The chairman's shop is thriving.

I remember saying something about a trader, but from what I saw, minerals dominate.

I have a talent for earthly magic, and I've come to feel like I don't think about it, but I don't really know the names of metals or anything to use.

"That's a lot of stuff."

If it's about iron or copper, I can tell right away, but what do you use yellow stones for? That's a mystery at all.

"Do you want me to take it as a specimen on the way home"

I can collect them when I can touch them and remember my body.

I headed to what looked like an office while avoiding getting in and out of the way of people.


There was a wooden building next to what looked like an office.

I was intrigued and looked inside and it was a grocery store.

I know it's the chairman's shop because of the stone construction and the fact that it's going on, but I even do it at Koyu's. It's a big deal.

"Oh, that's surprisingly broad."

The one in front had shelves and platforms, which were rarely arranged, but the material warehouse was built in the back.

Whoa. You sell lime, too? You bought this too. Hmm? Grinding wheel, this? That's rough. The grinding wheel I created is better than this.

Looking around, the stone floating in the back was decorated.

"Mr. Chairman. I even handle floating stones. You have quite a connection to the Empire."

I have asked the Duke that floating stones are from the Empire and can only be handled by merchants recognised by the Empire. Besides, this floating stone, about a fist, says 80 gold coins.

Each adult floats best in this size, and it's not worth it. but it's creative there. If I were you, I wouldn't be in a wheelchair. Don't even make a floating chair.

─ ─ -Oops. Not if you're doing this. I have to go see the chairman.

"─ ─ Yikes!

I turned around. I had gray hair there. Eighteen, nine, not -- oh, hey, hey.

"Surprised -! Suddenly you look back."

"That's wary. I don't think I have anyone behind me, either."

Looks like you've just been concentrating. I had no idea.

"No. I'm the one who's sorry. Shut up and get close. Oh, me, Zanino. Nice to meet you."

What a friendly lady, not a ho.

"Call me bei because my original name is long and it's hard to say"

When you name it that way, it's not...

"What do you want to do?

I asked naturally looking at Ne's face as much as I could. For some reason, I forgive you.

"No, I heard from my father, but you're really coming to King's Capital..."

Father? You mean Mr. Chairman? Huh? The chairman's kid? Aren't you young? Mr. Chairman, you'll be working too hard. How long have you been a kid?

"... hey, are you seriously the chairman's kid...?

"Hehe. You're really not what you look like. I am the son of a third woman. Well, you're the bottom kid."

I knew it was a time when polygamy was allowed, but I don't know what it felt like because there wasn't such a guy I knew. How am I supposed to deal with this?

"Wary. - Forgive me if I said something rude because I grew up not knowing the third or first place to say it. And if you don't like it, tell me you don't like it."

I don't know if you understand polygamy or reincarnation about six more times, but I want you to understand what's good and what's good about Wally.

"You don't have to worry about it. The merchants in the big store have a lot of wives, which leads to credibility and majesty, and the men in the Imperial City take care of their wives, so it's not humiliating at all."

If things change, the product changes. Are you convinced it's like that? Well, understanding doesn't empathize either.

"Right. Then let me deal with it naturally."

"Yeah. It would help if you did that."

She's quite expressive. You feel exactly like a billboard girl.

"Go ahead. My father tells me to let you through when you get here. Oh, if you don't need me."

"No, I'm here to see the chairman today, so let me through. No. I'm going to talk... but not so much."

Today, Mr. Chairman. Time. I'll take my time.

"Okay. Okay, go ahead."

"Whoa. Sorry to bother you."

I interrupted the chairman (shop) from behind the grocery store.