Regarding the evolution of the trash skill 「prediction」 into 「everything I say becomes true」Living a slow life with ☆Bricks・Bricks・Bricks!
Episode 94: Clash! Central Team VS Goblin Corps
"Team 2E will be back from the woods!
"Why, at this time. Goblins, how are they doing?
"Goso 10 or so are headed for Team 2E"
"That's not good. Team 2E can't handle this."
Goso Goso Goso Goso Goso
Goso Goso Goso Goso Goso
Team 2E is a team of four C-class adventurers.
It's on a par with a goblin soldier.
Ten of them are losing power.
"So do you want to work another one"
We're on our way for Gerard to rendezvous with Team 2E.
Goso's wall stands in front of Gerard.
"Oh, plus Goso 10 and Gov 2 are on the move to pinch Gerard"
"That's not good.
Goso Goso Goso Goso Goso
Goso Goso Goso Goso Goso
goso goso goso goso goso goso gov
goso goso goso goso goso goso gov
"Now Gerard's in danger too, 1st and 2nd platoons of the Central Team, join us."
"Copy that!"
"Plus, Goso 20, put in extra"
Goso 40 in total, Koff 2?
This one's got four C's, eight B's, and Gerard.
"And the third squad is in."
"We're also getting more opponents. Goto and Gori are all out, 64 and 6. Four more gorillas."
"The fourth squad is in."
Not good, almost, isn't it?
All that's left over here is no force of war except the Raid Leader.
"What do you say? Can you win this fight?
Ping-Pong Pang Pong
"You can win if you stay in the war right now."
"Right. What happens when the rest of the enemy joins the fight?
Ping-Pong Pang Pong
"You can take them down, except for Goku."
"Other than go black? So you're saying he can't be defeated?
That, I don't have a forecast.
"Mostly, what's that black thing? Goblinking?"
After all, I don't have a forecast.
"What's up, forecaster! Why, it's just black, not forecasting?
"Goblack is unknown, so I can't predict it!
Oh, is that what this is about?
I guess that's what Milli answered with a temple.
"All enemies are out. Goro Black, Goro, Goba 3."
"Hmm. You mean that go-black is the problem, I'm out too"
Ping-Pong Pang Pong
"When the Raid Leader joins the fight, he'll be able to defeat anyone but Goku at his leisure."
"I guess so. But apart from go-black? Go. no one can defeat black!
Ping-Pong Pang Pong
"You'll most likely be able to defeat Jute"
"What, you?
"What, me?
I've matched the Raid Leader.
I didn't plan on joining the fight.
Because we'll have to pull the legs of those who could fight.
"Uhm. If me or Gerard can't take that black guy down, Jute, I'll leave him to you"
"Sort of. I can't."
"If it's a jute, it could take down a black one."
Ping-Pong Pang Pong
"You'll most likely be able to defeat Jute"
"That seems to be the case. I'm coming."
Can I really take him down? [M]
But if you believe in forecasts, it will.
"If there's anything Gerard and his leader can do, I'm coming."
"I can't. 'Cause you don't know how to fight, do you?
"Mr. Claire. Even if we stay here, we'll just wipe it out."
"Then I'm coming, too. I know how to fight better than Mr. Jute."
"Me too, go. I don't think it's going to be a force of war, 'cause you might come up with some kind of operation with a template."
"Mr. Claire. Millie, too! You guys can't."
"Is it more likely that we could defeat that black one?
Ping-Pong Pang Pong
"The three of us will have more chance of defeating them."
"Yes, it's decided! Forecast teams are on the move. I'll leave the timing to Mr. Jute."