Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Wolf back with stone bullet
Episode 106
Assembling the catapult seemed like a bigger job than expected.
I'm hitting a stake, maybe it will take about an hour ... No, I'm very happy to take the time, but I'm free.
It can't be helped.
No matter how much you provoke, the enemy main unit will not move as long as the catapult has been installed.
Probably okay.
"Hey, humans. Don't let me wait too much '
I just tried to say a classic line, but the enemy's avant-garde rushed out of the spear tip.
She seems to be seriously thinking that I will be charging a single horse.
She laughs unintentionally at the caution of the Milaldia Alliance.
I'm using the loudspeaking magic.
Perhaps you have taken my laughter as a mockery, a cavalry like a spear commander is screaming.
Somehow, my prize money, the pride of the Milaldia Alliance, and that's about it.
But nobody seems to come out.
It is doubtful that the Senate, which assassinates the patriarch, will pay the prize properly. There was nothing pride or anything.
Surprisingly soon, the catapult completed the assembly work and shook a long arm.
My experience of flying in the sky with a catapult has made me a bit more familiar with ballistic flight.
I'll try to prevent the catapult attack.
There are eight catapults in all. They move about 200 people in total and fly stones.
This time, because of the distance, it's probably a bit heavier than a human. If it is heavier, it will not reach the upper layers of the building.
A stone bullet is released with the command.
Eight in total ... no, seven. Apparently one failed. A stone bullet falls close to the infantry.
After all it seems that actual experience is lacking.
As I retreat, I look at the orbit of the seven stone bullets.
Five do not reach Zaria. Of the remaining two, aim at the one that draws the worst parabola.
I jumped all the way with the muscles strengthened by magic.
If you use the werewolf's jumping power, you can easily jump up to the height of the third floor. I can now fly up to the height of the fifth floor if I am now reinforced by magic.
I gently take a stone bullet in the air.
It would be cool if I cracked this stone, but it seems a little painful.
I'm going to hit it down because I don't want to hit the building. When he applied his weight and pushed it down, the bullet changed his orbit and fell.
With this, Zaria can no longer reach.
And I land brilliantly.
The rest is provocation.
“Is this about weapons made by humans?
The trebuchet fired a second shot at my provocation. This time four. Apparently, four aircraft will come in turn.
Now the aim is accurate. And it looks like a lighter stone than before.
The only thing that needs to be prevented is direct hits to the upper floors.
The lower floors of Zaria are stone, and are constructed like stone walls to withstand the weight of the building above and to prepare for battle. It doesn't break so easily.
I catch one of the bullets in the air and knock it down. The rest won't hit, so leave it alone.
It's easier than you think, even with the help of magic. It is an unscrupulous story, but there is also unexpected fun like a catch ball feeling.
The stone this time was quite light, weighing only about Iria.
I don't consider how many kilos specifically for her honor.
Oops, let's provoke.
"Isn't it really serious that you can drop Zaria with this?
A third shot comes from the four catapults that were waiting. Don't do your best surprisingly.
But this is just getting used to.
Although the power of the catapult is high, it is not that different from the strength of a magically reinforced werewolf.
So I kick off the received bullet with both feet and try to see if I can send it back to the enemy line.
After hitting the stones with both feet, I decided to kick diagonally upward. In this case, you can use your whole body's strength to fight back.
In addition, one of the magic of strengthening muscles, the technique of explosive strength. It's difficult to match the timing and it's hard to use in battle, but it's a magic that gives you the power of a demon for a moment.
"I'll return!
With my two-foot kick, the stone flies like a shell.
Please reach me ...
I flipped back in response to kicking a stone and landed.
The stone that he kicked seems to have landed near the front row of the spear squad. Screams and the platoon is disturbed.
Nobody seemed to be in this position, but the spearmen were screaming.
Apparently he is telling his allies to stop the stoning attack.
Don't throw them, don't, they're selfish.
I did not miss this chance.
"Look at it. My subordinates are bored. ''
When I raise my hand, the werewolf waiting on the roof stand up all at once. ...... Well, I can't see it, but he should have done it exactly as scheduled.
They, like me, wear Zaria-style costumes and flip their cloaks.
