Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 358

Easy Elves, Easy Elena (5)

“Are the others going to be okay? ”

“You'll be fine. because there was no other sign of it except for those who had fallen apart. They're definitely headed our way right now. ”


“There's a good chance this monster is the dungeon boss of a twisted pond. He's the one who's ruined the world's water. I don't know why the last dungeon boss suddenly showed up, but if there's no problem, the rest of the expedition should be here in 15 days. ”

I say I don't know why, but I can anticipate why the boss of the dungeon suddenly popped out.

It's just a family, but maybe it's in the center of a twisted pond.

It is said to be in the dungeon, but maintaining the demons in the dungeon requires enormous magical power.

The visas that make it impossible for demons to stay on the continent are magic from twisted pools or world waters.

Salit, a Named Monster, is most likely the closest one to the Twisted Pond.

He couldn't have taken a sudden stroll to the dungeon entrance without a plan.

You're right to think you were aiming from the beginning, rather than just accidentally finding this side.

‘It doesn't look like there's been a battle since then. ’

I just swallowed a kiln, and then I left right away.

Kim Hyun-seong and the other guild members must have been too short to react, and the reason the Elves guarding the rear were not responding properly.

Of course, if you think of it as a quasi-scale monster, it is undeniable that the successor failed to respond.

And in the meantime, I'm curious about why they were after me.

There is, of course, an expected answer.

Belial, the Demon Lord, said I was coveting, so Salit would be coveted.

Here's another problem.

"Why the fuck did he swallow me? ’

Belial clearly expressed no intention of killing me, and actually acted that way.

Contracts with demons are performance.

He even expressed his favour that he wished he could meet again, so there would be no need for another expression.

Salit swallowed me up to kill me, far from what I know of the devil's mind.

Is it impossible to get into an accident? ’

It could be a kind of instinct.

Not everyone who's classified as a demon thinks and acts like a 72 monarch.

I wish I could check his information a little more, but that's all the information I was given.

It was a pity that there was still a part of the legendary grade that I couldn't see.

It is also because of the impact of my job that I can see a single piece of information about him.

“More than that... I'm so glad. ”


“If it wasn't for Lee, I would probably be there.... ”

“You don't have to think like that. It's because Elena was there that I came all the way here. ”

“That's not true. Lee Young found out that we're in monsters now... I don't have anything... Yes, I was scared. In fact, I'm still very scared. The Honorable Cardinal is so amazed at how calm you are... I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. ”

“Haha. I'm not braver than I thought. Actually, it's the same as Elena. ”


“I'm telling you, I'm just as scared. ”

“But how did you... ”

“Well, I don't know, but I'm familiar with the situation. ”

“ ……. ”

“It must have affected Elena's presence, too. I wouldn't have been able to stand it if I was alone. because it helps to have someone you can count on. ”

“Ah... Well, thank you for saying that. ”

“I'm not saying that out loud, I'm saying it with all my heart. If Elena hadn't held my hand right now, she would have fallen down already. Thank you very much for that. ”


As you drive down the small passageway, the emerald elf screams out in a short voice.

The bridge is wobbling, and it's probably hitting its limit.

It was worth it. I walked for two days without a proper break.

Now I am also a physically limited situation.

It's not hard for her to suffer without experience in marching like this. The feet may not be intact, although they may have free stamina since they have high basic stats.

“I think we should take a break. ”

“No, you can't... ”

“It was a difficult time for me, too. I've been sleep-walking for two days. ”

“ ……. ”

‘I'm really hard, so you don't have to feel so guilty. ’

In the meantime, I looked around, but I couldn't find anything strange.

I thought I might be raising other monsters in my body, but I still haven't found anything unusual.

If you take a break, now is a good time. It was in the passageway leading to the next organ, and it was in the right terrain to hide its body.

‘Well, would it help...? ’

But it's better than nothing.

I sat down slightly, then tapped the side seat, and I saw him sitting carefully next to me.

Frowning at the pain.

There is no need to explain that it is what I think it is.

“May I see your feet for a moment? ”

“Yes? No. It's okay…."

When I carefully took off my boots without listening to the answer, I could clearly see the blistering and clumping.

