Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Waid's Self-Defense
Episode 53
Since then, I've come to Chardeal to find time for work.
I'm going to be as gentle as possible, but it's not very welcome.
I guess my bad reputation has spread so far this time. It is hard to do.
Whatever I say, I feel misunderstood for strange meanings.
With such fears, I go to say hello to Chardall again.
"I'd like to forgive my frequent visits."
He glanced at Alam's expression, but he was still uncomfortable today.
"The conclusion of the other day is still ..."
"Why don't you worry because you're patient, you brought silver tableware as a souvenir today, because Alam heard he was a gourmet."
Alum with an increasingly painful face, receiving a set of spoons and forks with delicate designs. Today's complexion is worse than usual.
In this situation, the meal he eats with this silverware may not taste.
Anyway, let's go down the road and get used to us.
If you're not getting along well with the Milaldia Alliance, Alam's options will eventually include the Demon King.
I thought so, but today the situation of Alam is strange. She has a thoughtful expression.
"I ... I don't mean to endanger the Chardile people ..."
I wondered because Aram suddenly began to jumble.
"What happened, Aram?"
"It seems at first glance that I'm leaving my choice, but this is a trap that traps me ..."
"A trap?"
"That's right. Such repeated visits by the Demon King's executives will eventually spread rumors to Miraludia. Chardiel is intimate with the Demon Army."
So that's it. There is such a way of thinking.
But are you a little worried?
"Please calm down, Alam. You're visiting a small, confidential and informal visitor, you won't notice."
"No! Peko, I can't help deteriorating my relationship with Milardia anymore! No more negotiations with the Demon King!"
I thought she was a faint nerd, but she was a brave man. Although it is slightly sharp.
"Our Chardial is part of the Milaldia Alliance! We will not betray our fellowmen!"
He was trying to negotiate as gently as possible, but he was clearly rejected.
Apparently I was more intimidating him than I expected.
Now, my only option is threatening. As usual, it is a plan that gives a quick concession after threatening lightly.
I slowly started transforming into a werewolf. Looking at my strange appearance, Alam's face is white.
"Alam, is that to reject the Demon King's proposal?"
"That's right!"
Alam was holding his fist and shaking.
"This Aram Souq Shazaf is ready to become a servant!
So that's four hundred people, and three or so I killed at that time.
As I took one step, Alam shrugged.
"Here, kill me if you kill me! I won't let the citizens touch my finger!"
It's bad to say, but his skill as a warrior is just like an amateur. Feeling that I saw myself, definitely weaker than Iria.
It was a pity to me as a werewolf, so I can see how well he was prepared.
Ilia is the second leader who has tried to protect the people with death.
I mean, wasn't he a nerdy nerd guy? Surprisingly, I was surprised by hot blood.
If you think about it, a politician doesn't take the risk of breaking a pact and collecting private troops. It may be a type that is not suitable for conspiracy.
Do you check it for now?
"Are you living for Chardile's people?"
"That's right!"
Although trembling, his eyes never lose shine.
"You demons are strong, but you can't make humans obey just by strength! You don't think you'll get a Chardeal just to kill me!"
What he is saying is correct.
Because the demons are led by the strongest warriors, the successor to the leader's fall is the next-level warrior. Leadership will definitely drop.
But human leaders are a little different. Even if you defeat the leader, a successor that is equal or better may appear.
This difference is also a decisive difference between humans and demons.
So we demons cannot beat humans.
But unlike his first impressions, Alam was more passionate than expected. It's surprising that he really hits me so straight.
Alright, stop threatening. Let's talk here too. Let's explain reason, not profit.
"Don't worry. I and the Demon King don't want such bloodshed."
It's a pity that the Second Division is a bit different, so you can't say "The Devil King".
"Even in Lünhite capture, only seven guards killed. We haven't hurt the citizens. It's the body. "
"Is that true?"
"That's true. If we were the ruthless tribes in the first place, wouldn't Ilia be allied with the Demon Army?"
This word seems to have worked quite well. Alam is silent.
I told Alam to dispel the usual indignation.
"It is not the purpose to control human beings, nor does it say to humans that they are going to be destroyed. Rather, they have to rise because humans are going to destroy us."
"That may be the case ..."
"The Demon King is seeking coexistence with humans. Unlike Milaldia, we have no resentment for Chardial. I think it will work."
But Alam chews on her lips with a difficult expression.
"But if you work with the Demon Army to do that, the Chardile people are in danger ... I have a responsibility to protect them."
If you admit coexistence with demons, the world will change. It would not be so acceptable as a politician of the upper ranks of Milaldia who wants to maintain the status quo.
But we don't want to perish. You have to make a place somewhere.
They appeal for violence.
"That's the same for me. The demons are losing their homes and being hunted down by humans. They are no longer rejected. If they form an alliance, the Demon Kings will help protect Chardiel. And let's change the times. "
Alam is biting her lips so strongly that she is congested. A bitter wrinkle was carved in the eyebrows.
"Certainly, change is important. Just like a boat going down a river, there's a limit to staying in the same place. And there are plots to keep up. "
I guess this was acting like a planner, maybe the predecessor?
I'm tired of playing a character that doesn't suit me ...
"When you get on the path of coexistence with the demons, the ship named Mirardia will definitely capsize, and the boat named Chardiel will also be turned over."
I shake my head.
"That's not the case. Come to Lünheit. The demons live in harmony with humans. With careful care we can walk together."
But Alam was silent and standing still.
"A little ... would you give me time to think. This time it's not prolonged ... I really want time to think. I want to talk with everyone."
He doesn't smell lying. His expression is also serious.
Believe in Alam.
"Okay, think slowly. Unless you imitate strangely, you will no longer interfere with Chardeal."
It's up to me how I move on the Southern Front, so I can make this promise. In the case of Alam, it is better not to interfere too much.
Alam stared at me, but soon opened her mouth.
"You are ... who are you?"
"It's just a deputy secretary who's on the Demon King's army."
I answered so and turned my back.
"I'll see you again, Aram"
On the way home after exiting with braces, I was much remorseful.
Apparently I was growing up recently. He didn't care about his remarks, and threatening immediately is a problem for humans. He may have been proud and proud of the power of the werewolf.
Also, I think that my heart was disappointed because I only saw betrayal and hatred plots.
Don't rely on tricky tricks, and sometimes it's important to hit the truth.
Anyway, I'm glad Alam was a person who seems to be sincere. I can't be careful yet, but if that feels, negotiations are likely to continue.