Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
The tragedy is buried in the snow
Episode 187
I went to Dniesk, but I could only meet Prince Warroy.
"Oh, my father and brother just returned once to clear up their territory and will return before the snow gets deeper."
Even though he is a political enemy, Prince Warroy smiles at me.
I want to say that I can feel a little more nervous.
"By the way, Sir Weid said he recently took care of his brother. I heard he was talking about agriculture."
"Yes, because I've heard a story you care about."
I was wondering if I would start a flood control project, but inadvertently I could be perceived as criticism of Dniesk.
Let's keep it here.
"I'm thinking about doing something useful for me now."
"Yeah, bad. I like that kind of place."
Prince Warroy smiles carefree.
"Even if you are in different powers, you do not make the people involved in political strife. It is important not only for the morals of the aristocrats, but also for deteriorating national power.
"I agree with you"
When I nodded, Prince Warroy nodded.
"You are a pleasant political enemy, Lord Vaid"
"I don't feel praised."
Something goes wrong. This prince would have exposed his face too much.
Be warned, however, that Prince Warroy understands the reaction of these opponents. Although it is a real face, there is a part that is calculating.
It's strangely comfortable, but long stay is useless.
Did the Hammam corps catch up with the Dniesk carriage? Urban areas are not easy to see, and are often stopped by gatekeepers.
It's easy if you turn into a werewolf ...
Prince Warroy removed an expensive glass bottle from the drawing room cabinet.
"Would you like to drink a treasured sake while your noisy father is not there? —Temperature distilled from wine, which is also a specialty of the prestigious Kavalantine."
An amber brandy shakes in a glass bottle.
"I hate to drink with water or hot water, but my father complains that it will decrease quickly. Is there a similar thing in Mirardia?"
I laughed a little when I imagined it.
I do not hide my laugh, shake my head with a smile.
"Yes, but it's rare. I can't drink it for me, who has a low monthly salary."
The Demon Army guarantees the food, clothing and shelter, but the cash is not paid much because there are many in-kind supplies.
The councilors were unpaid and my pocket money was surprisingly low.
There is a little lieutenant's allowance, but I'm going to spend a lot of time on everyone ...
Brandy is a bit of a concern, but it doesn't mean you're drunk anyway.
I bowed and stood up.
"I'm still working, so stay tuned today, and if you're so kind, you'll be scolded by His Highness Elleora."
"At that time, be my vassal. If you are, I will promise you a position as an aide."
Ah, deputy secretary ... my heart moves, but I'm already in the highest position as a demon lieutenant.
"I'm honored, but I'm in trouble."
"Hahaha!-If I could bother you, did I grow up a bit?"
Prince Warroy got up and called me the maid for me.
It looks like Prince Warroy wasn't involved at all.
When I was about to leave, Prince Warroy came to my back.
"Because I'm an idiot, I don't know what you're planning, but I believe that there will be a day when you and your interests match. I hope you too."
When I look back, I bow to the honest prince.
"I feel the same, Your Highness"
It's just difficult ...
When I left Dniesk, Hammam stood quietly.
"Sorry, Lieutenant. I lost track of the carriage."
"How are you?"
Hammam then looks unusually apologetic and explains:
"The carriage we were chasing was fake. It was politely on the courts of the two."
Did you anticipate being tracked by a hound?
But when that happens, the smell of conspiracy gets more and more.
"Hammam is an emergency call to all the werewolf squads. Gather them all in Eleora's house so they won't understand."
"I've acknowledged"
I sent in all the werewolf corps and searched for Dniesk's carriage.
As a result, it finally finds such traces before sunset. It was in a mountain far away from the imperial capital.
Hidden in fresh snow, blood traces for five people. And the carriage tracks.
There are no bodies.
"Is it possible that the Dannysk carriage was attacked?"
When I mutter, Fern-sister leans her head.
"But who?"
"I don't know. Now that the coronation is near, there are plenty of guys who want to get rid of Dniesk."
It might be Prince Ashley, or someone from the Eleanor group might have taken the lead.
Or maybe someone from the Dniesk family.
I called out to Monza, who snorted at the ground.
"Can you track the carriage?"
"Ah, it's easy if you smell the blood. Wait a minute."
Monza was very confident.
"Oh ...?"
After a while she will come back.
"I can't smell because of the snow."
The other wolves are tilting their heads as well. Actually, I have no smell.
Meanwhile, the kite is casting a spell and looking into the ground.
You seem to be using the magic of the past.
Kite is a master of detecting magic, so you can go back a little more than half a day.
After completing the investigation, his complexion was terribly bad.
"Mr. Weid, Dniesk was assassinated."
"Is that old man done? Prince Ivan?"
"That is Prince Ivan the culprit."
What did you say?
In the falling snow, I cross my arms.
The wolves are worried, but now we can't afford to talk to them.
Prince Ivan was pessimistic about the future of North Rolmund.
And he seems to be in poor health. Only a few, but sometimes breathing sounds were weird. If you weren't hearing a werewolf, you wouldn't know.
"Kite. Why do you think Prince Ivan kills Prince Dniesk?"
"No, I'm not good at that kind of thing ... but it's different from the Senate's kusojijii, so why was there more than assassination?"
A kite wearing a coat and mokomoko answers so.
I agree.
I concluded, considering the character of Prince Ivan.
"Judging just by the information I have, Prince Ivan seems impatient."
"Is it impatient?"
Prince Ivan's health has not leaked out.
"Prince Ivan is sick. He will not live long enough, and Prince Dniesk is old and Prince Runie is the only son."
"Oh ... that's why I'm going to do everything while I'm alive."
"That's it."
I don't know what I'm trying to do yet, but if I had to get rid of my father, Dniesk, I'm sure he's thinking about something pretty big.
Meanwhile, the Gurney brothers who are unable to keep up are lying down in the snow and enjoying the cool sensation.
"Well, what should we do?"
"Oh, yes. Prince Lünier is the most important person in the future. Perhaps Prince Ivan will call on his son, Prince Lünier. Follow it."
With this done, there is no way to keep an important son-in-law in the Imperial City. You should call back to a safe home. That's also the safest place.
Tracking Lünier reveals Ivan's most important base.
He left Leunier probably because he did not show his grandfather killing scene.
But thanks to that, I got an important clue.
"Also, I'll put a watch and escort on Prince Warroy as well.
"Hey, he is an enemy, is he?"
Jerikh is leaning, but I like Prince Warroy a lot.
However, that is not the only reason to move your subordinates.
"It's important to know if he's involved in the plot, so we have to keep an eye on him. And he's an enemy, but he's an" enemy you can talk to. "
"Is that so?"
"If you don't kill everyone, you need those guys on the enemy side, otherwise the fight won't end."
When doing it, it may be hard to understand for the demons who do it thoroughly.
I command the wolf squad.
"We'll withdraw before the other powers get here. When we return to Eleora's house, we'll gather and analyze the information. The werewolf is ready for war."
I don't know what will happen to Prince Ivan's next move, but he has set foot on a path he can no longer return to.
It will be inevitable that this snowy land will be stained with plenty of blood.