Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~
298. Prepare for battle
The area was completely dark by the time the medicine and weapons were ready... but it was conceivable that the enemy would launch a night raid, and it was also possible that my unraveling of the poisonous magic team would make the enemy realize the operation was exposed and rush the attack.
The dragon god settlers may also be anxious to flutter away without me during the emergency.
During the night he decided to take the warriors of the Litveal tribe of the anti-dragon gods and head to the settlement of the dragon gods.
It's just that if we pull out all our power and our enemies attack the Anti-Dragon Divine settlement, it's gonna be a big deal.
I decided to discuss it with Bella and others who have a say and have them follow me to half of about two hundred, the total population of the Anti-Dragon Divine settlement.
In the unlikely event that the enemy attacked the anti-dragon god settlement, the evacuation route was prearranged, and the palace personnel were left behind, so it should not be important.
I took close to a hundred anti-dragon god Litveal warriors and walked the way I came along the river.
... I wonder if we can deal with the slightest amount of enemies if we can just add in the garlic.
Bella just told me that there are also about three hundred people in the Dragon Divine settlement of the Litveal tribe.
There are more than two hundred combat personnel in there, he says.
Together, they are three hundred warriors.
Many of the dragon god settlement humans have not yet escaped the influence of the cursed water... but the culprit has already said no, so it won't be any worse than before.
Plus I didn't have to use the extra MP with the anti-dragon god settlement persuasion, so by the time I get over there I should be pretty much at full speed.
You can shoot [HIGH REST] and [HOLY] to secure combat personnel.
Besides, I have one too.
If it's just fighting, it shouldn't be a lot of human farts.
From the time of the troubled dragon, there was only enough power to deal with multiple humans and fight well.
Long term war specialist Uroboros should also be able to spend the whole day fighting.
So what I would ask the Litveal warriors to do is buy more time than defeat their enemies.
If I repel my enemies and go around, that should be the end of the fight.
As I was thinking ahead, they were shivering my hiccups and jaw muscles.
Thinking things are weird and observing, they seem to move their eyes regularly.
I thought you picked up some weird signs.
Let me know if you notice anything.
"... Greater Citacotto Janeyo"
If I ask, they'll give it back.
Then he seemed to be consciously suppressing eye movements.
As far as I'm concerned, I'd be extra worried if they did that.
Hey, if something happened...
"...... no, the rear rong guys gay chitsukane"
That's what they said. Again, I checked the back.
There was a large group of Litveal, walking in alignment with Zorozolo.
Some have spears, others pull carriages with pots.
... When you do become conscious, you're a little restless.
I hope the dragon gods don't freak out.
Since I saw the Dragon Divine settlement, I used a whistle.
The noise echoed heeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Maybe... I could hear you in the settlement.
I'm sorry I'm supposed to knock the sick up in the middle of the night, but it's important.
I can't care less about that.
Then a second voice sounds.
It's not me, it's the other side.
When I looked him in the eye, he looked forward with a clear face.
Hey, you just wanted to try it. No, I don't mind.
I heard a strange, high noise coming from a little further away, as we whistled.
A group of five warriors of the Litveal tribe of dragon gods, each of whom seemed to be looking around immediately, emerged from a different direction.
One of them had in his hands something like a whistle that he apparently made from demonic bones.
You'll definitely see it as the tall sound identity you just heard.
Maybe it's for informing the settlement about the anomaly.
"Ko, what the hell is this... Ryu, Dragon God, what the hell is going on?
The Litveal tribe of the Dragon Goddess was bewildered when they looked at me and lowered their weapons when they were stared at by their opponents in an attempt to point a spear at Bella.
In the tight air, Baron jumped down and landed on both legs.
"... rest assured. They rushed to us knowing it was our crisis. The dragon god brokered me. For one thing, a truce."
"Riu, the dragon god...!
Those who heard Barron and remained armed also lowered their weapons.
"They also bring some antidotes and some precious herbs. Let everyone in the settlement know!
Several returned to the settlement to hear Barron's words and inform the entire Dragon Divine settlement.
Although it took slightly longer, permission to enter the interior of the settlement was dropped.
I thought I'd be a little more obstinate... but out of the blue, I really went.
Now I just don't have a choice, which may also have something to do with it.
The dragon god people and the anti-dragon god people either say the bat looks a little bad, or it was awkward, but this would still not be that big a problem.
It may be careless... but the absence of the dragon god witch, which has been a direct cause of the anti-dragon god departure, may also be working positively.
It took the form of pressing sin on the Witch clan.
No evil, Hibi.
But I'll definitely protect the Litveals.
After entering the settlement, Bella and others, who spoke among the anti-dragon gods, were invited to the assembly center.
It will be about the organisation of the situation and future action.
In the meantime, I decided to help the people in the anti-dragon god settlement turn to treatment.
Although anti-dragonist humans are accustomed to dealing with poison and drugs, no one will be right on the other side with restorative magic, and if I were there, I could win instant arbitration even if there was going to be an extra dispute.
[High-rest] was used to move around, securing combat personnel and causing serious poison damage to the treatment of those who suffered.
After the treatment settled, I couldn't help but wonder, so I decided to go check on the rally point.
It would be best if I could strike alone, slap the enemy's best balls alone and hang the threat.
It's just that in that case, there was an absolute mistake, and the enemy was attacking me while I was searching for the enemy, for God's sake, it shouldn't happen.
To that end, he wanted to follow the decisions made between the Litveal tribes without moving on his own.
But the Bellas aren't quite out of the rally point.
I don't know when the enemy might attack me.
Hopefully, I'd rather look around and hit enemy detection as soon as possible than inside the settlement.
I followed and tried to hear the voice inside with my ear against the assembly wall.
I don't hear many voices inside.
I was in a hurry and peered inside through the window.
Inside, three top-like humans from each faction sat in chairs facing each other across the long desk, and each faction had five escorts.
He seems alert so that he doesn't make strange movements over there.
... Now, we can't afford to be hanging out between the Litveal tribes.
It seemed that Bella and Barron were mainly in the process of talking.
... Though, Baron stands with a spear, so he seemed like an escort.
Second, my grandmother, who was sitting in a Dragon Divine chair, noticed me sticking to the window and flipped it on the spot.
I'm sorry... I couldn't stand still.
I pulled my neck in with a scratch.