Episode 20
I gently looked at Priest Juhit from behind the guard tower on the wall.
He is undoubtedly an enemy, and a man with a stupid plot, but I can't hate him.
If a monster like us is occupying the city, we know that some people will try to get it back in an unreasonable way.
Well, Priest Yucht will be fine.
He has also been assigned as the official ambassador of Tadashi Aria. He is an active priest and does not have to worry about getting lost.
The annoying grandfather would pay his hometown Tuban a sick to let him stay quiet for a while.
Monza next door looks dissatisfied, but ignores it.
"Isn't it a good idea to go and kill me now?"
"No use"
When I grab Monza's head, I put my power in.
"Humans are weak, but killing is troublesome. Look, it's like a bee."
"Oh ... bee, you're scary"
When Monza was a kid, he had a hard time mimicking a bear and breaking the beehive.
He seemed convinced.
When I jump off the top of the tower, I just start walking down the street. Monza followed.
I buy about 20 skewers at a nearby stall and do half to Monza to save on labor.
"Well, this is going to calm down even the Yoyoists."
"Hmm. Oh, this sauce is delicious"
"This sweet sauce looks like brewed beans."
"Captain, are you familiar with cooking?"
"I'm specialized in eating."
She can't say that she was exactly like the taste of nostalgic soy sauce.
After that, as I read, Terukyo became quiet at once.
The reason is simple. The absence of Priest Yucht.
He is the servant's life, and is traveling to Tubaan as an messenger. Well he will never return, but he is still the leader.
During the absence of Priest Yucht, they cannot make important decisions.
Having a new leader, however, can be a hassle when Priest Juch returns.
So they have no choice but to wait for Priest Juhit, who never returns.
The servant, Ilia, seemed to have felt something and asked, "What happened on the night I met Priest Jucht?"
But there is no obligation to tell her the truth. This time, we were not targeted at Lynheight, but at the Demon King Army.
So I replied,
"I just talked about pigeons."
Ilia added, because Ilia looked suspicious.
"He was a really human person."
"That's true ..."
She was more and more suspicious.
Until one day I can speak everything, let's put up with this now.
For that reason, even Teruyos who are dissatisfied with the Demon King's army can no longer do anything as a cult.
That's what I wanted to do.
The reason that killing isn't the only thing that can do more effectively is because a novel I read in a previous life wrote.
Lunehite citizens, who had been worried at one time, seemed relieved that the priest Yukit Hito was dispatched as a messenger.
Within ten days, battles outside the ramparts were buried in everyday life as a past event.
That's exactly what I aimed for.
I was knocking on the door as I was in a guilty mood in the office.
"here you go"
As soon as I reply, a little bit of a pointed hat appears in the room.
`` What, suddenly !? ''
"I guess I knocked now"
You should be surprised.
Gomoviloa, a renowned necromancer, is approaching me fluffy.
"By the way, there seemed to be skirmishes."
"As reported."
He sent a report to the dogmen's messenger shortly after the battle, which should have signaled the destruction of the Tuban volunteers.
"The bone spear corps I have borrowed has been slightly damaged."
The two thousand skeletal soldiers fought off thirty-five enemy infantry until they were completely annihilated, so they faced fierce resistance.
Still, it is probably a difference in number and quality that more than a hundred were defeated. It can be said that it is almost intact.
It was also hidden in the west forest for use in the next defense battle.
The teacher seems to be dissatisfied.
"I have to make a replacement soldier all day again ..."
"Isn't it okay, so neither the werewolf nor the dogs died?"
"The guy who uses necromancy says that soon."
Since it looks like a child, it only looks like a whine.
Rather, you have to make additional reports.
I elaborated that the battle was a conspiracy by the priest Juhit of Priest and that he was expelled.
“I see.
The teacher who heard the explanation nods, noh.
"Is there any way to block the movement by the absence of a leader?
"Will a teacher do the same thing?"
"Okay, but it's troublesome to keep your subordinates down. It depends."
The teacher said, looking up at my face.
"You seem to think more of a human smell than a human, I guess."
A grinning teacher. You probably don't see that I have the memory of a previous life.
If you are a master who knows the secrets of life and death, you can tell the truth, but this time you have to explain the world where I lived.
I don't think it is that time yet.
The master was still staring at my face, but eventually shrugged.
"Well, if I have my education, it will make me feel human."
"That's right."
The teacher does not pursue any more, but now turns his carefree smile.
"Either way, we've protected this city a lot.
"Oh, thank you very much"
"Then, don't worry and offer to the Demon King."
I was staring at the distorted landscape, swirling and disappearing.