The thick cloak is thrown at a stone bullet in case of emergency, and used as a "netting net" to shift the orbit.
Many citizens have evacuated to the lower floors of the building on the south side, and will hit them with direct hits.
Now I wear it normally to get a sense of intimidation.
And so are the flags flying around.
I'm sarcastic with a generous tone.
"Now, throw as much as you want. It's our turn when the tossing play is over. Werewolf prefer meat to stone. Fuhahahaha!
I love meat.
I don't eat raw meat without blood, even if it's not human meat.
In the end, the trebuchet was silent.
If you throw it once more, it will hit the spear squad this time, but it seems that the enemy is also watching.
However, the Milaldia Alliance has no way to go.
The catapult has been set up in a strange place, making it less effective. Moreover, I kick the stone back.
Invading Zaria is too damaging to not finish the stoning attack.
The Milaldia Alliance still has an overwhelming advantage in the war, but they don't know.
The enemy platoon was gradually disturbed. The archers at both ends begin to move back little by little.
The spear squad was still standing, but the large shields were shaking anxiously. He may be looking right and left while holding a shield.
-The Milaldia Alliance troops sortie at the order of the Senate and attack the labyrinth city of Zaria with bows and catapults.
However, no effective hit was given. The reason was that they were intercepted by a Demon King's werewolf.
-It was determined that Zaria's control would not be possible due to the failure of the stoning attack.
If you report it, you'll be well managed.
So they should be able to retreat now.
In particular, the soldiers at the end seemed to feel that way, and the desire to return was already apparent.
The commanders are screaming, but nothing happens.
At last, he seems to have boiled the work, and a commander seems to have jumped out.
A knight in sturdy armor, the result is a thick two-handed sword.
`` Oh, that big sword is no way !? ''
"It's Volzab! I'm a great monster hunter!"
As the Milaldia Allied soldiers shouted enthusiastically, they knew that they seemed celebrities.
The knight shouts when holding a two-handed sword.
"I am directly under the Senate, Centurion Volzab!"
A guy with subtle greatness has come out.
When it comes to human troops, the general commander is almost mature, and it's hard to come to a duel.
"Stop it, I'll die"
The loudspeaker magic could be turned off temporarily, but I forgot how to do it.
That's why my voice is all over there.
The expression of the knight is not visible with a full-faced helmet, but shouts in a very outraged voice.
"You, who do you think I am!
"I don't know ..."
I don't really know, not provocation.
I'm not good at talking one-on-one with first-time people, so I shout at the Milaldia Alliance.
"Hey, if you have only this kind of guy, give me a little more."
"Don't be silly! I'm the swordswoman Volzab who won the competitions between Vilheim and Aryorg! I can't tell you with the southern guys!"
I don't really know this world because there is no TV or internet.
I'm sorry, but I don't know anything I don't know, so cheat appropriately
"Don't be conceited, human. I don't think I can beat me alone. go back"
I want you to return because there is no help for this kind of opponent, but now I need to play "Cruel Werewolf", which is definitely provocative.
As expected, the knight was furious. When you get off the horse, you hold your two-handed sword in front of your chest and bow in a duel.
"As a Milaldia soldier, apply for a duel!"
When I officially apply for a duel, I have a position. I can't refuse.
Do you only warn again?
"You are stronger than a catapult?
"Now !?"
I wanted to say, "Stop it", but I couldn't make it because I forcibly made a character.
With the sword swinging upside down, the knight rushes.
"I can't prevent my sword, the wolf who cut off the mad boar!
A crazy boar hunts like a werewolf child catching a beetle.
Certainly, it's amazing that humans can defeat them with a sword, but it doesn't feel a bit difficult to defeat a werewolf.
Nevertheless, it was a formidable challenge in front of his subordinates. I also have a position as a commander of the Demon King Army.
You can't do anything odd on the battlefield.
"I warned you"
Dispel the sword swinging down, and use his claws to dig the face of the knight who was curled forward.
The full-faced helmet spilled out like a boiled egg, and pieces that fell apart flew off.
A knight who loses his head and falls down.
A battlefield that calms down.
Despite the warning, this has a bad aftertaste ...
"Who's next?
As I stepped forward, the spearmen with the large shields gradually receded.