Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
The identity of the monster
Episode 83
A few days later, the necessary information began to gather for me.
"This is ... of Berne Heinen ..."
"Okay, let me read for now."
I hurriedly received the documents brought by the human fleet Seychez.
There are various demons and bizarre phenomena in this world, but most of them are unknown and not understood.
However, humans keep records. If you are attacked even once, record it and try to pass it on to future generations.
The southern ancient city of Bernehainen has a huge amount of books. There must be some information from the pioneering era.
I thought so and asked Senior Melene to search the collections of the Royal Library.
In the past life, if you ask a question on SNS, someone will immediately tell you, but in this world it is not so.
"Okay, hit."
One monster that matches the search results.
About 200 years ago, there were monsters encountered by pioneers aiming for Miraludia as they crossed the southern Shizuumi.
A monster that is likely to attack both ships and mermaids. Stopped wind, stopped tide, and fog.
He was in perfect agreement with Parker's testimony.
"... is it an island octopus?"
A giant octopus, literally as small as an island. Although the name is somewhat humorous, it seems to be the strongest and worst monster feared "sea of evil".
The documents listed other possibilities, but did not meet the criteria.
Flying monsters are spotted immediately, and it would be easier to hit humans if they hit mermaids.
The other is the undead, such as the ghost ship, which has been talked about by sailors, but you should have noticed when you encounter the necromancer Parker.
And the undead that occurs naturally in this world basically only attacks your family.
Mermaids were afraid of human ghosts, but they were not particularly harmful because their races were different.
Also, human pirates do not sink ships except for the most evil ones. Just like thieves on the trade road, killing their prey will be troubled later.
Gursh's ancestors also seemed to be pirates, but from that time there was a "fifth rule" in Minami Shizumi.
The pirate industry's self-regulation rule states that only five minutes, or five percent of the cargo, can be taken.
If so, sell the remaining load high to make up for the loss. Since business is possible, the route is uninterrupted.
Conversely, if you are too greedy, the merchant ships will never be full-scale armed, and there will be no refusal to form a subdued fleet.
So it will be different from human pirates.
After all, the only promising candidate is the island octopus.
When I went to the Belarussian house in Belousa with the information on the island octopus, Girsh immediately caught his head.
"Hey, it's magical. Are these things in our sea?"
The documents that Seychez has brought are copies of the collections, so the illustration is only a picture of an octopus that seems to be hand-written by Senior Melene. Somehow cute because of the painter.
However, the size of the island octopus was not cute.
A three-mast sailing ship is caught round and round with tentacles.
`` The magical sea attacking the immigration ship Haiyan ''
At the bottom of the figure, it was written in the form of Senior Melene.
Gersh and his minions are moaning in a conversation like this.
"Yes, I've heard that during the voyage to Belousa, a stupid monster attacked a fellow ship and sank."
"That wasn't the first big mullet ...
"I know what my ancestors are."
"Because my boss will blow a big mullet right away."
Apparently, it is still in the lore.
I don't know if the Gursh ancestors were the same ones they encountered, but this is pretty much the culprit.
The teacher seemed to check out "Library of the Devil" at the library, and this and that detailed description was written.
It looks like an octopus just because it is called an island octopus, but it seems to be some kind of shellfish. The top of the head or torso is covered with a rock-like shell, which seems to mimic a reef.
Small fish gather on the reef, and large fish and beasts come for them. It is supposed to prey on it.
It seems to be a very clever type.
The reason why the wind and tide stop is unknown, but the teacher considers that it may have such magical powers. Just as a werewolf can transform instantly, monsters have magical powers.
As for fog, the teacher hypothesized that the water would be sprayed like a whale squirting.
Speaking of which, mermaids also live on reefs. Perhaps the former home was also a reef. It's an affordable size for bait of the "Devil's Sea".
However, "attacking the ship" is not mentioned in the teacher's note.
Even if you try to make a sailor a staple food, the boats are large and rarely encountered. Considering the ecology of island octopuses, it is more natural to think that they usually eat large fish.