The blood on my boots hurt, but my shame is bigger than my pain.

Once more, I can see my face reddened.

“Th-that's okay. I can heal myself. ”

“Tell me.... ”

“I thought you might be worried. But it's okay now. Lee Young-nim.”

“No. I think you should save the Divine Power. You shouldn't feel bad about your health because you don't know what's going to happen. I finally have a Potion, so I think it would be better to treat it with this. ”


‘I'm going to pass on an event like this because I'm crazy. ’

The first priority, of course, is to get out of here alive, but I also did not neglect my work.

It was because she had a feeling that the notice was near and she didn't feel any objection than she thought.

I don't know if it's because I'm in the Devil, or if I'm used to it, but I didn't get nauseous or frown.

It's the same now.

There is no other rejection while slowly touching the feet.

Rather, he is showing his head as if he is ashamed.

After holding out a potion in her lap, she slowly pours it over her feet, revealing Elena's face flinching at an unfamiliar sensation.

‘It's a little thick, but it's probably better this way. ’

Once you slowly pour the potion into the wound, you can clearly see your ears pounding as you slowly start to touch your feet.

I held my breath as long as I could, but I felt ashamed.

Seeing the slightly hyper-sensitive face, I felt very ashamed to show my feet to an Elven woman.

‘It's very small. ’

I feel like my feet are a little smaller than my body. I don't know what it looks like, but I had to do my best to treat her feet.

While I was at it, I raised my hand to my calf, but I did not panic or resist. Rather, he nodded his head and it seemed like a fine expression.

“I think you should loosen your muscles, too. ”

“Yes? Oh... yes. You don't have to... ”

“It will probably be excellent for relieving muscle fatigue. Not to brag, but the potion I created has many benefits. If you stay that way, you'll be fine, so you might want to have a quick meal while you wait. ”


“Take it, Elena. ”

“No, we don't need this. Honorary Cardinal prefers to eat... ”

“I'm used to it. Rather, I don't eat much at this time. I'm full enough for what I just ate. Pick it up quickly. It's a humble meal, but you'll be hungry for a short time. ”

“Go, thank you. ”

“You don't have to say that. ”

Finish with a smile.

Despite my reluctance, I can see Elena's face.

I felt guilty if I could only get help like this, but I was also strangely happy.

‘Things are going too well. ’

I thought it was curious that things were moving faster than I expected, but not necessarily strange.

Couples that appear in action films or horror films don't just kiss Climax.

The more desperate and dangerous the situation, the easier it is to feel like it.

I don't know if it's because of the heart beating rapidly by tension, or if it's really coming out of the chest, but this naive elf in front of me is stuck in a revelation that doesn't know who he is.

I didn't think it was unnatural.

If you are favored by caring a little here, it is definitely beneficial.

After the expedition arrives at the salat, it's best to pay attention to the event that will start to restore my body right after it strikes.

They're on their way, right? ’

It is natural that I feel anxious while chewing the jerky I ate earlier.

Even though the expedition is headed for his heart in case of an accident, we don't know if things will work out.

It's hard on the outside as well as the inside.

We can't even be sure if the Dragon Breath Potion can do damage.

‘This woman doesn't seem very aggressive either.... ’

It is a fact that whoever settles down will die.

We're out of his stomach right now, but there's no guarantee he won't decompose even if he's in another organ.

It was then that the body of Charlia holding my hand felt the bars tremble.

What's wrong with him? ’

A little nervous face.

I was worried that something might have happened, but it wasn't that face.

I felt like I wanted to ask something very much, but I couldn't say it easily.

I was waiting for you to tell me that you wanted to go to the bathroom, but I was not surprised to hear that.

“Th-the Honorable Cardinal. ”


“By any chance... ”

“Yes, Elena. ”

“What is your relationship with the honorary Cardinal Jeongyan? ”

‘Look at her. ’

At last, she bites her lips tightly as if asking me.

Red face like a carrot.

‘Look at the rush. ’

I feel so cute how I said what I was waiting for.

I feel like things are going well on one side, but on the other.

I opened my mouth with a bright smile, looking at Elena, who may seem a little anxious.

“I'm a loved one. ”