Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 642

Mad Crow (1)

The telescope that Elun gave me showed me was a group of warriors who stood firm at the risk of losing their comrades and thresholds surrounding him.

The swords that Lucifer handed down, or even the ones threatening Hyunsung Kim, shook my head without my knowledge.

Regrets surrounded by many may be able to withstand this crisis or get what they truly want, but a frozen face seemed to tell us how serious the current situation is.

‘Lucifer's dirty minions…. ’

Demons threaten a peaceful continent.

There are many disadvantages. Although Kim Hyun-seong is high in individual specs, he is outnumbered.

If you think about the magic and stamina that you have spent coming all this way, it is right to call it a disadvantage.

It was a moment when I resented that I could only be trapped here, wanting to bring down the Judgment of Light on that group of demons together with Hyunsung Kim.


I've knocked on the big door, but it's still not responding.

‘I have to believe, no, I believe in reality. ’

“You can do this. ”

Kim Hyun-seong has been through a lot of crises. I thought this crisis was going to be enough. That's what he was.

Lucifer's minions begin to sneak back into Smurf, realizing that a dear friend might have been brainwashed by an Awakened Warrior.

I can assure you that this is not an act of their own perception. Perhaps Magi of Darkness reacts instinctively to the sudden burst of sunlight.

“Come on, come on. Don't hold back, Hyunsung. ”

If I could reach my voice... If I could reach even a tiny force, it would really be a huge force for him...

- What do we do next, brother?

“ ……. ”

- Next time... how...

“ ……. ”

Darkness that remained within a moment was reacted by the power of the thresholds, but it was always brutal.

- Answer me, brother. Please... give me the instructions.

“ ……. ”

- Hey, are you okay? You're... okay, right? You didn't collapse, did you?

In the meantime, I can feel Raphael getting more and more nervous.

Otherwise, I had to tap my fingers with my thighs, separate from the sticky timing of my head.

It was because I had to turn my head about how to deal with things later.

‘Maybe I should say I was brainwashed. ’

Kim Hyun-seong is probably thinking that too, so maybe it's a good excuse.

I think I'll be here shortly after seeing those creatures already affected by the sunset.

Looking at the mirror at the slightest glance, it seems that the current look is not so good.

It was a distorted face because of the headache, and above all, it seemed to tell me that it wasn't healthy for anyone to see it because it wasn't eating properly.

I thought it would be good to have some signs of self-harm, but I don't want to hurt myself for a dramatic development.

Even for me, I didn't want to get sick in vain.

I don't have to make bruised marks all over my body, but I think Hyeon-seong Kim will recognize all the pain I would have experienced.

‘No, but it's better to have some. ’

I thought it would be possible that it would be just a little bit more appropriate.

While I was thinking about things, the guy with his arms and legs cut off was screaming in agony.

Kim Hyun-seong walked slowly past him, even though he thought he was already incapable of fighting.

Whether it was to watch him die slowly or to create a situation where he might regret being alive, it seemed clear that the cold Judgment of Light was just waiting for him.

When I saw Raphael's tightly clenched lips, I felt slightly sorry for him, but the balance had already collapsed.

No matter how hard you try here, it's impossible to regain this broken balance.

Above all...

‘Oh, I'm scared. ’

Kim Hyun-seong's face is very scary.

- Brother, brother! Bro!

I hear his brother quacking before I can even touch him.

Rafael, who had his face on the wall, had his wings spread out and retreated, but there is no way he would be harmed.

In fact, mental damage appears to be greater than physical damage. You must be thinking about why your voice didn't come out of nowhere.


Do you hear me on the receiver? ’

If I heard the dialogue, "Hyunsung, don't lose," my menthol would be worth it.

It means you might be considering whether or not you've been cut off by a ghost timing.

Even though very little concern crossed the frontal lobe of the brain, I could feel a little relief in my voice.

I don't care what the guy who was biting his lips tightly said.

- What have you done? What have you done to my brother? To my brother...

- …….

- It can't be. No way...

‘I'm so sorry, I really am. I didn't want to do this, but I'm in a bit of a situation. It's a bad time for everyone... and I'm the only one holding on to it. ’

- There's no way you're gonna abandon me... Something is definitely wrong with me. Yeah, it's obvious you... what did you do?

