Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~
308. Allo VS Azalea ② (side Azalea)
Hands and Jade split left and right, approaching each other to circle into a small shadow.
I followed it, too, to the shadows with my sword in place.
Perhaps...... hidden spider threads and spider demons are placed in this fog.
Ask the preceding Hands and Jade to uncover the ambush to some extent and distract the undead.
Multiply that gap, and I'll finish the main body at once.
The undead tend to have a high vitality, but are not going to compromise the clasp.
In small shadows, little movement is seen.
I thought they were supposed to use magic again while the distance was there...... is it out of magic?
I can't be very optimistic, but just maintaining a mist of this magnitude should require a lot of magic.
Maybe he's going to be hanging on melee with a bad vision.
cried, a noise rang from the footsteps of the Hands.
"Well, you're out!
Hands stop legs and wave swords.
Three shadows crawling out of the ground surround the Hands.
Probably a spider.
Whether the handles have been flaunted by the yarn or the movement becomes dull.
"Damn! Damn it! Dear Azarea, Dear Azarea!
The ambush seems to have been activated over there.
You failed to jump out in a hurry.
The undead seemed somewhat turning his head, but in the trap using demons, he couldn't handle the details.
If we move calmly, we can denigrate its full effectiveness.
This should have sharpened the protection of the body a little.
Jade's sword is prevented by the big arm of the undead.
At that moment, I raised my speed to full speed at once.
With this degree of distance, it can be filled in an instant.
He was daring to slow down dramatically in order to get the two of them ahead of him and ensure the undead was unexpected.
Successfully reduced distance to undead.
I was able to get in right outside between swords.
The undead kept Jade's sword guarded with one arm, only his face facing me.
Because of the fog, the expression cannot be confirmed.
He just looked at me blindly, and it was obvious that he didn't envisage what I was capable of.
Behind the diagonal, I saw a spider standing here trying to spit yarn.
"Out of the way."
Beat the rear ground with the sword you pulled to shake it, and stretch your hand with the sword forward to draw a circle while still hitting the ground.
A curly earthen smoke crushed the spider's eyes that were behind him.
When he stretched his sword, the undead was bouncing Jade and turning his thick earthy arm to the guard.
I slash that dirt arm with my sword as it is.
The arms of the earth broke and blew up, dancing through the universe.
As it were, I smashed my defenseless, empty chest.
Like Jade's sword, I guess he thought my sword could be prevented with his arms.
"A, a..."
Undead retreats with a groan.
But it's too late.
If you're good at magic, you should have used it before they stuffed the distance without sparing you.
Only the minute the undead goes down I move on and go after him.
Regardless, I'm not going to back off with a single blow.
Retain with a series of attacks.
He plays the other arm at the beginning of his hand and releases a series of triplets into his fully no-guard abdomen, feet and chest.
The body chooses, and the soil that makes up the body of the undead dances into the universe.
He fired a fourth shot straight into his neck, skipping his head.
An undead body with no neck fell to the spot.
My head falls right next to mine.
The fog covering the area seemed a little thinner.
I guess the endeavor of the undead, who was creating the fog, rendered it ineffective.
"Hmm... are we done?"
But I can never be optimistic.
If there were any other such undead, it would be a major obstacle in the future.
If the fog stir is properly decided, that alone could destroy one large unit.
I hope the undead hadn't ambushed us before Lord Tollman headed...
"That's Lady Azarea! Thick earthy arms, so easy..."
"Ha... ha... I think I could get rid of the spider, but the thread got tangled up in my leg"
Hands and Jade seem safe.
Lower your gaze and check the decapitated undead's neck.
He has a faceless, undead characteristic vain look.
I felt very different from normal humans when I saw it from afar earlier, but if I looked nearby, my skin seemed coarse and applied makeup to the soil, which seems closer to the golem than to humans.
That's what's contouring the little girl, so creepy and I can't help it.
"When I saw it from afar earlier, I thought it looked closer to a human being... My vision wasn't good either. Just a mistake…"
I spoke so much and felt uncomfortable.
I'm missing something.
No. This is different from the first undead I saw.
Suddenly, the torso portion of the undead that had fallen was torn and a thin thread was fired from inside.
He was at close range and had been stuck by surprise, inevitably slashed with a sword and blocked.
At the same time my consciousness turned to the yarn, the soil of my foothold deformed and electrified my arm, grabbing my ankle.
Yet another arm appears overlapping, reinforcing the restraint.
"Ah, Master Azalea!
Jade rushes over.
A spider coming out of the undead's body was seen fleeing quickly.
"Get away from me! A trap!"
At the same time I screamed, I broke the ground a little further away and the girl showed up.
Unlike the earthen masses I just saw, I have crisp, clean skin like ceramics.
After all, it was replaced with its own undead in the thick fog.
The main body seemed to have used Clay to hide in the ground.
Was a purposefully large one arm a trap to impress it and not turn attention to fine changes?
The undead girl had a spider in her arm.
White-sided, black spider.
Light lights up the arm of the undead.
"[Manadorain] Oh!
I wondered why the magic was not exhausted... but it seemed to have kept the magical spider demons nearby and pulled them out at [Manadorain] at any time I wanted.
The fact that I've just rebuilt my magic means, no doubt, it's coming.
A tornado rolls up and comes straight ahead as he draws a line to the ground.
Momentum is greater than previous tornadoes. Looks like they're making up their minds.
Pull it through your legs all at once and get out of your dirt arms.
He shrugged and avoided the newly emerged arm of dirt, smashing in the sword trident and crushing it.
Inevitable...... besides, right around me is Jade, who has rushed over to help me, and Hands, who are still physically restrained by spider threads.
Again, I have to use [Resist].
I just reached for the tornado with my sword... and saw a big blue dragon in my back of my brain.
After we get through this, we have to take down that dragon.
I can't use magic.
If that's Uroboros, it should be terribly tough.
I can't even fight a dragon without lifting it up here... but if they seem to be making me use my magic here in the first place, I wouldn't be able to tail that dragon at all.
I lowered my sword.
"Ah, Dear Azarea! Why!"
I heard Hands blaming me.
I stick my unloaded sword straight to the ground, shrinking my body and face down.
A tornado carves my back.
I fought hard on my arms and legs as I was about to be jumped by the storm.