'."

"The name, the name is called Your Name?"

"No no no." , Subaru cryptically shook his head. "'Your Name', that's the name of this movie."

Subaru purposely wrote down the name on the small chalkboard at the back to prevent it from being mispronounced again.

"Yes, it's this one, sorry...", Toda pushed up his glasses to hide his embarrassment.

"Yes, yes~!" , Mizuno raised his hand. "Can you still give us the production this time?"

"Yes, why don't I just say I was meant to give it to you in the first place."

"Goody!" , Mizuno waved her hand excitedly. It wasn't just her, the other members were also rubbing their hands like they were going to do something big.

"Mizuno!" , Toda glared at her, then said to Subaru, "So President, the selection of the Voice..."

"You're in charge, but you still have to prioritize our company's voices - ah!" , Subaru suddenly shouted, as if petrified and fixed.


"The establishment of the sound office...I forgot about it..."


Tuk Tuk.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then a young woman in a suit walked in and leaned into Subaru's ear to say something.

"Everyone...that's all for today's meeting." , the room was clearly air conditioned, but Subaru still kept wiping the sweat from her forehead as if she was heated. "Regarding the sound casting and other specific matters, I'll ask Toda-san to bring her production team to me later. With that, the meeting is adjourned."

After Subaru said that, the group sorted out the documents and prepared to go out. And he had already rushed out in big strides before everyone else.

Speak of the devil....

Standing in the doorway of one of the lounges, Subaru took a deep breath, then pushed the door open and walked in.

"Ah! Sakamoto-sensei! Long time no see!" , and as soon as he walked in, Subaru was blocked by some enthusiastic person.