Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 155.

Subaru just turned her head and was instantly puffed out of her face.

"Hee hee hee...", Makifumi withdrew her hand and blew into the bottle in a dignified manner, smiling proudly, her costume turning into a school swimsuit at some point. "How about that, my current attack!"

"Really... Sail..."

"Please, Master Hasegawa." , Naisei sent over a bottle of wine in a flash, then disappeared again in an instant.

"Are you ready for the realization, Mansail?" , Subaru kept shaking the bottle up and down, approaching forward step by step.

"This, this...", Manabu took a few steps back, then turned around and ran.

"Yamahara, you actually betrayed me!!!"

"True Sail, awaken!"

Chapter 272 - Drunken Chihuahua

At dusk, the afterglow from just before the sun was about to set was spread out on the street.

"Ha...speaking of which, it's been a long day today."

Subaru stretched, then put his hand on Kanna's head, "How was it, Kanna-san, did you have fun today?"

"Well! It was fun. The party was fun, too."

"The party..."

The party for the little lollies they were celebrating did start out quite happy, and everything changed when Nessun broke out the non-alcoholic wine in the back....

Time back to an hour ago.

"Well? Where's everyone going?"

Subaru took a bottle of wine and looked left and right for Chihuahua and the others. After being attacked two or three times in a row by Manabu, and being called in the face by numerous bottles of wine, Subaru finally got serious and started to fight back.

This wasn't fun anymore, this was war!

There it is! After walking farther away, Subaru saw a small white arm showing behind a tree, Subaru had already been attacked once before by the Tsubaki hiding behind the tree.

Do you want a second time. Subaru pretended not to notice as he walked behind the tree with his back to the tree, but in fact his other hand was already on the plug.

"Awareness! ...Chihuahua?"

Subaru had just lifted his drink and suddenly froze.

"Hic, what, it's Subaru."

Subaru, Subaru?

"Chihuahua, I haven't seen you since earlier, what are you doing here?"

"Ehehe...I'm in, hic, drink~", Jihana looked at Subaru with an enigmatic look in her eyes, then raised the bottle in her hand with a hip smile.

"Drinking...Jihana, does that mean, you're drunk?!" , Subaru took the bottle, then leaned over and sniffed it, then picked up his own and compared it to this one. "That's right, both bottles are exactly the same, non-alcoholic ah..."

Subaru shook Chihaya's bottle in confusion, then took a small sip and frowned, "Yes, it's the same taste... So, Chihaya can get drunk on this too?!"

But it's non-alcoholic....

"Hooray! Subaru and I kissed indirectly!"

Jihana suddenly raised her hand and shouted, scaring Subaru so much that he almost threw the two bottles of wine in his hand.


"Ehehehe~ Subaru ah, and I, between, catch, kiss oh." , Jihana held her face and bobbed around playfully.

"Chihuahua! You're really drunk, come on, I'll help you to your Aunt Hanayo." , Subaru put his hands on Jihana's shoulders, ready to help her up.

"Only~ Don't." , Chihuahua said as she pushed Subaru's hands away.

"Behave, Chihuahua." , Subaru crouched in front of her. "Look, you're still in your school swimsuit, you'll get sick if you do that, here, I'll carry you."


Subaru didn't expect Chihuahua to push Subaru's shoulders, nor did he expect Chihuahua to be so strong that he was pushed to the ground.

Then, Chihuahua followed suit, rubbing her head against Subaru's arms.

"Ehehe~ Subaru's embrace, it's warm and soft~"

It's over, the words are lost....

"Jihana, how much did you actually drink...?"

"Hey, four bottles!!!" , Jihua proudly held out her hand.

This one is five bar....

"Subaru...hiccup, that ah, actually, I, I'm very, very, very fond of Subaru oh."


Subaru wanted to say something, but all the words were stuck in his throat and he just couldn't spit them out.

"I like Subaru-san, not the kind of feelings my sister has for my brother, I like Subaru-san - no, no. I like Subaru!"

Tomohana's words brought back memories of the day of Subaru's summer festival, when the fireworks went up and the petite girl, holding back her shyness, confessed to the person across from her....

No, no, no. Why am I still thinking about that at this hour? Subaru threw his head back a few times violently. Quickly getting up to help Chihuahua up and shaking her by the shoulders.

"Chihuahua? How are you feeling now?"

"Ehehehe~ It's good~"

"Okay, let's go to Auntie Hanaori's now."

