Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Busy post-war processing (part 2)
Episode 5
"Don't get tired unexpectedly ..."
I occupied the room of Tamori, and sighed overlooking the city at sunset.
If the inhabitants revolt, there is not enough force to comfortably suppress us now. Anyone who opposes will have to kill.
I just pray for nothing to happen.
Then the door in my room was knocked.
"here you go"
It was Taiya's Aria who came in.
Her status as a keeper has not been stripped off and has been left as is. She decided that she was competent and trusted by the residents.
The question is whether she will cooperate with us properly, but it can't be said.
A riot occurs as soon as she is a voice of the people. It is possible to move the guards to attack us.
Of course it's not welfare we can manage that, but it will fail Lünhite's rule.
Thinking about that, Ilia tilted her head.
"What's wrong, Mr. Weid?"
"No, nothing.
Since we are the chief executives of each other, we pay attention to our remarks.
Then Eyria said, with a disappointing look.
"The disruption of the city has been minimized. At this time, there are no signs of rebellion or fleeing among citizens."
"Yes, thank you. I'm going to put some restrictions on it for a short while, but I'll try to get it back to life as soon as possible."
When she responds, she looks more and more uncomfortable.
"There's no problem, but ... the persuasion to the guards isn't going well."
"A guards?"
I thought I surrendered calmly, but it doesn't seem so simple.
This is what Ilia said.
The guards are not private troops of the guardian Ayria, but they belong to the allies of the city's allied state, Milaldia, to which Lünheit belongs.
This is because there was a lot of war until the formation of the city alliance, but no one can move the guard without permission. To give the guards unusual duties, permission from the Senate of Milardia is required.
I understand the situation and check with Iria.
"In other words, can you order surrender but you have no authority to order cooperation with the Demon King?"
"Yes, that's it. All I can do is ask."
I can't feel a lie either in her expression or in her words. There is no peculiar smell when people lie. A werewolf can smell his opponent's hidden emotions with a slight smell of sweat.
I crossed my arms.
There are only 200 guards, but they are security experts. If they don't cooperate, security can only be done with a werewolf squad.
But we don't have enough people or know-how. If all the wolves are sent to security, the dog corps alone will face the upcoming battle with the Milaldia army. There is no win.
"Hmm ..."
An average demonic would threaten the guard or kill half as a show, but of course I don't do that.
Domination by fear always creates a rebound, and it is hard to maintain just the right level of fear. Overdoing it can be counterproductive and cause rebellion.
When I was in trouble, Ilia opened her mouth quietly.
"Do you not do anything terrible to the Guard?"
"Do you want me to do it?"
As I bitter, Ilia shook her head.
"I don't think so, but I'm going to go for hardline."
"It works for demons, but people don't."
And I understand their position. If he were to cooperate with the Demon King's army, it would be a matter of responsibility after the military returned to the town.
After worrying, I gave up using the Guard.
"I understand their position and sentiment. If they are to respond to disarmament, they will not make any further requests. Please let me know."
Ilia tried to leave my room, but turned around shortly before the door and turned around.
"What happened?"
When I urged, the dressed-up lady opened her mouth as if she was determined.
"To maintain security, there is a way to use the Chamber of Commerce."
"The Chamber of Commerce?"
"The local commerce associations in Lünheit help to keep the district safe and secure disasters, as crimes and accidents make business impossible."
Indeed, is it like a local residents' association? I lived in a city in my previous life, and in this world I grew up in a hiding place with only a werewolf, so I never thought about it.
Ilia continues.
"The Chamber of Commerce is under my direct control. It won't be as effective as armed guards, but I can ask them to look around."
To a surprising offer, I thought a little.
The current proposal is very grateful to us, but there is no benefit to Ilia. Just make a loan to the Chamber of Commerce.
So I needed to make sure of her intentions.
"Why such a proposal?"
Her response was surprising.
"Thanks to Weid."
"Or ... thanks?"
I had a weird voice because I never thought the invaders would be grateful.
Then, Ilia has a gentle expression.
"You had no casualties other than the guards you engaged in, because they could have slaughtered civilians."
"Well, maybe it is."
I can do it, but I just don't do it because it doesn't make sense. Nobody is grateful.
But apparently not for Eyria, she bows deeply at me.
"Thank you for your generous treatment of the citizens in the future. We will do our best to help."
For Tamori who considers Lünheit first, cooperation with the Demon King appears to be one of the diplomatic cards. Even after the city is released to the Miladian army in the future, no one should be blamed for Judge's decision.
After all, it seems that this dressed man is not just a coward or a friend. Weak when panicked, but usually a realist.
Given the circumstances, there is no reason to reject the proposal.
"Thank you. I will always return this matter because it is my personal debt. I would like to work with the Chamber of Commerce."
As if relieved, Ilia smiled.
It was pretty pretty.