‘No, I can do that. If you don't believe me, you won't be betrayed... ’

- You can't just abandon me!


It was also a matter of time before Raphael, who was at the center of the party, was collapsing on his own, or the party that was difficult to respond to Kim Hyunsung.

Hunting dogs are the only ones whose eyes are alive. It was only a matter of time before the guy who broke his lips rushed towards Kim Hyun-seong.

Thought he was going to be beheaded right away, but he showed me a surprisingly good look.

It began to show just as it did with the rest of the party.

No direct instructions, but he remembers how to move.

- You're just gonna sit there?

The body of the hound that plays the Ambassador with Augrad's hands and feet is already in full swing. My whole body is literally raging.

- You were just gonna sit there and finish this.

‘Stop it, guys... ’

- Get up, get up, Raphael. Don't let me down. Don't let us down, me who followed you here.

Although their emotions have made sense, it is clearly difficult to listen to them one step behind.

- It started with your hands. Knot it to the end. He wanted to fight for the people he wanted to protect, for the continent, to pay for what he did. I remember, Raphael. I saw it in your eyes. I followed you.

- …….

- Don't shake it, you can do this. Obviously….

Now, the mysterious appearance of the hound reveals a cyworld emotion that I don't even remember, but someone is responding diligently.

With a sword protruding from my chest, it's strange not to react.

It's a different story, but in fact, I was a little worried about Kim Hyun-seong.

Even if things get complicated, sending your colleagues to the first round is a little too much.

Moreover, I wonder what he might think about the fact that his colleague is sending support to Raphael...

- Fight for yourself. Don't support me, Raphael... Don't... lose...

He eventually bled out and fell down.

Though it seemed to be alive to see him breathing lightly, there is no denying that he will not survive long.

- Oh, no, no, no, no!

Seeing Raphael mutter, the miracle priest Marien exudes divine power.

- Don't lose, don't lose. Don't sit down.

- Ah, ah...

- You told me you could do it. That's exactly what you said when we first met. I think I can do it, Rafael must be...

- Marianne! Marianne!

Even the priests who believed in miracles were exhausted after using all their sacred power.

I see Raphael looking all over the place.

At this moment, I can see tears streaming down my eyes as if they were lies.

There are no more comrades fighting together.

- Give me... strength.

- …….

- If you chose me for a reason, give me strength!

- You were never chosen.

- My brother told me there must be a reason he chose me. Give me strength, give me strength. Give me the strength to protect my comrades. Give me the strength to protect you! You stupid piece of scrap metal! Please... Please. Please... I'll do anything you want with me.

It's a time when you feel something Smelly. Although the warrior of justice is a cliche that gains strength from his sword, he's a warrior, isn't he?

It was at that moment when I was wearing my tongue for nothing.


The gray light began to flow from his body with a loud noise.

‘What, you can't do this. ’

“What, you can't do this. Why are you doing this...? ”

The gray glow is so bright that it can't even be properly measured. It feels glorious without exaggerating.

Raphael's whole body slowly recovers from the wounds.

No, the expression "resurfacing" is more apt than recovery, and the damage has been recovering as if it had never been done before.

Naturally, the gray color is affecting even the fallen ones.

The breath of the hunted dog, which was sighing weakly, began to steadily change, and the pale complexion of the exhausted Marien also returned to its usual appearance.

‘What... ’

I lost my hand, and all of a sudden I can't do this.

We can still buy more, right? ’

Kim Hyun-seong's expression also starts to stiffen even more. It shouldn't be too hard to react like that. The visible output itself....

‘Ununderstandable levels. ’

Isn't that what you said?

As long as you are chosen by a sword, no matter how many swords you use, you cannot possess the power of an ordinary human being.

A situation where the amount of grey light that is being emitted already exceeds Kim Hyun-seong.

Of course, I didn't think our lovely regretter would lose to him, but it was completely unreasonable what Raphael was showing us now.

Of course, I can understand where Raphael is getting his powers.


You were right to think it was stamped on the contract. At least the contract is....


I had no choice but to bite my lips tightly and worry about things.


“What the hell. ”

Why did you buy it? ’

Everyone had to wonder... why she invested in this stock and what she saw again.