Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Second Division Collapse
Episode 59
The horseman's messenger I sent late at night didn't come back.
In the afternoon the next day, the horsemen finally return.
"It was so late, but what happened?"
The young horse soldier replied, feeling exhausted.
"It's tough ... Division Tiberito ..."
"What happened?"
"I was killed ..."
you're kidding?
A giant higher than the ramparts, a warrior who's been playing well?
"Isn't that wrong?"
"This is a report from Gomoviroa, so I think there is no doubt ..."
Did the teacher watch directly?
`` Wait, is the Third Division Commander safe? ''
"Yes, we're back this morning. We're exhausted, and now Deputy Secretary Melene is nursing."
Apparently there was something unimaginable.
According to a returning teacher, the Miladian army has invaded the northern agricultural city of Bhachen, where the Second Division is stationed.
Of course, Tiberito's division leader intercepted, and a civilian soldier appeared there.
After a fierce battle, he killed Tiberito's commander.
From there, it was like hell.
Demons fight according to strong leaders, but panic if the leader is defeated. I cannot understand this feeling unless I am a demonic. That's why we rely on our leaders.
That's why the Demon King doesn't go to the front line and I get angry at the front line.
The Second Division lost its leader and panicked in the battlefield.
For Milaldia soldiers, it would have been a bonus game. If the terrible giant fell, all the enemies were standing upright.
In the meantime, the officers of the 2nd Division were taken down.
However, the master who rushed there covered the entire battlefield with the magic of fog. The same guy floating around Grunstadt Castle.
The master ordered the second division to withdraw, barely avoiding annihilation.
At that time, the master discovered that one soldier had no access to the magic of fog. The fog only clears around the soldier.
When the master's magic is rejected, there is no other hero.
"Did anyone reach the Demon King?"
"The Second Division is retreating for Grunstadt Castle. Just in case, we sent a messenger from Berneheinen."
"Okay, thank you. Rest for a while."
I immediately recruit the key members. The captain of each unit and Ilia.
It was great.
Now that the Second Division is dead and the Third Division is in a coma, command of the Demon King is in the hands of the Deputy Division Commanders.
"Weid will return to Grunstadt immediately."
Despite a calm tone, Deputy Barcée was impatiently impatient.
"Please forgive the return of the Blue Knights alone. We will protect your Majesty!"
But I couldn't allow it.
If your opponent is a hero, it is no use hitting any elite troops.
Fighting until the 500 knights of the Blue Knights are annihilated will only be a bit tired.
The opponent is the human version of the demon king. By the time he defeated Tiberito, he knows he's absolutely no winner.
The Tiberito Division Commander is strong enough to be able to compete with the entire army of the Knights of the Blue Scale, alone.
"Dr. Bartse, I can't allow that. The units under my command will devote themselves to defending Lünheit."
"I can't afford to deplete the brave opponent any more. And this is the city where the future of the demons has been hung. If you neglect the protection here, you will be scolded by the Demon King."
I dared to take control of Barcese.
"Ilia, temporarily giving command of the Demon King's army. If you're a human, you'll be able to cope calmly. Lashii will lead the skeleton soldiers."
"Well, I understand.
This would lead to dissent, but I was prepared and declared.
"On behalf of everyone, I go to protect the Demon King. I'm a magician, I can help him without fighting directly."
Then they were silent. Technician Krutze, Lieutenant Bartse, Captain Seycheth, and Fern-sister are all watching me silently.
After all was it sloppy?
Eventually, Technician Kultce opened his mouth.
"There is no other way ... there is no way. If anyone else returns, it probably won't do anything."
Krutze's disappointed expression, his brother Bartice, agrees.
"I'm sorry, as I said to my brother. On the other hand, Mr. Vight can use healing magic. If you are near the Demon King, you will not be so encouraging."
"And it's ridiculously strong ... with no division leaders, he's the strongest warrior ..."
Everyone nodded at Seycheth's muttering.
It seems that I am ranked second only to Demon King and division leader.
Maybe I'm overestimating my magic, but let's not misunderstand that now. I'm sorry.
Finally, Fern-sister quietly told me.
"Don't worry, I keep the werewolf and dog squadrons. Don't be dead. Weid-kun."
"Oh, I'll do something."
I asked everyone to take over the work and immediately started preparing for the trip. Already after noon, no new information has arrived since then.
It takes a few days on foot to Grunstadt Castle, but if you transform into a werewolf and run without rest, you will arrive tomorrow. Even in places where humans and horses can't pass, they proceed without detouring.
I take out an old leather cover magic book from the drawer on my desk. It is a textbook used during the training period.
I flipped over the page I wanted and checked the spells and actions on it again.
I just have to use it, but ...