Regarding the evolution of the trash skill 「prediction」 into 「everything I say becomes true」Living a slow life with ☆Bricks・Bricks・Bricks!
Episode 36: I wonder if I can stack 700 bricks.
I got to the civil guild.
Then the usual clerk calls me out.
"There's another nomination from the Alchemist's atelier site."
"Oh, excuse me. Can't we make it another scene today?
"What, was it serious too?
Clerk, you looked worried.
"No. Not at all. But there's something I'd like to try out at another site today."
"Can I get 700 bricks?"
Now, officials, you'll look happy.
"Whoa, have you finally motivated me? I've always thought that jute wouldn't have to be 500 to load more."
Heh, he was admitting it, about me. I'm glad to hear that.
"Until now, I couldn't increase the number because I was concerned about the quality of what I could do. But I realized that increasing the number didn't mean I had to lose quality."
"Yeah, yeah. Jute can do it."
That's all you can say.
"But to be honest with you, if you're with the alchemist, I don't have half the quality check, so I'd like to try it elsewhere, and then use it for the alchemist."
"Oh, I know, I know. Because that guy's check is not lined up. 'Cause I'm a crier."
Today was somewhere else, so he introduced me to the brick-loaded scene of the mansion. Kind of a rich place, so it's a pretty big mansion.
Two brick loaders were due in today, but it was as easy as adding one, so I decided to do the brick loading there too.
Enter the site ten minutes before work begins.
No one has come yet.
The scene is already loaded with about ten bricks. There is about 20 m on the long side of the rectangular mansion.
Loading this for the three of us won't get in the way of anyone else.
After a while, the artisanal 40s old man did it. Here he comes.
"Oh, you're a bricklayer coming in today."
"Yes, thank you"
"Nice to meet you. I am the parent of this crime scene. What, you said you'd load 700 today alone?
He looks at me from top to bottom. [M]
You're the first person I work with, so maybe you're worried.
"Are you all right? If it's loaded fast, I'll fail mercilessly."
"Of course it is. Please strictly check."
"Okay, then use any tool you have over there."
In the direction indicated by the parent, tools and materials are collected in one place, and about five cots are available.
"Oh, today, I'm fine with using my own prepared cote"
"You think it's My Cote? Namaki. A skilled bricklayer. I'm talking about a guy who can do a solid job with any tool."
Hmm. You seem like some stubborn parent. Oh, my God.
"Eh. Actually, today, for the first time, I bought my own cote. So I just wanted to use it quickly."
"Right. I don't know that. Let me see that cot."
"Yes. Wait a minute. This is it."
"Wow, what is this? A lot of good stuff."
"Yeah. Isn't that amazing? It's a Dwarf's mark."
Parents looking at smudges and cots.
It says on my face that I want it too.
"Well, anyway. If you had a good tool, you'd do a good job."
I was talking about that, and the other craftsman came along, and I got all three of today's workers.
Together we mix cement, sand and water and start building balmoles.
"All right, you're 700. We have 500. To stack tight. It's a brick loading start."
Okay, my first brick load with a new tool.
Good luck with that.
Lay the balmor thinly on the brick that is already loaded.
Nature and Balmol flourish in the way I thought they would.
As of now, there are a lot and few places out there, so I will fix it with cote, but it will serve as I thought I would use this cote.
"Beautiful early"
Probably in time, it served in about 70% of the time. Maybe I'll pile up about 700 pieces if I don't have to use this cote.
I actually tried loading a hundred of them at the same pace as before.
Looking at other people's progression, they're 60 to 70, loaded.
I wonder if we could speed things up a bit.
Now, be aware of piling fast. But don't forget to pile up 100 pieces of politeness.
That, the other two still only pile around fifty?
I wonder if it's okay to double the speed.
I'll check out the 100 I just loaded. Check that out, too, because I feel like an alchemist.
"Nice. I can feel the tempo. Perfect."
Mr. Alchemist, I think you can tell me that.
Let's pile it up at this rate.
Load, stack, stack bricks. Serve Balmol, serve.
Repeating that, the sun went higher.
"Hey, time to take a lunch break"
"" Yes ""
I went into a break on your parent's decree.
"What do you say, how you doing? It's loaded a lot, isn't it?
"Yes, it's 450 in the morning"
My parents would be about 250. I think I took a lunch break because I loaded about half of it.
"Wow. Which one? Beautiful loading. I don't even have Baltimore hammered out."
"It would. This cote is great."
I tried to show off my cote.
Of course, I guess it's not just Cote.
"Hey, can you lend me that?"
"I don't like it."
The three of us have lunch. All we have for lunch today is black bread and water.
This is not a contract, this is a typical artisan's lunch.
I soak it in water because the black bread is hard and eat it knowingly.
The taste comes out twitching when I bite it off.
It should taste the same as usual, but I guess it's because I feel a little good today.
Finish your meal and get into the afternoon work.
The pace is the same, so it doesn't take that long to build up 250 pieces.
"Oops. It's over less than two hours fast."
My parents are still loaded with bricks.
Looks like there's over a hundred left.
"Parent, it's over"
"Are you done yet? 700 pieces, right?"
"Yes, could you please confirm"
"All right, let's do it"
I also got the word "perfect" for confirmation.
"I've never seen a bricklayer stack so fast and perfect"
I got the finest compliments from my parents.
I think that's a little too much.
As it was, I decided to go home early after getting seven big wage copper coins today, wondering if I was waiting too.
Of course, after cleaning up, I did the maintenance on the cote perfectly.
"It's been a long day."
I spoke to Cote with the Dwarf craftsman's mark.
I haven't heard back, but I thought you might be happy.
Okay, trouble.
Tomorrow, I was going to do a brick load at Mr. Alchemist's.
I can afford 700, so I wonder how many hundred I should make.
No way, I can't suddenly do a thousand.
Well, tomorrow, shall we talk to the officials of the guild?