Regretful CEO: Courting My Wife for 99 Times

Chapter 83 (Divorce is impossible!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the richest wrong love: President chasing his wife 99 times the latest chapter!Feeling the pain, Tang Zhiyi frowned and wanted to break free from the man's powerful hand. "It hurts to grab it, let go of me, it hurts!!"

Nan Jin Fan looked at the person with frowning eyebrows, his tone still quite disdainful.

"Only after the pain do you know what it feels like when it doesn't hurt. If it hurts now, you may not hurt if you stay away from me in the future!!"

As he said, he let go of the two slender arms that had been struggling in front of him.

Since Tang Zhiyi had always wanted to break free of the man's long steel arms, he did not expect that Nan Jin Fan suddenly let go. Tang Zhiyi fell back unsteadily.

Nan Jin Fan's eyes moved, just like he was on the edge of the pool last time, and resisted the urge to step forward to support her, and his dazzling black eyes, like a black jewel, watched the woman in front of him in embarrassment. On the hard concrete floor.

Tang Zhiyi, who fell to the ground almost instinctively, first supported the ground with both hands to avoid further injury to her body, but because of the excessive impact, her entire body was supported by gravity on her hands.

The original white palm slid more than ten centimeters out of the ground, and then there was a fierce pain, and the bright red blood instantly seeped from the edge of the palm.

Tang Zhiyi couldn't take care of the pain in his hand, and stood up again, with clear pupils facing the man's dark eyes, without the usual obedience, and the indecision of the past, still with a white and clean face with tears. Some drops of water condensed in the eye sockets, but this time I resisted it and didn't let it fall down, "Nan Jin Fan, I have always wanted to explain to you, in fact, I really have nothing to do with Li Nuoyan..." .

Before Tang Zhiyi finished speaking, the arrogant man interrupted her and mocked, "Hey, don't tell me you have nothing to do with him. Besides, you explain to me that you want to say you like me?"

The man paused, then stepped forward and stretched out his distinct fingers to pinch Tang Zhiyi's delicate and clean chin, his words were sarcasm and resentment.

"I am really not rare for your likes, how much do you think I would value you?!"

Tang Zhiyi looked at Nan Jin Fan’s terrifying eyes, and shook his head desperately like a rattle, tears streaming down, "No, I don’t, I don’t, I told Li Nuo that it’s??????, Nandao you just I haven't seen the garage monitoring, I..."

"You don't have to work so hard to explain so much to an insignificant person like me. In short, remember that our relationship is still a contractual relationship. If you mess up my life, you just want to get a divorce, it's impossible!"

After speaking, Nan Jin Fan immediately let go of the big hand holding Tang Zhiyi's chin, then, bypassing Tang Zhiyi, and left without looking back.'

"Do you think you have multiple weights in my mind?"

"We can't get a divorce!"

The short words were like a sharp knife poking Tang Zhiyi's heart endlessly. His slender body slowly squatted on the ground, his original white palms could not take care of the stains of blood and painfully covered his smooth forehead.

She almost exhausted her whole body to bite her pale lips, teardrops sliding down like pearls from a broken thread. In the past, she always thought that love was happy, joyful, and sweet, but never Thinking of liking someone is such a helpless and sad thing...

Nan Jin Fan, who was back in the car, did not immediately ask Xiaobie to drive back to the Nan’s villa, but picked up a pack of cigarettes from the car and smoked one.

With the "slap" of the lighter, the orange flame swayed from the air, and then ignited.

Nan Jin Fan leaned on the seat back and took a deep breath, and then the smoke slowly spit out, layer by layer around, making the man in the smoke even more hazy, no one can see his thoughts at this time, but from His dark and deep pupils seemed to be thinking about something again.

He rarely smokes, only occasionally when he is irritable, scissoring, and messy. For example, nowadays, there is always something unnecessary running around in his mind, as if he is about to lose something. People are upset.

One year after he was separated from Tang Zhiyi, he became more and more smoky, hollow and numb.

And here, until the early morning, Tang Zhiyi slowly supported his body and stood up. Maybe it was because of squatting for too long. When he just stood up, there were waves of dizziness in his head. After a while, he was steady. Slowly recover.

On the red and swollen eyes, there were still tears remaining on the long, curved eyelashes, and he walked with pale cheeks like ashes.

This journey is too hard and too desperate, so desperate that she can't see the slightest light.

She shouldn't be tempted easily. In this case, it is a relief to end as soon as possible, at least not thinking about being so sad and desperate and distraught now.

But what about Xiao Nan, Nan Jin Fan didn't even give her a chance to explain!

It's already one o'clock in the morning to walk to the Nanjia Villa!

At this moment, she really needed time to calm down, so she walked back slowly on foot alone.

On the second floor, there was no light, and the man who appeared behind the huge curtain looked at the woman hovering at the door. He stood here for a long time, thinking whether she would come over, until he appeared at the door of Nan's house with joy and a little annoyance.

Tang Zhiyi seemed to be a little cold, stomping his feet constantly, but did not knock on the door of Nanjia.

Finally, he couldn't help it, and when he went out, he whispered, "Mother Wu!"

Wu Ma came over and was surprised to see that he hadn't slept so late, but she listened to Nan Jin Fan's instructions: "Tang Zhiyi is back, you let her come in!" At the end, he added another sentence: "Don't tell her it's me." Confessed."

After speaking, he walked to the bedroom.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Wu's mouth, and she almost trot to her mouth. She saw Tang Zhiyi's figure, and she hugged Tang Zhiyi with some distress, "I have suffered you, my child!"

Tang Zhiyi looked at the faces of Wu Ma's relatives, thinking about it and holding back his emotions.

Tang Zhiyi stood in the hall of the Nan family again, as if it was a lifelong feeling. The male family had already fallen asleep. She hesitated whether to go upstairs. Wu Ma whispered to her: "Go up, Mr. did not sleep yet!"

Tang Zhiyi thought for a while, and sooner or later he was going to face it, so he went up to knock on the door, but found that the door was hidden.

She walked in lightly, Nan Jin Fan was already lying on the bed without turning around or speaking.

She didn't know if he was asleep.

Tang Zhiyi tentatively called: "Jin Fan!"

However, without answering, she didn't know what to do at once?

After standing in the house for a while, I walked to the sofa as usual, shrank inside to keep warm, and fell asleep in a daze!

When the people on the sofa made the sound of faintly sleeping breathing, Nan Jin Fan slowly opened the pair of dark black jewel-like eyes and slowly looked over.

That poor figure curled up on it so much, is it a bit heavy today? He blames himself a little!

Get out of bed, pull out a blanket, gently cover her, guessing to return to the bed, suddenly feel very fulfilled.

This is actually quite good.