No longer giving Jihana a chance to retort, Subaru put one hand on her shoulder and one on her thigh and picked Jihana up in a smooth sweeping motion.

"Okay, Jihana, you need to get some rest now."

"Goody! Princess hug!!!"

Subaru's legs went weak and he stumbled a few steps before he managed to stabilize himself, looking helplessly at Jihana, who was shaking around with a bottle of wine with his hands open.

Wait, a bottle of wine?

"Chihuahua?! Where did you get that wine from?!"

"Well?" , Jihana opened one eye, looked at Subaru for a moment, and suddenly he smiled, "Do you want to drink it too Subaru, so you can kiss indirectly~"

"I'm not drinking it! By the way, it's not even alcoholic, so why are you drunk?"

Subaru looked around, the two bottles of wine from earlier had literally been missing one, and it was horrible to have no idea when Jihana had picked up that bottle....

"I'm not drunk. Come join us, Subaru."

"Not drunk yet... Hurry up and throw the wine away, Jihana you can't drink any more!"

Since he had both hands on Chihaya, Subaru couldn't spare his hands, so he had to rely on a slightly harsher tone of voice, so that Chihaya would throw it away obediently... probably....

"Well! I got it!"

Subaru looked relieved, "Then let's go find-"

"Subaru doesn't want indirect kissing right!"

After saying that, Chihuahua threw the bottle, and with the dull sound of the bottle hitting the ground, Chihuahua's lips, heavily imprinted on Subaru's mouth.


Subaru stared at him, his whole body as if petrified, unable to move for an instant.

Not good, not good, not good!

It was only after a few seconds of lip-synching that Subaru came back to reality, eyes closed and open, and confirmed that this was indeed the playground of Hyeishin Elementary School, that Subaru slowly and mechanically turned to Jihana.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no Doraemon dreaming machine, Subaru would have wanted to pull his face out with it....

"Hey, Chihuahua...are you asleep...?"

Seeing that Chihuahua was already whirling and sleeping, Subaru was relieved and walked over to the playground with hard steps....

Let's just hope that Chihuahua is too drunk to remember today....

Subaru rubbed his face, his expression a little embarrassed.

"Subaru?" , Conner looked up at him, confused.

"Well? Ah! Sorry, I was distracted, where were we?"

"Humm, when we get home."

"Ah yes, yes, what does Conner want to do when we get home?"

"I want to play games, with Subaru."

"Haha, Kanna really likes to play games, well, then I'll sacrifice my life to accompany Jun today!"

"The Regent's name to accompany the gentleman?"

"It's laying down my life to accompany the gentleman, which means I'm going to play the game with Conner... Hey?"

Subaru suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked strangely at the figure crouched in front of her home.

It was only logical that she couldn't be here at this time of the day.

Subaru stepped forward, confused.

"Really, really white?"

Chapter 273 - Rita's Arrival

"Why are you here, True White?"

In response to Subaru's question, Makoto looked up at him, then lowered his head without saying a word, just staring at the yearly cake in his hand.

"Well, anyway, let's go in first."



"Yes, I know, don't worry, I already have True White, nothing will happen to me. Okay, bye."

"Subaru, what's wrong with Makabaek she?"

Seeing Subaru put the phone down, Thor asked evenly.

Subaru sighed, "Running away from home. Playing away from home at this time, is really white a child?"

"Running away from home? Why?"

"Supposedly a dear friend from England wanted to take her back to paint, and Makeba wouldn't do it, so she fled to my place - wait..."

Subaru was suddenly stunned, and this scene felt familiar?

"I hope that, when the time comes, if someone comes to take True White Sauce away, you'll be able to protect her wishes and allow her to act on her own instincts."

Right. Subaru stared. That time of the call!

"Subaru? What's wrong with you."

"Nothing, just dazed for a while, well, let's talk to True White first and see what happened."


"Hey... that, where's True White?" , to the living room, didn't find True White, sitting on the couch watching TV was Lotte.

"I don't know, I saw her go upstairs." , Lotte Yi pointed to the stairs, her eyes still on the TV.

"Back to the room?"

"But there's nothing in that room."

Subaru and Thor looked at each other, then Subaru scratched his head and said to Thor, "Why don't you go ahead and cook, Shinbaek shouldn't have had dinner either, I'll go up and check. Ah, right, there's no need to make my share or Kanna-san's, we've already eaten."


Thor then went to the kitchen, while Subaru went upstairs to the room in front of the one that Shinbaek used to be in.