Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
"A walk in Eleora"
Episode 153 (Walk of Eleora)
I seemed to be awake from a long dream and still in my dreams.
I was the first loser in my life.
But still alive.
I am a captive, but Natalia is with me for nursing. It seems to be the care of that Black Wolf Lord.
"Princess, you can go out in the old town with surveillance. Why don't you take a walk for a leisurely time?"
That's right. It's not bad to visit.
Some useful information may be obtained.
When I thought so, Natalia said something like this.
"Ah, yes. There are places in Lünheit who are also playing the Black Wolf Lord. Why don't you watch them together?"
"The play of the Black Wolf Lord?"
Speaking of which, I promised to go to theater with Natalia.
But what is the Black Wolf Lord's play?
Natalia answers my question.
"It's a play based on the life of Black Wolf Lord. There are many types, but all of them are very high and very interesting."
"... Let's hear a little more"
I heard from her and learned one of the reasons I lost.
It fuses a real person with a fictional story, changing the impression of that person. The person's reputation can be raised without effort.
A smart and intelligent, but passionately passionate and passionate flame of love.
The vampire queen, Lord Meleine, is embarking on an undesired battle to open up the future of the perishing vampire family.
Sir Filnir, a maiden tribe who always fought at the forefront to protect the dignity and life of the tribe.
And as a deputy secretary of the Demon King, the gentle and proud Hero of the Werewolf tribe, Weid Black Wolf Lord.
After watching such a play many times, the common people gradually become closer to the demons. It must show their understanding to the demons.
Perhaps this is only a small part, and the federal side has begun various other plots.
Stupidly, I didn't notice it.
The magic battalions are not intelligence agents, and cannot be distributed to cities because their collective operations are by-laws.
No, not really.
I feared that my subordinates would be reduced.
Either way, in cities where I'm not, the federal side can do whatever it wants.
The Federal side has eight patrons. There will be some Demon King generals. On the Rolmund side, on the other hand, I am the only person in charge of political work.
This disadvantage should have been taken more seriously.
I was attacked by regret and mercy, but at one moment, I went crazy.
Such a thing, I was not the one who could manage it alone.
I should have made a reliable ally for the Milardians, but I did not. That's my fault.
So I laugh at myself.
"How about you, Princess?"
"No, but this is a clown."
"Ah, what do you mean?"
Natalia is the daughter of a priest. I am not used to doubting others.
I shook my head so she didn't blame her.
"Nothing. Is it possible to take a walk?"
"Ah, yes. It's going to be monitored, but you can do whatever you want."
It's a good attitude.
I'm no longer a threat, just a handpiece.
I left Natalia and decided to go outside. Now I want to think alone.
The guards were lizard-headed demons, but they disciplinedly salute me. I did, but it looks like a pretty good soldier.
So that's it. The Lord of the Black Wolf is nothing more than a savage monster swarm.
Before I went outside, the scenery of the magic city was spreading.
Indeed, it's an unusual sight just because it's a magic city.
An old man, like a priest of Kiyoism, has bowed down with a lizard-headed demonic.
A human child was running around with the dog demons. Will parents stop?
It is a spectacle that can only be described as a bizarre.
However, it was a very peaceful sight.
I stand still for a while, then take my mind.
It is said that there is surveillance, but nobody seems to follow.
Perhaps magic, or the perception of a werewolf, is watching me from a distance.
As we walked towards the gate for a trial, a familiar woman approached.
It's a Black Wolf Lord's aide.
She passes by in the crowd, with a face that she doesn't notice.
"Ah, are you trying it? No, you're quiet."
The woman told just that and passed by me.
I don't look back because I'm sorry, but I'm probably no longer behind.
It was still monitored.
I'm a caged bird.
As I walk through the city of Lünheit, I consider the meaning of this treatment.
But this is easy to see.
I want to show me the scenery of this city and try to give me down.
And I have to succumb.
People and demons who go and go around the city are all looking good. There are no begging, and no corpses are rolling behind the alley.
I go to the plaza with the fountain, feeling tired. There were many stalls and chaise lounges.
Sit on one of them and sigh deeply.
Earlier, I should have admitted that the expedition had no chance.
It was my failure to fear a plan change.
At that time, an unfamiliar demon came from across the square. A beast like a rabbit.
I'm in a hurry.
"Hey! Hey! Ne-chan!
The rabbit beast hides in my cloak sooner than I reply.
I tried to refuse, but now I am a POW. If you have a widow, your subordinates are in danger.
When I decided to put up with it, I saw three dog beasts running. As far as you can see, it's a hound.
"Ryuko-san, Ryuko-san!"
"Let's eat meat together!"
"Are you hungry?"
The dog beasts snorted their nose, but noticed something.
They stop searching for Ryukko and run to the stalls.
When they bought four roasted chicken thighs, they flew triumphantly.
"... Huh, have you finally shaken it?"
A rabbit beast crawls from the cloak. I guess this rabbit is Ryuko.