It was such a content.
Rashii looks into it and tilts his head.
"Is this the culprit who hit the ship after all?"
"Gursh ancestors seem to have been attacked, and they will."
The teacher's notes are described as biological considerations, and Ms. Melene's notes are described as historical records.
I think a little and draw a conclusion.
"Perhaps a normal island octopus does not attack the ship, but an island octopus in the southern Shizumi has also begun to attack the ship. If you think so, there is no contradiction."
Around the time when pioneers came to southern Miraraldia. Suppose there was a boat that happened to get on the "reef" of an island octopus.
It's annoying for the island octopus, but it's also a tanabata. Humans that fall into the sea move more slowly than fish and are easily caught.
If it can be eaten by dozens of people, it will be okay to eat nothing for a while. The metabolism should be low unlike a constant temperature animal.
And I feel full of island octopus.
"I'll come again ..."
Of course, everything is my imagination, but if so, there's a lot going on.
Let's all think about how to get rid of it.
I thought so, but somehow everyone in the place is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere.
"Is it a sea of demon ... a monster monster?
When Gash moans, she murmurs as if Rashi was disappointed.
"As expected, this is not possible with either the Demon King Army or the Milaldia Alliance Army ..."
The members of the Werewolf Corps have a similar look.
"Isn't it a partner who can manage with fangs and claws ..."
"This is kinda impossible"
Gurney and Monza have difficult faces.
Everyone's reaction is unexpectedly bearish.
It can not be helped. I told everyone, quickly summarizing the defeat plan in my head.
"It's just a monster. Let's get rid of it and remove the worries of the mermaid and Belousa."
They all silence and look at me astonished.
No, I'm sorry for saying that I don't read the air.
Parker asks strangely.
"Somehow, you're not afraid of the evil sea. You're a monster sinking a large ship?"
"It's weaker than a hero"
The strength of the brave arche transcended the common sense of this world. I've fought a lot of guys, but it's just that I really didn't think I could.
By comparison, it's just an octopus. You only need to chop it and make it into a octopus. With Belousa's naval power, demons' strength, and magic, you can do anything.
"The Demon Army has defeated the brave. So I think this octopus is really weaker than the brave. Then you can always defeat him.
Everyone had a strange face with Pokan, but after a while the werewolf nodded.
"Oh, oh ... if the captain says so, why not try it?"
"Because he's a bite of a hero ..."
Alright, that's why we're a good wolf squad.
Gursh, on the other hand, was cautious only of the guard.
"Hey, is there a chance?"
"I'm not sure, but there's a way. We've set up strategies for opposing the island octopus and not, but we don't have a ship. Lend me a Belousa ship."
Girsh groans with his arms folded.
"Ships ... Actually, I was building a new warship without the permission of the Senate in preparation for the battle with the Demon King."
"That's it."
Speaking of warships in this world, they are probably galleys. He is a rowing guy.
Gursh laughs in trouble.
"I made it secretly to fight the Demon King Army ... well, I guess I'll use it for that purpose, and I'll lend it with the old one, but give it back."
"I can't make sure, but it's okay. And lend me some merchant ships."
"It's a greedy guy. What do you use for a merchant ship?"
"I might be able to carry weapons developed by the Demon King, so I'd like to borrow them."
Merchant ships are basically sailing ships, but here they can load things.
Gursh had a stunned face for a while, but then began to laugh.
"It's okay. Even the security of the sea route is secured, the military ships and merchant ships are cheap! You can use it as you like!"
Oh, I'm stomach. Warships are much more expensive than merchant and fishing vessels, so they should cost a lot.
"... I hope I can return the warship safely, if possible."
After all there seems to be some difficulty.
Based on the teacher's notes, I made a plan to subdue the "Devil's Sea", which requires extra personnel and dedicated equipment.
"Contact the Tuburn Arsenal and Lünhite Crossbow Corps, and train Lashii."
`` I am me !? ''
"Your fantasy is the key to victory. I'll keep training until the day."
"Such ..."
To return the warship unharmed.
Good luck.