Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
"Report of Technician Kruze"
Episode 35 (Report by Technician Krutze)
■ Sixth Periodical Report (Class A Confidential) ■
Submitter: Dragon Fire Engineer Corps Krutse
We have reported the results of the survey, although incomplete, to some extent.
■ Status of Lune Height
Lünheit's reign is extremely good. Security and the economy are kept at a high level and there is no disruption.
Surprisingly, the Lünheid Guard is helping to maintain security. Although they remain neutral in nature, they are effectively working with the Demon King.
We have repeatedly analyzed and discussed why this is possible, but have yet to reach a conclusion.
The inhabitants' sentiment was not bad, and was generally favorable to the Demon King's army.
This seems to be particularly significant because the werewolf and dog corps respect Lünheit's laws and social morals.
We need to wait for further investigations on the evaluation of Tadashi Aria's personality, but he has been shown to be faithful to his job.
Please wait for additional reports.
■ Touburn capture game
Due to the strength of the Tuban Gate being stronger than expected, the campaign to destroy the Gate by cavalry and blitz magic failed.
It is undeniable that the main human horse soldiers were not good at urban warfare, and the other mainstay skeleton soldiers were not good at assault, which narrowed the options of operation.
However, he succeeded in breaking through the castle gate by implementing the second plan of Deputy Weid. Captured Tobaan with minor human damage.
However, as a result, all stocks of "Dragon's Breath" before being processed into "Dragon Balls" have been lost. We will request additional support immediately.
Mr. Weid's actions had the following problems:
The “dragon breath” that requires careful handling is packed in a difficult-to-operate cask.
Do not conduct preliminary experiments.
-Used by the commander himself without establishing a secure operating procedure.
-Use the secret weapon "Dragon's Breath" without concealment.
These seem to be thought differences between technicians and military officers, but we strongly urge them to leave their operations in the future.
However, this is the first data of the destruction of the gate due to the "breathing of a dragon", and is expected to make a significant contribution to future weapons development.
Today's Tuban citizens are morbidly fearful of Deputy Weid, and have no hostilities against the Demon King.
In an experiment, three of the POW's bow cavalry were told, "We are calling by Deputy Lieutenant," and all of them immediately fell into a severe panic.
Since it took some time for subsequent sedation and recovery, similar psychological experiments will be discontinued for humanitarian considerations.
In connection with this, additional investigations confirmed by several engineers that Deputy Weid was referred to by Tuban citizens and guards as follows:
Vite of killing four hundred people
Victim of the killing
Vaiting the castle gate
Skeleton King Weit
Wolf General Vight
Sunset Vight
It is speculated that the last name was caused by the dispatch of the Priest Huiyang as an messenger in the past.
■ New equipment
Deputy Secretary Weid was initially clearly disappointed when told about the Ryoku.
But soon, they discovered that this was a weapon for information transmission. The combat was launched immediately in the Tobain capture game, and the enemy bow cavalry was able to avoid a surprise attack.
This has earned a high reputation among the Dragon Fire Corps engineers.
In addition, the prototype telescope was immediately used as an observing instrument and was properly used.
She is insightful and understandable and can think flexibly.
■ postscript
An interesting sample was taken. It is attached to the report, so please receive it from your liaison technician.