The rabbit beast looks around and sighs relieved.
"These stupid dogs are laughing with their canines shining. I'm excited to see my tail."
The rabbit turned to me and bowed with a playful gesture.
"I'm gonna wear it, young lady .... I'll ask you, but you're not a werewolf?"
He is a Gentile, but a human.
Are you reassured of my reply, the rabbit beast sits on a chaise lounge.
"I'll let you take a break."
The rabbit beast removes the cigarette case. Beat the box with a familiar hand and remove one.
Unexpectedly, what came out was a strip of vegetables cut and dried.
"How about one?"
Shake his head and I apologize for it.
As a childhood lesson, I never receive food or drink from strangers.
"Oh yeah, it's the taste of my hometown. I just came home, but I just wanted to go home."
Rabbit beasts eat dried vegetables, lay their ears and close their eyes. She seems to be completely relieved.
In this situation, he is not a Demon King soldier. If you do, you shouldn't be involved in a battle at Lünheit.
It's a good time to talk to non-military demons.
"Is it okay with Ryuko?"
"Oh, I'm Lyucco. You?"
I answer a little lost.
Fortunately, he did not know of the battle that took place at Lünheit.
He didn't seem to know me either.
"Is there anything you need in this city?"
"Oh, I'm a craftsman, but I'm not called by my brother. He's a very strong man, but his root is a gentle man. I can't refuse him."
I don't seem to be lying. Apparently unrelated to the Demon King's army.
I am relieved and ask a question about Lünheit.
"What did you think of coming to this city?"
Then he thinks a bit and answers:
"Isn't it a good city? Even if there's a demons without a backing like me, no one can attack or despise me. To be honest, I'm a little surprised."
In the southern part of Milaldia, humans and demons are united. It's an incredible story, but it's true.
As a student, I cannot abandon my desire not to break this miracle.
From a military perspective, conquering would be extremely difficult if humans and demons unite and resist.
Rolmund has long been waiting for a moment when the situation in Miraraldia becomes unstable. But soon before we attacked, the demons solidified their ground.
There is no doubt that the Black Wolf Lord is all mastermind.
When I silence, the rabbit beast asks me.
"You are a soldier?"
"Do you understand?"
"I understand what it's like to be nervous. He has a strong tone, and he doesn't look like a guy who lives on a daily basis."
I have such a face.
The rabbit beast winked while holding a stick of dried vegetables.
"We rabbits are cowardly, we don't like the soldiers because they don't like it. Oh, I don't hate you. It smells the same as me. Is it an engineer?"
That's right, so I nodded.
"Oh, yes."
"Haha, after all."
I ask him another question.
"What do you think of the Demon Army?"
"I told you. I hate soldiers. They don't know .... but just."
"The demon army is as humble as a strong guy. It's different from the demons' common sense, but that's why I also trust it, because it protects weak demons like us."
This is just one opinion, but the Demon King's army seems to be supported by demons.
The rabbit beast points to one corner of the square.
"Look at that. The Demon King built it."
There is a brand new stele with bouquets and fruits. Bouquets and fruits are like offerings, but they are not customary in Rolmund.
I was interested and approached the stele.
The inscription was engraved like this:
`` Mourning all the soldiers who scattered in the defense city of Lunehite and praying for their happiness ''
On the reverse side were the names and affiliations of nineteen Belousa land squadrons, four members of the Blue Knights, and thirty-four hundred ninety-six squadrons.
It is not only an ally but also a monument to the enemy.
I couldn't hide my excitement.
Memorial to the enemy? What benefits do you have? To relieve us?
But Lord Black Wolf did not say anything about the memorial.
I do not understand what it means.
A rabbit beast calls out to me confused.
"According to the demons' common sense, the dead guy is a weak guy, but he built a memorial to the enemy, not just his side.
"... Oh, I was surprised."
I was really surprised.
Is it common in Milaldia? No, not really. At least I have never seen a memorial to the enemy war dead.
The rabbit takes out one dried vegetable and offers it to a stele. And somehow they closed their eyes together.
"I'll do something like this. It's a strange story that a dead guy can't eat rice. But I don't hate this feeling."
I also imitated. Since there is nothing else to offer, put one Rolmund silver coin.
And I apologize to my subordinates in my heart.
But she never felt the prayer for the enemy.
I am overwhelmed by the size of the person who built this monument.
The rabbit craftsman looked up at me.
"While building these monuments, you can trust the Demon King. What do you think of humans?"
"Yes, I think it's the right analysis."
The rabbit beast nods satisfactorily and then stretches at his feet.
"Well, let's go back and get rid of the job. Then, Eleora."
"Oh, thank you, Lucco"
I was staring at the rabbit beast leaving.
When you look up at the sky, the sun is already leaning to the west.
As a POW, you should return soon.
Let's consider the future. Some things have to be considered.
I lost, but my life is not over yet.
The fight will continue unless you die.