I jump high and high, straight up the line.
If I looked far away, I could see the movement of the hyena herd.
This is the first time I've flown so high.
In light of the weight of the figure, the rising speed gradually drops.
Not yet, still flying up.
Pause completely in the air, then I bend my neck and look around.
Full of vision, it was just sand.
Even by the sea, no ships or other islands can be found at all.
I was wondering if there was still hope if I could even see a migratory bird, but that's not there either.
Seriously, there's no other city here than an example walled city.
Come on, why don't you go upstairs and take a look around?
Wings to wings, but it's like they're not getting any higher altitude.
The momentum had already withered when I kicked the ground and jumped up, and the power of the wings alone didn't seem to push my body any further up.
Because I flew all the way to the limit, I was the feather that greatly disfigured me.
I can't hold it back. That's pretty fucked up, huh?
When I deposited my center of gravity to the left in an attempt to rebuild it, I turned my body upside down as it was.
Yabe, the more you rush, the more you feel like you're on your back.
I fell in disguise with my hands and feet flat.
He crashes massively from his shoulder and rolls up the sand smoke, then slowly rises.
I'm glad that... [Drop Resistance] is present.
If it hadn't been for that, I wouldn't have done this.
While it was falling, I think I saw the captain of a soldier who had attacked me before in the distance.
Name...... are you bald? Was it Daz?
Something like he was crossing a three-necked camel with a nori...
I was anxious to see if I'd make it home safely because the horse was running away, but, well, she looks fine and more importantly.
I think those camels were pretty slow on their legs...... Bald Osama, I wonder if they'll make it home at that rate.
"How many kas, Atta?
[Narrator] was sent with a ringing voice, and I shook my head.
You're weak.
If we don't find another city, we're gonna have to send Nina to that walled city.
Nina is anxiously dropping her eyebrow butt, watching me and Jade Rabbit interact.
You should explain some more to Nina, too.
I can't stay with her for long, so I'm going to find a place where Nina can live in peace, but I haven't talked about [dragon scales] yet.
I would also like to increase my skill level and explain it using [the technique of humanization].
How many seconds are humanizable right now......
Race: Urticaria dragon
Status: Normal
Lv: 44/75
HP: 302/344
MP: 237/237
All right, 237 seconds...... we have nearly four minutes.
The conversation will go smoother than before, and this is all we need.
In case later, I'd just like to leave the MP for about 50.
If you can't explain it, you can normally use the Tamaki translator, and we'll hang it up early.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I bark lightly and turn the consciousness of Jade Rabbit and Nina to myself.
Meet with Nina and then use the [technique of personification].
Also, as before, the entire body has heat and is compressed to human size.
At first it was stuffy with fever and pain, but you're really getting used to it.
Hopefully this will make it last a little longer and look better.
Because it can still only be like a Lizardman and a human half.
Nina supposedly assumed that I had something to talk about and that I was humanized, so I met Jade Rabbit face-to-face, and then she squeezed her expression all the way out in front of me.
No, even if I'm not ready for that, I'm not willing to take it and eat it...
You can trust me a little more.
"I don't care, O Mae Ni Ha Poison Ninal. Amari long torrent times swakeniha row kanai. Dokokani Serial Rete Row Tte Yart Hytte Shimataga, I ha geography nigga. Konoma madato, ano walled city ni row kusikana kunute shimau"
"Docoka, our Tehanainoka? Ninonala Evil Iga, Ano Castle Wall City Heto Kau"
This question is similar to the one I threw at you before.
The last time I threw him around, he told me he had nowhere to go, but it's a double check.
If you tell them exactly what the situation is and show that you don't have a choice, there's also a chance that Nina will come up with a place name that she kept quiet about.
To an example walled city doesn't mean you can go right back.
If you continue your journey without a destination, you will either abandon it in the desert or curse it to death with [dragon scales].
Better yet than that, you should take him over there.
Nina listens to me and drools her head cat ears powerless.
... If I can do it, I'll take more time to find it, but I don't have a choice anymore.
Me and Nina spoke nothing to each other, just stood face to face.
You can't just rub down your MP like this. We need to talk about something.
"... Physical Ni Disease No omen Gaattara, Early Mentorial Etecle"
It was confirmed when Tamaki began to develop abnormalities in her body before changes appeared in her status.
When he was coughing, his status was still normal.
Suddenly the jade raven rang.
Nina turned her face to the jade raven and looked at him before reaching out and gently stroking the head of the jade raven.
Then Nina nods small and turns back towards me.
Were you talking about something in [Narrative]?
"… along the coast, straight ahead, there is a small harbour town. It should be closer than Halenae."
The direction is the opposite of that walled city.
Either that or that walled city is Halenae after all?
I had predictions because there were so many words like that in those soldiers' statuses.
Harbor Street...
Maybe Nina and the other beasts were just about to be transported by boat to this continent and taken from there by carriage to Halenae.
If that's the case, even if we go to Port Town, Nina's treatment won't be good...
"Oh, you know, Harbor Street is close, and Nina's still physically, okay. If I could... that, slowly..."
Have you ever had a big burden on your body?
I was going to keep it as low as possible.
"... when we get back to Harbor Street... Nina, we're going to get caught again. Until then... well, I'd like to travel slowly with the dragons. Me, Maywack...?
"... wa, katta. Saw, Srl"
"Oh, thank you...... whoa!
I took a few steps back and solved [the art of humanization] before Nina finished thanking me.
Your body swells all at once and returns to its original dragon appearance.
After returning, quickly turn your back on Nina and Jade Rabbit.
The sudden solution to the [technique of humanization] was not due to lack of MP.
MP would still have nearly half left.
Because I just didn't want to be seen crying out of my eyes.
That said, let's get back to the dragon, though I never stopped crying.
Is there really any other hand besides sending Nina to Harbor Street or Halenae?
Whether for Harbor Street or Halenae, Nina's treatment would be similar.
That fat man, who was kicking Nina's countrymen off the carriage and using them as food for demons and laughing, passes behind his brain.
I can't even know what Nina will see after we break up.
Even if we keep going back to Harbor Street, they could kill us right away.
If so, what was the point of what I was doing?
Did you just help that fat man if you only looked at the results when you stood up to the big muckade with your life at stake?
"... Dragon,?
Nina threw words on my back, but I couldn't look back.