I groan and manage to lift my body.
Hard muscles, hard to move.
Maybe I got some state abnormality.
Race: Urticaria dragon
Condition: Paralysis (Small)
Lv: 44/75
HP: 98/343
MP: 199/236
Shit, I'm paralyzed.
What shall we do?
That blonde, contrary to appearance, is a monster strength.
Looks like Adov's people, and if you kill him poorly, it will be impossible to negotiate with Adov.
Or, you're not the one who can hold you out of hand. Even the vegetables are suspicious.
If you just got knocked in unintentionally. Still, it's absolutely weird at a time when you're flat to the point where I'm at the moment.
But even if you run away, both Jade Rabbit and Nina are away from me.
Even if we could retrieve them and get away with it, it would wield a good opportunity on the stick to come into contact with a seemingly plausible adf at this time.
In that case, Nina's helpful path will be turned down.
Anyway, for now, it's from his status check.
The man descends from his winged horse and shakes his head small, face back to face with Adov in a frightened manner.
I use [status viewing] while staring at its side.
[Normal Skill [Status Browsing: LV6] is information that cannot be obtained accurately.
A: Ar * * * * * *
> dust : * constant
□ Ke: 78/100
Cuckoo: 602/602
Soshi: 552/552
It's been a long time since 'It's information I can't get exactly' came out.
The ones shown are also full of weird symbolic crossings and hidden, and not everything from skills to contents can be seen properly.
After all, is he something of the same kind as that slime?
When I was checking my status, I felt something uncomfortable.
I feel uncomfortable and nothing right now because there are a lot of worm eaters that are typing, but there is a different vibe from some of the displays.
However, I was stunned by the figures before thinking deeply about them.
If that array and number are correct, it's Lv78, max HP 602.
The other numbers are much higher than mine.
It's a high status that could instantly kill even that big muckade I was tormented by.
"Nothing, I guess I didn't have to use this sword over here"
The man lays his sword on his hips, which he had in his hands since he said so.
The man had three swords on his back.
One of them has a color scheme similar to the gear the soldiers had previously met.
Maybe it's something like what we're paying for in that walled city.
"Look, Mr. Adoff. Please stab me in the face. If you leave without doing anything like this, it's hard for you to face the great people, too, isn't it?
"But it doesn't seem hostile to that dragon. If you wanted to kill me, you could have killed me right away. And the Beast Man over there..."
"No, but I'm willing to kill you, too, but you haven't killed this dragon yet, have you?
"No, that's..."
"I understand. In short, you were licked because you thought you could kill it right away. Hey, former Knight Commander."
When the man spoke with the former Knights Commander, I found Adov's expression to be strong.
The man sees Adov's reaction and shakes his shoulder small, concealing his mouth.
What, he's laughing?
... I don't know what these guys have to do with each other, but I'm going to look at this one and this one sideways. Regardless, blondes show little bare gesture about caring about this one.
I don't know the background, but it's that high status.
I wonder how confident you are.
With the success of the unintentional strike, you're probably pretty relaxed.
If this one doesn't move, we're going to get some time until he stabs Todome.
While trying to avoid irritation, gather information by watching how things are going, so that paralysis status anomalies can escape, and [HP Auto Recovery] can restore health.
The situation sucks, but we have to move as calmly as we do at this time.
If I make a mistake, they could kill me, Nina and Jade Rabbit.
If I can partially exclude this guy's status, where I just felt strange signs, and see it, maybe I can prevent him from typing.
[Status viewing], which was LV3 when I first saw the slime, is now LV6.
It's not surprising that I could have applied that much.
I look to the side of the man and check the status again.
[Normal Skill [Status Browsing: LV6] is information that cannot be obtained accurately.
Consciously remove a portion from the status screen that comes up behind your brain.
Race: Earth Huma
Status: Normal
Lv: 78/100
HP: 602/602
MP: 552/552
Attack: 354
Defense: 264 76
Magic Power: 347
Fastness: 325
Body: [Water Dragon Clothes: B]
[* *: Lv --]
Characteristic Skills:
[Voice of God: Lv7] [Protection of the Spirit: Lv --] [Blessing of the Fairy King: Lv --]
[Optical Attribute: Lv --] [Grisha Language: Lv6] [Swordsman's Talent: Lv9]
[Signal Sensing: Lv6] [Sneak Enough: Lv7]
Resistance Skills:
[Physical Resistance: Lv6] [Magic Resistance: Lv6] [Dark Attribute Resistance: Lv7]
[Phantom Resistance: Lv5] [Poison Resistance: Lv5] [Curse Resistance: Lv3]
[Petrochemical Resistance: Lv5] [Immediate Death Resistance: Lv4] [Paralysis Resistance: Lv3]
Normal Skills:
[Status view: LvMAX] [Shock wave: Lv6] [Ten series penetration: Lv5]
[Heavenly Drop: Lv6] [Land Return: Lv5] [Luna Lucene: Lv7]
[Samon: Lv7] [Mirage: Lv3] [Holly: Lv5]
[Highrest: Lv5] [Quick: Lv4] [Power: Lv5]
[Mana Barrier: Lv2] [Physical Barrier: Lv4]
Title Skill:
[Selected: Lv--Hero: Lv5] [Brave: Lv7]
[Cunning: Lv9] [Way of Evil: LvMAX] [Lying Spit: Lv8]
[Despicable King: Lv9] [Disaster: LV3] [LaPlath Interference Authority: Lv3]
[Contractor with King Worm: LV --]
It went well.
This guy has one more skill classification for status.
If you think it's uncomfortable, was it there?
I don't know now, but did the slime have a lot of frames, too?
It's just not if you're considering that.
I looked at the whole thing and it made me feel painful again.
Fighting him doesn't win first.
It's still better to have a muckade and a tyman.
Besides, why is his name the same as mine?
There's no second name, it's totally Illusia.
Originally it should have been a flower name, so maybe wearing it isn't that weird in itself......
Of all the people I've ever seen, there was no first name only human.
They didn't have surnames for anything of low status back in the day, but there's no such lowlife atmosphere in this man.
I don't know how it works this way with the world I was in, but it's weird nonetheless.
There are too many other suspicions about [the voice of God] doing title skills.
What the hell is this?
A man takes his eyes off Adov and looks at this one.
At once, let me lift my gaze sharply and turn my body toward me as I tongue.
"It's just barely depressing. That's enough. If the former Knights Commander doesn't do it, I'll do it."
Shit, it's coming this way.
We still have paralysis, but can we deal with it?
Running or fighting in the first place, they're both too risky to set a course of action.
"Doco, look at Taylor. Upper Da '
I can suddenly hear the reading.
Up there? What are you talking about?
The man seemed to hear it too, stopping his legs and doing his gaze into the universe.
At the next moment, the sand in the man's footsteps splashed, and the jade raven turned up.
Five fiery balls appear around the body of the jade rabbit, which jumps to the man at once.
Tamaki's skills, [Lightning].
The man took an intermission as he stepped back and scratched out the ball of flame with his bare hands.
If he didn't think he could see the jade raven, he would have seen the gap, dug the hole, and moved to his feet.
"G...... Grrrrrr!
Oh, hey! Jade rabbit, what are you doing!
I'm not your winnable opponent!