Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~
370. Angry Dragon King
Eldia flies almost perpendicular towards us.
Eldia exposes her red and black gums and huge fangs to intimidate me.
"Why you! You're making fun of Ningen and the others!
I look down at Eldia and check on Eldia's condition.
Race: Diabolos
Status: Anger (Large)
Lv: 130/130 (MAX)
HP: 1697/1697
MP: 1316/1316
No, I'm totally out of bees.
Looks like we can talk this through... you know, there's no room for discussion, this.
"What... you know, numbers..."
Looks like Lixiela saw Eldia's status, too, and she was flattered.
The 1500 over Attack doesn't seem to be exactly the enemy you want to deal with, either, level kanst Virgin.
"... maybe you know him?
Lilixiela looks at me with her eyes closed.
I gave nothing back and I avoided my gaze in confusion.
Even if you haven't seen it, you can see the gaze of Lilixilla and the female swordsman Arkhis piercing.
To be honest, I didn't want to fight Eldia.
But Eldia, knowing the birth of the Demon King, would undoubtedly try to follow the Demon King's side.
No more, hey, so you can't get used to it.
I lift my upper body and flap my wings.
Let the magical wind pass through your arms and release it from your toenails.
The wind blade generated by [sickle] 's skills cut the thick branches of Eldia's current tree headed this way.
Eldia turns herself over and dodges the branches.
Stop straight ahead and stare at me as I lag behind.
Next time, don't guess!
This one is with me, the three Aros, and the Virgin and her companion, the Virgin Dragon.
Seven to one. Besides me and Lilixilla, Saint Dragon Therapy deserves an A-rank.
I don't know how much LV130 it is, but the overwhelming disadvantage is that way!
"Omae, Wazato Outside Sitana?
He looks at me like he's scared.
It's a strategic warning.
Sure, there's a spiritual reason it's hard to fight, but more importantly, Aro and the others are in danger when it comes to engaging.
Neither Eldia nor I should want a battle in this place with each other.
'Well, that's the answer, biceps!
Eldia breaks down her posture of stagnation and leans forward, flying vertically again.
I couldn't. There was no way a peaceful negotiation or anything could have been concluded with an angry opponent.
In the first place, I don't think Eldia herself has the personality to accept harmony, even if it's profitable.
"Dear Lilixilla! Lord Holy Dragon!
"[Spirit Servant]! Come out, Sacred Dragon of the Redemption, Therapim!
The therapist, who had been erased once, appears instantly when the Virgin puts up her cane.
A divine white dragon looks down at Eldia with a clear face.
Jump off the branches of giant trees to narrow the distance to Eldia, widening the wings wide and lagging.
Countless lights gather behind the spread wings of the Therapim, which pours down towards Eldia.
The rain of light falls on Eldia as she shreds away the branches of the giant tree.
Skills [Lightning Rain] will do.
If this position is relevant, it's the perfect move.
It is difficult to avoid completely. Besides, Therapim is also an A-rank monster.
There should be enough damage to Eldia.
Eldia increases her ambition.
The membrane of magic covers Eldia's body.
[Manabaria]? The resistance to magic is even more superimposed on Eldia, the original resistant bee.
Eldia breaks through the barrage of light.
cheeks and a sphere of light struck his back, shredding Eldia's scales and choosing his blood.
But it won't stop.
Eldia, with a high status, approached the side of the therapy easily and shook up her thick arms glowing purple blue.
Therapim squeals.
Between Therapim and Eldia, a wall of light arose.
Probably [Shield of Light] skills… not of the type that increases own resistance or status, but seems to be skills to prevent attacks.
It was Eldia's arm, which seemed to be swinging down immediately, but the therapist poked a gap using the [Shield of Light] and pulled his arm wide.
The maximum Attack Rating I've ever seen is swinging down with a full Therapism.
[Shield of Light] scattered like a vitreous plate, beating the abdomen of the therapist who was in the back decently, and at the same time deciding with a disastrous big nail.
Therapim screams.
Therapim is bounced backwards, hitting his back on a giant tree.
Her abdomen is heavily choosen and her flesh is torn, but she is not bleeding.
The meat splashed away from the therapeutic body disappears into white light.
Spirit of State, I guess it has something to do with. After all, do you mean the spirit body?
I'll take some physical damage...
"You poor dragon who has been tamed by men! Keep the groceries in check!
It was so instantaneous that it didn't last long.
"Dear Holy Dragon!?
Alchis' face was fading blue.
"I didn't know there was still such a demon..."
Neither did Lilixilla assume that she would come after me to replenish her power and take more demonic raids than you were looking for, which was perplexing.
I was licking Eldia a little too.
Hard, fast, heavy. Simple, but therefore unbroken.
Status values exceed semi-productive skills.
The blow that Eldia beat up Therapim is not a skill or anything.
Eldia doesn't have nail skills or blow skills.
Eldia, I hear you've become royalty and you're raising your level. I wonder if you're stronger than Demon King.
When I saw Lilixilla, I thought Class A was essentially for the triplets, but Eldia was not the other way around.
Neither does Lilixilla extend far to Eldia in non-magical status.
Eldia rises to the same height as I do, turning herself over and unleashing a momentum tail blow.
My current branches can make big choices with the wood chips up.
In that recoil, Eldia flew slightly rearward and landed on another branch
It's an awesome beautiful [Dragon Tail]. I couldn't react.
If you're willing to hit me, I was getting one shot.
It's your preemptive strike.
Eldia says as she can afford it.
And the glittering look of the crimson giraffe stares at me and the other side.
"Well, why don't you let me slow down and ask you what you're going to do, bi-headed dragon"