Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics, Chapter 162.

"What are you talking about, of course I'm going to sing it, what do you need an MP3 for."

"And you know it's for you to sing!" Subaru spread the paper out. "There must be nearly 100 songs on this! Do you want to sing yourself to death on stage! I can even put up a monument to you this way, how about calling it the most dedicated campus singer in history?"

"There's only 100 songs!" , Lottie drummed her face and muttered. "It's only 97 songs that I've carefully chosen to leave behind!"

It's only 97 songs....

Subaru collapsed on the table with a defeated look on his face and didn't even want to say anything.

"What's wrong, is that too much?"

Subaru was silent for a moment, then held out a finger, "10 songs, you'll give me 10 more to 'fine tune' out, and then I'll give you a song, 11 in total."

"HEY?!!" , Lottie stared. "Only 10 songs to choose from?! It's too hard to choose! I love every song hey!"

"There's nothing you can do if you like it, so you'll have to pick your 10 favorites."

"Well - but..."

"Don't but." , Subaru hit her on the head with a hand knife. "It's your first Live, you try it first."


Lotte held her head in her hands and replied in aggravation, as if she was being bullied by Subaru.

"And, for the original song, I'll do the accompaniment this afternoon. Do you want to come along?"

"Of course I'm going!!!"

Luo Tianyi's expression changed again in an instant, literally faster than someone performing a face change.

Subaru shook his head helplessly, "Tian Yi really is, besides eating, she's also only interested in singing."



The bell rang for the end of class and Subaru began to pack his things. What he didn't notice was that there were two pairs of eyes watching his every move.

Satania, who had already finished packing her things, bowed her body like a hunter about to pounce on her prey.

"Well, today must be-"


"Ah! Yes, yes! Why, what's the matter, Vernette?"

Vernette tilted her head, looking at the suddenly very responsive Satania in confusion.

"Are you okay, I saw you bending over all the time and thought you were not feeling well to say the least."

"No no no." , Satania smiled and waved her hand, a casual glance to Subaru's side revealed that the latter had already packed her things and gone out with Thor.

"Ahhhh, I have things to do without talking to you Vernette!" , Satania finished her sentence in one breath and dashed outside, leaving Vernette in place watching her back in confusion.

"What's wrong, Satania, it always feels like she's been busy lately."

Vernette said to her as she walked over to the Japari table.

"Who knows. I'm going to the club later, what about you Vernette?"

"I'll have a club later, too."

"Is Vernette in the club too?"

"Well... I actually joined the cooking section."

"Hey eh~ Then if I get hungry later- no, I'll come to you if I want to visit later!"

"Jia Baili... you actually just want to eat and drink for nothing, right..."

On the other hand, Satania who chased out looked left and right and finally spotted Subaru at the door of the next class.

"Hey~~! Subaru!"

"Satania? What's going on?"

Satania smiled apologetically, "That, just wanted to ask if you had time today to hang out or something."


Subaru's expression got a little difficult.

"I'm good! Let's go, kitten!"

Another voice interrupted Subaru's words, and then the owner of the voice, Lotte Yi, came out from inside the classroom.

"Well, let's go to True White's class."

After saying that, Subaru turned to Satania and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Satania, I'll have other things to do later, I'll just go with you later when I have time."


"Well, see you tomorrow."

Subaru waved as he walked this way down the hallway with Lotte and Thor.

Satania stood there stunned, forgetting to even say goodbye until the three of Subaru disappeared around the corner. Only then, as if they had just sobered up, they replied in a low voice and walked the other way.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Satania? I thought you left first, why are you still here?"

At that moment, Vernette, who had just come out of the inside of the classroom, just happened to see Satania passing through the doorway and asked in confusion.

"Well, I'm going back now."

Vineet frowned, "Surely you're still feeling a bit unwell, right? You look awful."

"Hey? Ah, ahahahaha... no way, how could Your Highness the Great Demon be sick! Well, I'm off!" , Satania laughed and fled like she was running away straight away.


In a few moments, Gabrielle also came out of the classroom with her bag, looked around, and then asked.

"Who are you talking to, Vernette?"

