Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
"Lacy's Letter"
Episode 50 (Lacy's letter)
How are you, mom and sister? It's a ridiculous sister, Lacy.
As a matter of fact, I was playing the role of Saint Mildine, who served the hero Lanhard until she came.
I've already stopped.
Right now I'm in Lünheit.
Oh, by the way, there is no one in Randhardt.
This is a virtual image created by the people of the Senate.
A few days have passed since I left the false saint and lived in Lünheit.
At first I was puzzled by the climate and climate of the south, but I quickly got used to it because of her moderate personality. Southern rice is delicious.
The situation at Lünheit was completely different from what I expected.
The explanation I received when the Senate ordered me to join the group of false heroes was:
"Lünheit is dominated by demons and screams of execution and torture are echoing every day. The corpse is uncovered and full of rotten odor. The drains are stained red and black with blood, and even clean water cannot be obtained properly. "
I was honest and scary.
But then, even if we become false heroes, we have to unite the people of Milardia.
I thought so.
However, our strategy did not work.
I will never forget that night.
And I don't want to remember for the rest of my life.
The three knights who were together died.
I'm sorry to survive only.
With the help of the werewolf Weid, I have fallen from Schwerm to Lünheit.
The people here do not know me who was a false saint, and even if I do, they treat me without much care.
For example, the priest here was different and very kind. He came to me on purpose.
When I confessed my sins, I nodded many times and said, "I am the same sinful hesitant. He was smiling.
I felt that the great people of Kiyokyo were even more impressive, but it seems different here.
There are many demons walking in the city.
A dog person? I think she's probably a dog, but she's really cute. I was fluffy.
There's a werewolf and a lizard. I was scared at first, but surprisingly kind and polite.
Yes, some people have horses in the lower body. There were many handsome, but it was very exciting.
Oh, right. Write down the names of the three knights who have been with me.
I don't know if it's your real name, but if you have a surviving family member, please let me know.
Evinem was the chief sword saint.
"I have more swords than me, but this name is a bit ..."
According to Karnitsa, the role of the Holy Knight, "It's good to be popular, but it's hard because you have to be good."
Sherk, who played the role of the hero Lanhard the most, said, "If I drive away the demons from Mirarudia, will there be a day when I can tell the truth ...?"
All three were overthrown by the Werewolf Weid, who praised them. He was a top warrior.
So please sleep in peace. Always gentleman, dependable, gentle, thank you very much.
I am a coward and I will continue to live under the protection of the Demon King Army. I'm really sorry.
Mr. Weid helped me, who was an enemy, in death. I don't know why.
It was strange that weid killed only three knights that night. Despite the rampage to help me, none of the Milaldia soldiers killed.
When asked why, he turned his back to me, saying, "I'm done."
"Oh ... that's it, you can't help killing those small fish."
I'm not a demonic or a military person, so I don't know, but what is it?
But thanks to that, I feel better. I don't want people to die.
Even so, Mr. Weid is a monster, but it is somewhat strange.
There is comfort like a nearby brother.
Yes, he was also a disciple of the great magician Gomovilloa, the great magician of the Demon King's army. I'm calling Movi-chan.
But you have the name Gomoviroa, which you remember from your training days. Is it magic history? I'm not good at magical history.
Studying for a long time is very fun. The magic moves according to the input method, so it's good to be tired unlike socializing.
When I told Mr. Movi-chan, he nodded very deeply.
By the way, after I was saved, I thought, "I just did what the great people told me, why am I angry?"
But after all, you have to take responsibility for what you did. I can't blame the great people.
… No, I still want to pursue the responsibilities of great people. It is a discarded piece without thinking carefully, this.
As such, I reflect on it.
So I'm going to start doing something in the future, only to deceive many people. I think that even a low-ranking official like me can do something useful. maybe.
World peace?
By the way, I'd like to have this letter delivered to someone, but ... it's not going to get a little.
So one day, I'll live and see my mom and sister.
Please keep both of you fine.
PS: I think the Senate is probably fired, so I will return the scholarship to the Demon King Army by working hard. I will return at my will. Look!