Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Duel Lord's Feast
Episode 178
On the day of the party, I and Eleora took a squad of werewolf and took part in a dinner party hosted by the Dniesk family.
"The Hammam is the escort of Sir Rechonja. Jerik's squad is Sir Shoch, the Monza squad is Sir Mottimo. Lieutenant and Natalia are also escorted. ''
The escort target has also increased considerably, thanks to Lord Rikomya's support of the young nobles in the court.
At the moment 14 people. They are all lower class aristocrats without territory, and not a large number, but valuable nobles working for Eleora in the Imperial City.
If they couldn't protect them here, they would think, "Her Imperial Eleanor is useless."
If Dniesk's aim is there, be vigilant.
I don't know how to come, but in the worst case there is a danger of being exhausted.
Werewolf can not demonstrate their true fighting power unless transformed, but their perception is high enough without transformation. Especially sensitive to humans.
"Now admiral, that lady looks sick. He's breathing irregularly. It's better to arrange for a doctor or healer as soon as possible."
"I'm sorry, Jerik. Kite, please call me."
It looks like this.
Originally, a werewolf is a carnivore specializing in human beings. To ensure safe hunting, the sounds and smells of humans are immediately noticed.
And the ability to strike unexpectedly helps to some extent prevent unexpected strikes.
Protect the Eleanor nobles.
Today's party venue is a villa in the forest on the outskirts. A grand party is held in a palace-like mansion building and in a vast garden.
I prepared the detox magic more carefully than usual, and laid my meals flat.
"Mr. Weid, are you overeating a bit? Isn't that, nobody else, no one has been eating?"
"It's Rolmund's style not to eat rice in the standing style. It's irrelevant because I have prepared detox magic."
"That's it ..."
Kite is amazed, but rice is a matter of life and death for the werewolf. The basal metabolism is not extraordinary.
As expected, there is only a party hosted by the emperor's brother, and the food is delicious. The best. It is absolutely wrong in the world to throw away every time.
I went upstairs to the second floor of the saloon. From here, you can see the whole party.
At the same time, he eats a free dish full of dishes. All-you-can-eat high-quality meat dishes such as roast beef is a rare opportunity in this world.
Anyway, it's wasted and I'm eating it all because it's a waste.
The main guests today are Dniesk and Eleanor nobles. There are some Ashley groups.
Eleanor nobles ... that is, the nobles of our camp were in one place. To be precise, you are being pushed into one place.
Dniesk nobles are swarming around it. It seems that several people surround themselves and are playing some kind of hot valve.
It's difficult to pick up individual conversations, but apparently they're working on breaking them down.
Doing it right before my eyes is a pretty intimidating appeal. Do you want to stop?
When I thought that way, Prince Warroy, the second son of the Dniesk family, came over.
"Is it coming, Miracle's great general Waight?"
"I'm sorry to be with you at your invitation, Your Highness Warroy"
Damn, I can't move with the prince.
Prince Warroy looks around and smiles grinningly.
"The feast seems to be exciting."
"It looks like that."
I'm sorry, I'm nailed here.
Prince Warroy looked down at the young Eleanor nobles and muttered.
"The Dniesks have a lot of background information about the nobles. For example, which aristocrats have affairs, have hobbies that people can't tell, or have been cheating on their money, There's a lot of debt and generations. ''
Eleanor nobles are valuable ally, but they are not good people. It's an ordinary noble there, so if you hit it you'll get one of the dust.
Even if there are no scandals, the Dniesks can do as much as lower-class nobles without territories.
You can feed on territorial ceding or cash, or use economic or power to threaten.
Come on, I can compete in my own place in Milaldia, but Rolmund is away so I can't help.
Prince Warroy tells me with a serious face.
"If you're going to break it up with this kind of smashing, you won't be able to conspire to Eleora. You'll come to me too, and everyone will be happy."
Prince Warroy wasn't proud and seemed to care for us.
I'm grateful, but I can't help it.
At first glance, the faces of the Eleanorists are getting darker. What kind of material is it shaking?
I'm sorry to Prince Warroy when this happens, but let's get down a little.
But then, Eleora appeared at the right time. Since he is a guest of honor, he follows Lalmund's manners and appears late.
As she entered the saloon, she immediately knew the situation.
When she smiles, she looks around at the Dniesk nobles.
"It seems like the story is bouncing. May I mix it?"
Her tone is gentle, but imperatively said, "I will kill you if I reach out to my house".
Although she is sixth, she is a princess who has the right to succeed.
In addition, she is ostensibly a fierce man who achieved the conquest of Milardia with the SS alone.
Even the aristocrats of Dniesk's breeding child are not so resolute.
The men who besieged the Eleanorists break the siege and keep a distance.
However, some of them do not show respect for Eleora. Like Count Shumenivsky.
The moment they turned their rebellious gaze at Eleora, she turned back with a cool face.
"If the story alone is boring, would you like to play outdoors? It seems that Lord Vight Duel there is bored."
The eyes of all gather at me on the second floor.
What is it?
A princess, crazy.
In this way, I'm the role of scaring the Dniesk nobility.
I was a foreign aristocrat, leaning on the railing, ignoring Rolmund's manners. It seems that the railing is polished by the servants and not touched by the nobles, but it is a deliberate manner violation.
Then drink a lot of wine and laugh at fearlessness. Ignore the ridiculous unwritten rule that "we don't eat and drink at a buffet style party."
And he said,
"It may be interesting to have a duel for fun. Sometimes I just want to enjoy it without any effort."
I'm throwing a cold gaze at those guys who had a grim glance at Eleora. A villain smile is a familiar thing.
Come on. No matter whether duel, wrestling, sumo wrestling, or dodgeball.
But the moment my gaze turned, everyone quickly turned away.
All Dniesk nobles are silent.
On the other hand, young Eleanora aristocrats were blatantly relieved.
Everyone in the past, including Count Shumenivsky, who seriously killed me in the past, broke his front teeth and ribs.
That's why I'm pretty scared by hostile nobles. The threat effect seems to be outstanding.
But this is like a mad dog who likes duel ...
Is such a character good?
When the scene returned to silence, Prince Warroy clapped his hands with a grin.
"Outdoor play is fine, but don't be rude to Sir Weid, one of the great commanders and top leaders of Milaldia. This country is an important friend of our empire. "
The prince mentioned the name of a light song that Rorumund's common people liked. Often played when making wine.
As the atmosphere that had frozen due to me began to relax, Prince Warroy looked back at me with a bitter smile.
"Don't be scared of those who look like tails of tail birds. You have no power, but the Dniesks need them."
I politely bow my head with a grin.
"I'm sorry, your Highness. It's easy to be misunderstood."
Prince Warroy laughed and said:
"Then we'll see you in the near future. I'm looking forward to it."
He looks like a cheerful muscular guy and says something very meaningful.
"Yes, my brothers are also at this feast. I'm usually on a territory, so I'll take this opportunity to introduce you. Wait a little."
He smiled at me and turned away.