Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Greenhouse Prince (Part 1)
Episode 167
It is said that the count of Ski Palace, who is feared as a fresh blood count, forcibly boarded the palace the next day.
The purpose, of course, is to make a direct appeal that I am a werewolf.
Prince Ashley, who called me to the palace, shook his head with a bitter smile.
"I'm in trouble. I know he's a supporter of his uncle, Dniesk, but I can't keep silent if he ignores the imperial court."
Of course, the appeal of the Fresh Blood Earlier was not taken at all, but the problem was not there.
The court magicians were furious.
Rolmund's magic level is not very high. The emphasis is on creating magical tools, with less emphasis on personal magic.
Still, it's a great thing to be a court magician. There are prides and positions.
"Sir Weid is a werewolf!
"Sir Weid is a human. We are studying it with magic. "
"But I saw it with my eyes!
"If your eyes are more certain than our magic, you'll want to be a court magician."
I hear that there was something like this.
I'm sorry, no matter what he claims. I can only imagine that I lost the duel.
Prince Ashley apologizes to me.
"I can't forgive you for coming to you to do your best for the Rolmund Empire. It also involves the dignity of the Rolmunds."
I smiled bitterly.
"No, I'm a foreigner and I can't help doubting him. When I visited the Earl's visit, I wasn't very welcome."
"Did you go to the Earl's visit? And yet what a disrespect for Lord Shmenivsky?"
For a fraction of a second, Prince Ashley looks uncomfortable.
"Sorry, Sir Weid. I apologize for you, the leader of Milardia, on your behalf."
"Don't Him. I'm seeking asylum in the Empire and I'm willing to cooperate with the Empire instead. If you apologize to me and others lightly, it will be out of order."
I'm terrifying with a plausible face and sticking out my tongue in my heart.
Prince Ashley was a little worried and replied:
"So, as a testimony of my sincerity, in the future I would impose imperial charges in my name and punish him."
Now, if there is a guy who will call me a demon in the future, I will tell Prince Ashley.
I talked a bit with Prince Ashley, but felt that he was intelligent and gentle. According to the rumor.
"I was sorry about Eleora. I don't see much, but I'm an important cousin."
Ah, I don't seem to be lying.
"But Eleora was able to return home after successfully completing his mission, and the Empire was able to fulfill his long-awaited territorial expansion. I look forward to Mirardia."
"Please leave me, Ashley. If Milardia becomes imperial territory, please be merciful to Milardia."
I'm treated as an Eleora, so I don't make any specific requests here.
Above all, when my plan goes well, Prince Ashley should be unable to sit on the throne.
However, it is unnatural as a diplomat for Miraraldia to request nothing, so make a request in vague terms.
Ambiguous requirements are particularly useful in such situations, as they are hard to refuse.
Sure enough, Prince Ashley nodded.
"Of course. The sun that illuminates Rolmund falls on Mirardia in the same way. The sun may fall a bit differently."
It was implicitly said, "If you are a dependent, you will be treated."
"Speaking of sunshine, there is a greenhouse in this palace. It's a bit hot this season, but can you guide me?"
Prior information, Prince Ashley has heard that growing flowers is a hobby.
Because of this beauty, his nickname is "Prince of Flowers". I think it's quite fancy, but I'm getting upset.
I'm guided to a greenhouse in the courtyard, thinking about the magic of exploding a handsome guy.
"this is……"
As is expected, there is only a greenhouse in the royal palace.
The glass is also high in transparency and has been used generously. If you were to get all this, it would not be enough to spend all of Lunehite's annual budget.
However, its size is not much different from the previous botanical garden.
What impressed me was the kind of plant there.
A tag indicating the breed name, locality, line, etc. is attached to all plants. It's a museum and a laboratory.
Nowhere in the world here is such an academic plant cultivation.
"It's more an imperial museum than a palace garden."
The Prince nodded, as I said.
"Yeah, you've noticed a lot. It's a collection of useful vegetation. It's a greenhouse with some flowers in the region of Mirardia. It was collected about a hundred years ago and has been cherished for generations. "
That's why Rolmund has always been conscious of Mirardia.
Prince Ashley and I walked and talked about plants, but on the way I realized something strange.
The plants in this world are quite different from their predecessors, but they are used in a similar way.
The juice of Yakutiku, which has a pretty flower in front of me, contains a poison that causes cardiac arrest. Just don't last long.
The bark of the purple willow planted next to it is difficult to process, but it is easy to preserve and easy to carry.
Eating the wolf lily bulbs in the back caused chronic poisoning, and tangled with purple willows were squirrels with intense vomiting.
It's all poisonous.
On the other hand, there are no plants that can only be used for ornamental purposes. All are herbs and poisonous herbs.
The discomfort I felt at first was probably because there were no harmless ornamental plants.
This is neither ornamental nor academic.
A chemical weapons plant.
Prince Ashley stops and picks up two strawberry-like fruits that were planted in the flowerbed.
The moment I saw it, I felt danger.
Marjoi strawberry which grows in various places of Mirarudia.
It looks red and fresh, small-sized strawberry, but it is very poisonous. If you eat a single grain, you will have difficulty breathing, and will die if you can't get enough treatment.
He smiled and offered me a strawberry.
"Please, Lord Weid"
"Prince Ashley?"
I don't know his intention and I'm puzzled for a moment.
He is probably the administrator here.
They should have grown up after understanding what majo strawberry is.
I feel his smell.
What I feel is a slight sense of expectation. Not the smell of lying.
However, sometimes there are psychopaths that are not upset by deceiving others, so it is impossible to be alert.
Still, not eating the fruit recommended by the prince is a bit ill.
Fortunately, I've always had the magic of detoxification. In particular, it is compatible with alkaloid poisons, so there is almost no fear of poisoning.
I didn't think too deeply, I took the majo strawberry and dumped it casually in my mouth.
Sweet and delicious.
What a poison, even though it's a sweet fruit that brings seeds to animals. The natural world sometimes does strange things.
I was thinking about that and suddenly noticed Prince Ashley's eyes.
He is staring at me with a surprised look.
"How are you, Prince?"
"No ... I didn't think I was really going to say it."
From the smell of sweat, it seems to me.
I couldn't measure his intentions and suddenly looked at the majo strawberry leaves.
Oh, there are no jagged leaves. The edge is slippery. Is that a different kind of thing?
Ah, I see.
I replied with a face that I knew from the beginning.
"Even though it resembles a milardia majoi strawberry, the shape of the leaves is different. There is no reason for your Highness to poison me here, is it a non-toxic alternative?"
Prince Ashley seems convinced of the words.
"As you may have guessed, this is not a majo strawberry. It is Rolmund's snow strawberry. It is also edible, but here it is dried and used as a crude drug. Yeah. "
Prince Ashley said and ate the remaining grain himself.
"Nevertheless, I noticed so often in this moment. After you refused, I was going to surprise you by eating ... apparently I don't seem to be a plotter talent."
"No, I was surprised enough. I just wanted to hear the sound of my upset and heart."
I'm really surprised, so stop making bad jokes.
We are like elementary school students coming back from school, and grab a strawberry and eat it. The prince also taught this.
"Dr. Eleanor during the southern expedition reported on the food poisoning of wild strawberries. The appearance resembled a strawberry, and the soldiers of the squadron attacked him and were in danger."
Oh, that's what happens when you come to Milaldia from Rolmund.
As in previous life, there are many types of wild strawberries.
"Is the soldier safe?"
Prince Ashley smiles.
"Yes. Fortunately, the healer of the unit has taken care of him, so he has given up his life. He died in combat."
I did something bad ...