Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Industrial city Tobain capture strategy (Part 2)
Episode 30
The electric shock from the teacher was terrible. Again, you can see that the gate door was severely damaged.
At the same time, the remains of the deceased wax soldiers burned, and the large door was swallowed by fire.
Filneel jumps happily and raises his spear high.
"Okay, line ..."
I was in a hurry and stopped her.
"Wait! The door hasn't burned down yet! If you fail, you'll be destroyed!"
"Oh, that's right."
Filneil scratches his head and lowers his spear.
"I don't have a pear right now! I'll wait a little longer!"
The horsemen who were ready for assault return to the standby position again.
Superb leadership.
But it's a bit dangerous.
Looking at the side, Technician Kruze observed the gate. This guy has a telescope.
"I have good things, lend me a little."
"Do you know what this is, Mr. Weid?"
Oh, it's done. It seems to be the most advanced device in this world.
Do you deceive it appropriately?
"Because you're peeping in that way, it's an observation instrument. Isn't it a device that magnifies the landscape with a glass plate and looks far away?"
"Sorry, that's right."
When I rent a telescope from the surprised Kruze and look into it, the large door of the castle gate is about to collapse. The economy is burning well.
It seems that fire is being extinguished with sand from the citadel side, but the fat of three hundred dead cavalry soldiers is unlikely to disappear.
However, there was only one miscalculation.
That is also a fatal miscalculation.
"It's a grate ..."
I could see the trapezoidal doors behind the burning doors. It seems that double defense was taken.
It is a much stronger structure than Lune Height. A little enviable.
But I was in trouble.
The grate cannot be burned.
When I told her what she was looking at, Filneal immediately turned dark.
"What do you do, Senpai !? When this happens, all you have to do is pierce with a ramming hammer, right?"
It's cool, but it's like a log reinforced with steel. It will be useless if you hold it in large numbers and hit it several times.
However, if you have such a thing, it will surely cause great damage if you push it in.
"Calm down. I'm prepared for this."
I command Kruze.
"Please bring all that."
"Are they all !? Otaru !?"
"It's good soon"
Krutze is currently under my command. He immediately salutes himself as a soldier, and several people carry gun barrels.
I carry it with Hyoi with the power of a werewolf, brought by several people by a dragon engineer. About half the weight of a keg, but lightly a hundred kilos.
I don't know anything about gunpowder, but this would probably work.
"I'm going a bit"
`` Where are you, Mr. Weid !? ''
"No, to blow off that lattice door ..."
"You are a commander !? Please stop!"
Filniere calls to me when Kurtse and I are worried.
"If you go, I will help you.
"You may be the general commander this time."
"In other words, Senpai is not the commander of Lünheit.
Next to the technician, Dr. Klutse looks stunned, but I keep talking.
"I'm asking the fastest guy out of a human horse soldier. Who is it?"
When I looked around the warrior warriors I lined up, they all looked at Filnil.
A small girl is proud of her thin breasts.
"I'm a shrine maiden. I'm not a lie."
If you look closely, it has many times the magic power of other horsemen.
Apparently, it always seems like a mutation like the Demon King.
I was wondering what to do, and I heard a popping pop from the direction of Tuban.
It is a signal from Ms. Melene surrounding the North Gate. There are several Ryujin engineers around. It seems that he launched a dragon ball with a special slingshot.
Kruze, looking into the telescope, immediately conveyed the meaning of the signal.
"'Enemy', 'South', 'Mainstay' ... The main enemy unit seems to be heading to this side!"
Did an enemy come out of the north gate?
Senior Merlene's squadron unit is unsniped from the crossbow on the ramparts.
The enemy bow cavalry seems to have emerged from the castle gate, supported by a crossbow. It is not known which of the eastern or western walls will be bypassed.
I have no time to worry.
As I nodded, Filneal raised a spear.
"Bless the ancestors!"
He suddenly took off his helmet and threw it away.
Also take off your armor.
Finally, I took off my clothes. A small breast is exposed, but she has a full smile.
What, what is going on.
Filneel, naked, shouted, holding only a spear and a shield.
"Fighting defense formation! Prepare for shooting battle!"
The human soldiers change platoons in a straightforward motion. For a human cavalry, this is unlikely.
Filnil then spearheaded the formation and encouraged the men and men soldiers.
"My armor is the brave warriors here! I won't die as long as you are!"
"Oh oh!"
The horsemen are excited. She doesn't seem to be happy with her boobs and boobs, but she seems to be intoxicated as a warrior.
Some hit the quiver, others shouted at the spear and shield.
Speaking of which, I have heard that the human race is a race that shows bravery in a reckless way.
But I didn't expect to take off my armor in the middle of the battlefield and get naked.
“Now is the time to show the valor of the human race!
"Oh oh!"
It's full of charisma. As expected, there is only a Demon King general.
Soon, Tuban's proud bow cavalry lifted up the smoke and emerged from both sides of the wall. She seems to pinch from the left and right.
Because it is overwhelmingly small compared to this, is it a surprise attack aimed at the commander?
However, since he was able to detect a surprise attack beforehand, he is ready to intercept him. Thanks to the dragon ball.
"Yet, not yet!"
Filneel orders the warriors to wait.
The distance is getting closer, but she still hasn't moved her.
Enemy bow cavalry have their bows on horseback.
At that moment, Filneel shouts.
Two wings began to move, as if they were a single creature. He runs towards the city walls of Tubaan, ignoring the flying arrows.
"I'm going, Senpai!"
I carried a gun barrel and jumped on the back of Filnir, who ran out.
I was wary of the crossbow from the wall, but thankfully few arrows flew.
"If you shoot now, you'll hit the archer"
At last, we've been trapped between the city walls of Tuban and enemy bow cavalry, because we've attracted enemies to the last minute.
Of course, it was very dangerous, but we managed to seal off the scariest fixed crossbow.
The power is so powerful that bow arrows can be damaged by the flow arrows.
I'm thinking about it, this guy.
Filneel's leg strength was orders of magnitude different from other horsemen.
Despite carrying a werewolf and a gunpowder barrel, he keeps running away from other horsemen. It is a furious speed that makes it difficult to breathe in the head wind.
Certainly, the title of "Retsuri" is not Date.
We quickly approached the gate
There are many surviving skeleton soldiers around the castle gate.
"Align! Hold your shield!"
I had the skeletal soldiers make the way, and they made the wall with the shield.
The arrow of the crossbow flies, but since the view is blocked by the shield, the aim is dart.
The burning gate is approaching before your eyes.
"Filneil, if I fly, flip it!"
"What is Senpai?"
"It will be somehow!"
I shouted and kicked her horse and flew.
As the crossbow arrows flutter, I throw a gun barrel at the gate.
"Even this!"
I felt that the fuse was ignited for a moment.
A big explosion occurred.