Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~
201. Collective Battle
A red ant collides with the head of the self-defense and the head of the enemy.
Subsequently, he also hits the front line once and for all, and the full-fledged feud begins.
Yabe, it's what I expected, but I still can't tell the difference between enemies and allies.
I know it's generally my side that's on this side, but if I change my position a little, that's going to drive my senses crazy.
Especially when you look at the entangled red ants, you don't know which one for a moment.
You could attack an ally who stood in front of you, and you could show a gap in the enemy who stood behind you.
I have a hand in getting Yuru to distinguish me in his reading, but I can't do such a long thing during a riot.
A flash of miscalculation can be lifesaving.
But I can't even let my hands rest.
Now the number of enemy red ants has just exceeded thirty.
It is still a momentum that is likely to come out of the nest hole.
The total number of red ants here is thirty, and besides, the five red ants circling the other side still don't show up.
If you think about it without me, this red ant is way below us due to the difference in power.
If I don't get my hands on it, it's obvious that my army's Red Ants will be wiped out.
If you are wiped out by your own Red Ants, you will lose the calculation for dropping this nest, and the means to gain experience.
I don't think I can destroy the Red Ant's nest alone.
The vision of the great mukade being gathered in a large group of red ants came to mind.
Even if you go out on Operation Poison Dumplings and aim to weaken the Red Ants, Nina's death penalty will be over by the time it works.
Besides, as an end to the proposed settlement with the Queen Ants, we are now in a cooperative relationship with these Red Ants.
I want to avoid letting you die in vain because of my mistakes.
After being lost for a moment, I decided to pull myself off the front.
You can't look around the whole enemy on the front line.
Sometimes they'll go around and not notice.
This place is too big.
From where I pulled a step, let's go back to cover until we calm down.
If you were in a position to calm down and confirm the whole front, you wouldn't even be on the wrong side with your enemies.
I don't have to worry about getting fatally injured just because I'm a little lost in judgment.
You can fight favorably by healing Red Ants with [Highrest], and when you can afford to attack enemy Red Ants with [Sickles], you should be able to plunder some EXP.
You won't have that much experience getting into one go, but you can hit the enemy Red Ant with a sickle from one end.
Keep track of the battle on the left.
... I'll take care of it, okay?
Then I ran around behind the front line and decided to ask what was going on.
After all, the difference in numbers makes this one feel more pushy.
But every red ant is focused on their current enemies.
I'm not very vigilant against me, which is down to a little further away.
Enemy red ants fly to their own red ants.
The Red Ants of their own army respond with [Craigan].
The enemy Red Ant gets stone rubble on his head and squatts, but a second Red Ant pops out of the shadow of his whole eye.
I fired a [sickle] from the cradle of my army's red ants into a flying enemy.
Apparently the red ants I attacked were already on hand, and when the sickle hit, they rolled for about a few meters and stopped moving.
[I got 126 EXP.
[Title Skill [Walking Egg: LV --] gained 126 more experience points.
[Uroboros] 's LV has risen from 15 to 21.
This might be efficient.
I knew I'd like to rise to the level in the early days.
If I can take off my low level band at this rate, I feel like I could fight the Red Ant's nest.
Occupying flavor, I fly around the battlefield in [flight] and shoot [sickle] from above.
I devoted myself to shooting [sickle] and asked the other party to concentrate on providing support for their allies with [high rest].
If you find a dangerous HP ally in [Status Browse], rush to heal, and if you find a decreasing HP enemy, stab him with [Sickle].
[I got 112 EXP.
[Title Skill [Walking Egg: LV --] gained 112 more experience points.
[Uroboros] 's LV has risen from 21 to 23.
[I got 117 EXP.
[Title Skill [Walking Egg: LV --] gained 117 more experience points.
[Uroboros] 's LV has risen from 23 to 25.
More and more experience accumulates.
Each one is low, but also dust becomes a mountain.
It's a good place, but red ants have [self-regeneration] skills.
The main case is that it is lowered and recovered before it is defeated.
Cut off the paralysis, and if you follow it poorly deep, pull over and get together and it's bumpy.
Make sure you stab the tortoise with my [sickle].
[Craigan] lacks a bit of decision hitting and speed.
There is little damage to this red ant because [Highrest] is on time, but the red ant over there is still antagonizing the number because it springs from the nest at all costs.
But at this rate, one day we'll run out of them.
When the red ants on my side can afford it too, keep their own MP consumption down and wait for me to come back down.
My MP is huge, but the Red Ant MP will soon be gone if I abuse [Craigan] and [Self Regeneration] a little bit.
I don't want to reduce the MP of my own Red Ants as much as possible than I would expect for a long battle.
As he ran around and continued the fight, he stabbed more than twenty red ants with a todome.
The skill level of [Sickle] increased from 3 to 5 and the skill level of [Highrest] increased from 3 to 6.
My own level has risen steadily from 25 to 41.
More than expected.
If it was rampant in the Red Ant nest over there, you wouldn't have gotten the experience so far.
My MP's just getting a little tight.
After using the [Highrest] once, the MP automatically recovers, and the state continues from earlier.
The Red Ants in my own army seem to be having trouble attacking me because of the reduced frequency of support they receive from me.
The enemy red ants are still coming out.
Fifty bodies should have been knocked down already, but they sprang from next to next with interruption.
It's a little harsh when you can keep increasing at this pace.
[Highrest] and [Sickle] are getting harder to use, so maybe I should get out on the front line.
And when I thought so, five red ants popped out of the ground near the enemy's Red Ant nest.
The enemy red ants are surprised, so it's probably their own army red ants that were circling the other side.
They proceeded digging holes and hiding, anticipating when they would come out.
The Red Ants quickly jump into the enemy's nest.
The enemy Red Ant tries to follow, but it's slow.
"" "" "Kucha!
At the entrance to the nest, five red ants rang simultaneously.
The nest entrance collapses, covering and crushing the five red ants. Some of the enemy red ants sink into its convolutions as well.
Was it the SWAT unit that was going around the other side...
"Kucha!" "Kucha!
The Red Ants on their side are delighted to see the entrance to their opponent's nest collapse.
Red Ants seem to be indifferent to the lives and deaths of their people.
If it's only the hands and feet of the queen, that's probably the perception.
I sent poison dough into the nest and drove it to the brink of devastation. I don't know what I mean, it's a little complicated.
This must have been advantageous, but the only thing that crushed it was the entrance.
Red Ants also have [digging holes] skills, and will soon dig a new exit and come out.
But this shouldn't add up for a while.
We can definitely destroy the enemies we have.
Maybe he's making other exits, but I can't see that from here at least.
It will take some time to get here.