"Satania, she doesn't know what's wrong with her today, she looks so bad, is she sick. Let's go to her house later..."

"Satania?" , Jubilee raised her eyebrows. "Forget it, I'd better go check it out, it just so happens that I don't have any club activities today."

"HEY? But didn't you just say you were going to a club today..."

"That one is free to attend, and you can go without if you don't want to so it's okay. You go to the club, just leave it to me. See you tomorrow."


After Japari had left as well, Vineet scratched her hair and headed to the club room with a puzzled look on her face.

Everyone's a little weird today....

A few minutes later, Subaru arrived at Run's several homes as promised.

"...Is that so."

"Yes. I recently held a Live at school, and it's not good to hold another one in the near future, so...", Run said tediously, then looked at Subaru hopefully.

Subaru nodded his head and held his chin in thought.

In short, it was that the second Lovelive was around the corner, and Run and the others had only recently held a Live, and although they needed a new Live to increase their popularity, it was not a good idea to continue holding it inside the school, so they had to turn to Subaru for help.

"I've understood the general situation, so let's do this, this weekend, there's a Live, is it too late?"


The little Lori's looked at each other and replied happily.

"Of course we're in time!"

"That's good." , Subaru smiled. "Then you guys get ready for the weekend! There'll probably be a lot of people here this time."


Chapter 284 - Do you like Subaru?



Jubilee rang the doorbell, then waited quietly.

After a few seconds, however, there was no response at all from inside. Jubari frowned, rang the doorbell a few more times, and finally hammered the door a few more times.

"Satania! Open the door! It's me!"

Still no response.

"Not at home?" , Jubilee said doubtfully. "But there's nowhere else to go at this hour, is there!"

Jia Baili suddenly stared at the door, frantically ringing the doorbell while knocking non-stop.

"Hey! Satania, you can't think of anything else! Open the door for me!"

That's right! I remember it as.....

Jubilee lifted a hand off the mat in front of the door, and sure enough, there was a key lying there quietly, and she rushed in without even bothering to close the door.

"Hey! Satania!"

Heart pounding so hard, Japali opened one room at a time to confirm. In the end, only Satania's bedroom remained.

Japari placed her hand on the knob and swallowed hard, as if she was about to see an unacceptable scene. Then a hand pushed the door open.

"Sata! ...Nia."

"Sa! Tower! Nic! Ya!"

Jubilee gritted her teeth and said word for word, going to the side of the bed and grabbing the face of some sleeping person and yanking it to the side.

"Ahhhh!!! Ouch, Ouch! Ouch! What are you doing, Jubilee!"

"What are you doing sleeping in your room in the middle of the day?"

"Can't I sleep too?! It's you! Coming into someone's house for no reason and pulling my face!"

"I'm not bothering to argue with you." , Jia Baili angrily sat down on the bed, slightly hesitated and spoke, "Didn't you go to play with Subaru, why are you staying home alone?"

"Ah...", Satania's eyes dimmed for a moment. "Subaru said he had other things to do today, so he'll hang out with me later when he has time."

"I see... Da, it's probably something else again. Subaru is already busy, you don't need to take it to heart, just let him make it up to you when he has time."


They were all silent for a moment.

"Should we go back to him tomorrow?" , as if she couldn't stand the silence, Jubilee tried to say.

"Forget it." , Satania shook her head. "Subaru's been so busy lately, I'll be hated if I go looking for him again."

"That's also true..."

After a few more moments of silence, as if she had made up her mind about something, Jubilee looked at Satania, "I'll say."


"Satania you, do you like Subaru?"


Satania suddenly froze, and they just looked straight at each other.

"You, what are you talking about, ahahahaha...", Satania scratched her head and smiled, but the smile seemed so forced.

"Yea, yea...accidentally came out of my mouth. Just pretend I didn't say it." , Jubilee also smiled somewhat awkwardly. She then stood up. "Then I'll go back first, you go back to sleep."

"Oh... then, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

After escorting Jubari out, Satania silently returned to the living room and collapsed onto the couch like a delinquent, clutching at her chest.

"I... I like it, Subaru?"

Satania stared blankly at the ceiling, unaware of the two tears that had crossed her cheeks.