Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
The werewolf and pirate tea party
Episode 77
Then we traveled in the mountains for a while and we crossed the last pass.
"Oh, the sea"
The moment you cross the pass, a blue horizon jumps into view. It is the first sea to see after reincarnation.
The scenery is familiar to Mao traders, but the werewolf corps and Lashiy are the scenery to see for the first time in their life. They all look down on the scenery and look at the sea with an unprotected face.
"Is this a sea ... something different than I thought"
"I can't see the other shore ...
"Isn't this an illusion?"
There is a guy whose impression is different only by one person, but it is OK.
"I'm going. It's more interesting to look up close."
When I said that and encouraged his men, Mao tilted his head.
"Wayde is not the first time to see the sea?"
Oops. I did it again.
"Ah, uh ... because I've heard and heard a lot during the practice of magic."
"So that's it"
A great sage disciple was good.
If you think, Tsukkomi will come from another direction.
"Well, did you teach me that much?-Well, I don't know much about the sea."
I grabbed Parker's head and closed her mouth, and urged them all again.
"I can't relax too much. Let's go."
"Eh, yeah ..."
The pirate city Belusa is a town that uses the crescent-shaped cove as it is.
There is a castle wall, but the mountain side is guarded by a steep cliff. If a werewolf descends from a cliff, it can be easily invaded.
The town, built on the southern slopes, seems to be quite stylish and shining in bright sunlight. The port is also busy.
Even so, there are many boats.
Maybe that's what Iria was saying.
We arrive at Belusa as we run the horse.
I left Mao to take care of the details, and I immediately sought a visit to Tamori.
"I am Deputy Secretary of the Demon King, Gomoviroa, and I'm called Weid.
It took less than two seconds for the surrounding air to freeze.
"I think it's better to give up on Weid-sama's name soon."
Mao sighed, looking around at the plaza after everyone had escaped.
Soon after, a heap of fully armed guards came.
Mao took them to me, and I and my subordinates were guided to the palace house in a siege.
The beautiful scenery is ruined by the tough people. I liked the Mediterranean style.
The whispering of the surrounding guards are all heard in my hearing.
"This is a killer of 4000 people ..."
"No, it's a wall-breaking vite."
"I heard that I killed the hero ... and it seems that many people are burying the hero."
"I'm okay, I'll protect you, even if you die."
"Oh, let's meet at the gate of reincarnation"
In the southern part, I'm as quiet as possible, but what is this reputational damage?
Tamori's House was on the top of Belousa, at the highest point in the city.
Me, Mao, Lashiy, Parker and the werewolf are led to the terrace facing the sea.
On the terrace where the turmoil and calm sunlight pour in, you are greeted by a fearless uncle with a fearless face.
"I'm Girsh, the guardian. So what is the Demon King's army for?"
There is only a pirate city keeper, and it looks like only a pirate boss. Absolutely, this is the face that some people are killing.
There are about twenty brute men with muscular bones behind him, and it is intimidating to see them. It's like a mafia meeting.
Of course, if you order eight people of the werewolf corps, they will be lightly annihilated.
I start negotiating immediately, feeling a little weak. I took a bite of the tea that was brought in and took a deep breath.
This time I tried to challenge with a low profile and natural body because I lost my speech at the time of Alam.
"Gursh, I'm going straightforward. Would you like to form an alliance with the Demon King?"
Gursh stroked his beard as he folded his arms.
"Once you've partnered with the Demon King, Milardia will be your enemy. Which is better for Belousa?"
I think it's much easier than sending the Demon King to the enemy.
But if you put it straight, it could be perceived as a threat.
And maybe this man will not soften his attitude when threatened. The hero should have been in the heart as far as the wolf opponent was.
I think a little and pick words.
"Besides Lünheit, Berneheinen and Tubahn are under the control of the Demon King, and have friendly relations with Chardiel."
"Oh, I know. He seems to have made friends with the Aram boy. I'm grateful."
This captain of the pirate is quite informed.
"Actually, there's a secret story coming from Alam too, and I can trust the Demon King's army."
Oh, great Aram. Did you pursue diplomacy on your own?
"But, whether it's Aria or Alam, I'm still inexperienced as a guardian, so I'm at my own discretion when dealing with the Demon King's army."
It's a very natural idea for the guardian.
Then let's promote the goodness of the Demon King Army.
"I'll tell Gash first. If cities in the southern part of Milaldia become part of the Demon Army, Belousa at the southernmost tip will be separated from the northern part."
It's just a threat, but of course there's more.
"In that case, the Demon Army will not cut off the trade route between Belousa and northern Milardia. We do not want a struggle that would hurt the people."
Girsh with round eyes.
You've never heard of an enemy protecting your trade route.
As expected, Parker sandwiches his mouth from the side.
"Is it okay, have you promised that?"
"Oh, I've got permission from the Demon King and Iria."
Beruza has a sea, so even if the land is blocked, you can do anything via the neighboring Lozzo. If Lozzo falls back to the Demon King's army, it will still be possible to trade with cities outside of Milaldia.
As long as the sea has not been blocked, it is impossible to stop distribution.
So here I'll show you a wide range.
In addition, there are various usage values, such as taking toll taxes and monitoring logistics.
When it's time, you can disguise the werewolf bandits as bandits and attack Belousa's caravans, damaging Belousa's economy.
Probably not, but it's good to have more choices.
But on my offer, Gersh was still surprised.
"I don't know what you mean. What are you doing here !?"
"Why did you come to an alliance?"
If you are so surprised, you will rather be surprised.
Girsh groaned with his arms folded, but eventually asked:
"... Why are you blocking the sea?"
"Don't you?"
This time I was surprised.
To be honest, I can't help concealing it in the future.
"Unfortunately, the Demon King's army lacks maritime strength, and there is no way we can block it."
Gursh looked strange.
"I mean, isn't the mermaid a Demon Army?"
The frivolous skeleton next to it failed to persuade.
He glanced at Parker, and he looked away.
"Hey Parker, explain it."
"I've reported it before. The mermaids hate fighting, so they won't join the Demon Army."
When Parker, disguised as a cool handsome guy, responds, Gursh becomes more and more confused.
"Are the mermaids not willing to interact with us? Then why is the ship missing? Is the Demon Army intending to isolate Belousa?"
Apparently something is going wrong.
You can use this for negotiations.
"Vight. You have a really bad look now. Are you aware?"
"Please shut me up."
When I stop Parker, I turn to Gash.
"It looks like you're in trouble. We'll cooperate if we can."
"... It's smelly."
Despite all the suggestions, Gursh was looking suspiciously.
Yeah, no match pump.
This time.
Girsh looked around our face many times and then sighed heavily.
"We don't seem to have any choice. We're gonna consider an alliance with the Demon King, but only after the mermaid has gone away."
"All right"
I mean, I'm afraid to borrow from the Demon King Army.
However, by all means, I want you to be deeply absorbed.
Let's try to help them solve their worries.