Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Dogs of heavy dread and war
Episode 40
As for the Northern Front, I decided to stay away from it.
Some appointments seem to consider me a master of negotiations, but I'm just an ordinary human wolf.
Do you accumulate so much?
After carefully refusing to ask Mr. Balze to say, "I want to stop Mr. Schule ...", I return to Lünheit with the magic of the teacher.
"Well ... I don't want to see Grunstadt for a while."
"Your diplomatic arm roars to the Demon King's army. Are you rumored to be a magician of art?"
"Please stop, embarrassing"
While being teased by the teacher, I return to the office and make plans for the future.
Of particular interest is the Milaldia Alliance.
The Northern Front has not yet collapsed, but it seems to be the end of the day if the division leader himself is struggling.
Now it is the first decision to collect the remaining troops in Bachen, but maybe it will be withdrawn ...
If this happens, the Milaldia Alliance will be able to send troops to the south.
Of the seventeen cities in Milaldia, three in the south are occupied. Fourteen cities are hostile.
Although one city in the north is occupied, the population of 14 cities is still enemies, as all the residents have escaped and are being obscured by other cities.
It is a rough estimate, but assuming that there are 500 guards and 1,000 civilians per city, it is calculated that there are about 20,000 enemy forces.
Civil soldiers are not so scared because of their low skill, but they do not want to fight this number.
In addition, the Milaldia Alliance has a standing army in case of an emergency, which seems to be 10,000 or 20,000 throughout the country.
Five thousand troops in the northern city of Schwerm were also standing by in the north, and according to rumors, most were still alive.
I usually live in semi-farm and semi-military soldiers in various places, but they are tough because they are just professional soldiers who are paid for by the government.
You've trained a lot in farming and you don't want to fight with them.
There are several other small fighting groups, but these are the immediate enemies.
As expected, there will not be 40,000 troops coming in, but it's safe to attack at any time if it's about 10,000.
I can't relax.
"I'm thinking with a difficult face."
"Master, are you still there?"
"I'm comfortable here"
A teacher sitting on a chair and laughing with an innocent face. The gesture is a child, but he looks a little tired.
Is there still a little bit of fatigue left during the capture of Tuban?
"Do you drink tea?"
"That's right."
I will consult with the teacher in the future while boiling the hot water at the fireplace.
"You don't have enough strength to defend Luneheight."
"That's right. If I'm a little better, I'll mass-produce skeletal soldiers in a hurry, but if I get it in tens of thousands, it would be over three months for public affairs."
It is troubled. He seems to be free, but he is busy supporting his deputy divisional disciples.
"And the skeletal soldiers have to send them to Melene and Filnil. They must prevent the invasion from the north."
That's true. Because those two cities are the northern shields.
"Skeleton soldiers give up, but do you have any good strength?"
"The disciples are persuading the tribes that are still uprising, but they can't be forced because all races have their own circumstances."
When it comes to that, I think there's a lot of people who can call me.
It's like all the werewolf's are already brought in, and the dragons can't be pulled so much.
So, you're a dog ... uh, but it's weak.
No, wait.
"Isn't it like something?"
"Yes. I've come up with a good idea, so I'll give it a try."
There is a violent stringing sound of bassine, and a thick arrow flies.
I picked personnel from the dog squad and trained me on the handling of a specially made Tuban fixed crossbow.
It's too big to carry around, but anyone can attach it to a wall and use it.
Since the loading is a handle type, even a dog person can wind up the string if you work hard and turn it around.
It seemed that only two shooters and a hoist were used in Tubahn, but I arranged two hoists. It's because you get tired in long battles.
The rest is the shooter, and the squad commander who is in charge of command and observation. Around this time, I referred a little to tankers and artillery in the world of the past.
When the telescope succeeds in mass production, let the observer become independent.
I ask the dog soldier who turns the handle at all to lower his waist.
"How is it fun?"
"Yes, it's really fun!"
"It's fun to shoot!"
"It's fun to pick up the arrows!"
These guys really do everything happily ...
But the question is whether you can shoot people in battle.
"If the enemy attacks, he will kill the enemy. Are you ready?"
"Yes! I think it will be fun!"
"I'll kill you a lot!"
Seeing the innocent smile, I felt guilty as if I was training my child to kill. No, they're adults.
I'll do my best to keep them from fighting as much as possible.
But with this, more dogs are fine.
I ordered some old dog soldiers to return to their home forest and recruit dog volunteers. There are many dogs, so even young men should be lightly over a thousand.
"Snack allowances are paid in sasami jerky. And because of civil engineering and field work, you can dig holes as much as you want.
"Yes, I'll do my best!"
Saluted, they left west.
I guess it's okay, but I'm still not sure where to find the motivating switches for dogs.