Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Escape from enemy land
125 episodes
I was listening to the conversation between Eleora and Berken on the roof of the mountain villa.
The figure of the werewolf they would see through the window is that of Jerilik.
This is the werewolf ninja, the art of changeover.
For me from a country with ninjas, this is easy. No, I'm Jerik doing my best.
The problem is that people are noisy and can't escape. troubled.
If you calm down a little more, let's escape using magic.
Nevertheless, Rolmund is likely to be a significant threat in the future.
If you defeat Eleora here, the invasion may be temporarily stopped.
The problem is then. If the princess were killed, diplomacy would not be able to resolve it. For now, I want to keep many options.
And she had a mysterious title, such as "Sixth place" or "Outer princess." And saying, "There are many alternatives."
Perhaps a commander like Princess Eleora could be replenished immediately. A scary country.
I watch the situation under the cold sky and think about such things, and after a while, I leave the mountain cottage secretly after the sign of people stops.
A lot of valuable information was purchased, but it was a bit cold. It was nice to have fur ...
"General, here and here"
I meet Jerryk at the meeting point I told in advance.
Mao and Kite are the same. He seems to have successfully escaped.
"Weird guys wander around a while ago.
"Oh, let's do it. There's a lot to report to the council."
Then Mao sighs.
"Is it impossible to purchase rock salt?"
I understand well.
Thank you, as promised, for making a new salt field in Belousa.
We walked overnight and fled south to the agricultural city of Wilheim. However, he was wary here and did not enter the city, and joined the Mao caravanser who had followed the highway.
Thankfully, we had a brand new wagon and blanket.
"Mao, did you arrange this?"
"Unlike a werewolf, humans can't run all night and return to the Confederation. There's also dried meat and bread."
The four of us turned over the rattling wagon, and finally managed to snack and take a nap.
"Now Mao, please pack a little more."
"Which carriage do you think is Jerryk, please reach out to the kite."
"Wait, there's no room for me to sleep !? I mean, why is it so small!"
"Is it decided to load the last rock salt as much as possible?"
"This greedy guy!"
These guys are noisy.
I'm going to sleep first ...
Fortunately, the Lormundian forces did not chase after us, so we were able to safely return to Zurich and reach Lünheit.
Immediately, a council is convened to bring together the Southern Federation's guards.
"Rormund, it's like reading in an old book."
The oldest man, Petole, has a difficult face in human patrons.
Forne, the fucking Okama of Vera, nodded.
"The information coming from the north isn't too much ...
When everyone brought in the literature and rumors and shared the information, they knew a little about Rolmund.
At least three hundred years ago, it seemed that it was a republic with a Senate. The existence of slavery is consistent with the story of northern humans being descendants of fugitive slaves.
The problem is that I'm not sure from then until now.
Senior Melene thinks. Actually, she seems to have been a northern people when she was a human.
"When I was a kid, I heard, 'I haven't seen anyone crossing the mountains recently.'
"When is that ... you've got it !?"
Phil Neil asks an inadvertent question, but his head is swirling around. Self-employed.
Senior Melene murmurs.
"Some of my vampires aren't over a hundred years old, because I'm different."
You're the "parent" of everyone, so you're definitely the oldest.
Since there is very little information, gathering new information is the top priority.
"My spies are in Klauchen, Drowlight, and three cities formerly occupied by the Demon Army. Let's say we'll increase the number and gather information in the future."
Mr. Petre, who is collecting information by letting his abundant financial power speak for himself, says so.
Girsh nodded.
"Because I'm sending minions from me, wait a minute. You'll know something right away."
And there is something to keep in mind.
"The woman who claims to be Princess Eleora has said she has no intention of interfering with the Southern Federation, but of course I can't trust it."
I said and asked everyone to defend the city.
"I want to strengthen the defenses of the four cities that border the northern area.
"Okay, let Chardile collect supplies and troops."
The recently plated and thinned alums were willing to respond, and the other taiko nodded as well.
Shaina, the new servant, tilts his head.
"But teacher, isn't the northern part of the snow season now? I don't know well, can't the army be able to move if a lot of snow piles up?"
Good question.
"Krauchen is as snowy as an adult in winter, so it's difficult to move the army, but Rolmund uses magical tools for his army.
I don't know what surprised items will pop out, so I can't feel relieved about snow.
"Once you go south, there isn't much snow here. It's probably easier for Lolmund's army, who is used to snow, to fight."
"That's true. Beware that they will be used to snowballing."
Ilia nods carefully and tells them all.
"We can't interfere with the powers of Rolmund from here yet, but it's a good idea that we're likely to have a war in the near future. I hope each city is ready for the Kagojo battle now."
Girsh nodded strongly at the words.
"It's time to leave it, and you need to be ready to help. I'll send you extra troops to Lünheight, so use it appropriately."
Will the Mohawk increase again?