Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Road to civil war
Episode 188
When I returned to Eleora's house, I reported the situation to Eleora and made arrangements to various places. The first move is important only in an emergency. It is important to know the movement of each power and the status of allies, but do not realize this movement. I use my nerves to send messengers.
Moving the personnel almost overnight, I was finally able to take a break before dawn.
Natalie 4th Officer of the Mage Battalion comes with tea and a sandwich. This smell and ingredients are roast beef.
"Sir Weid, how about a late night meal?"
"Oh, sorry. I guess you can feed them."
"Okay, the maids are giving out the same thing."
As expected, there is only Elora's favorite, so I don't care.
Kite and Lacy, who looked sleepy at the time, came back, so I decided to eat roast beef sand.
"What will happen now?"
The kite is a bit anxious while chewing up the sandwiches.
I'm worried too.
Prince Dniesk, second in the throne, was assassinated by Prince Ivan, the third.
If you think so, you can take action aimed at the throne.
At least the Rolmunds would think so.
So Prince Ivan must hide the Dniesk killings. Killing his father is a deadly sin.
... No, there is a way.
I'm used to assassination in a bad way, so I'm gaining experience only.
After thinking so far, I answer.
"If Prince Ivan wants an emperor, he will mobilize North Rolmund's forces and invade West Lormund."
"Is it a war again?"
Kite looks disgusted.
Rashii also seems uneasy.
"What happens to us in the event of a war?"
I don't know.
I thought so, but it seems poor to push it away.
I had to think again and answer:
"Because we are Eleora, we can't be neutral in the dispute between Prince Ashley and Prince Ivan.
There is no cause on Prince Ivan's side, so it's dangerous to side up here.
At the moment, however, there is not much reason to support Prince Ashley.
At first, if you cooperate with Prince Ashley at this stage, it would be difficult to monitor the Dniesk faction.
Until Prince Ashley notices something unusual, he must know.
It was too tedious to explain this to Lassi, so I decided to give just the gist.
"Once the war is over, Kite and Rashi don't have to fight on the battlefield yet, leave it to me and the werewolf squadron."
Then Natalia, who was listening to the story with the tray, insisted on herself.
"The second ninth squadron will also fight. The lords of East Lolmund will surely be on the side of His Highness Elleora."
"If Lord Kasniev speaks, it will."
Hammam is back there.
"It's the movement of Prince Ashley, but he doesn't seem to notice yet."
"You may be pretending to be unaware. Let's take turns watching the soldiers move. Hammam will take a rest after taking over."
"Yes, Lieutenant"
He has contacted Sir Kastoniev and has told Sir Rechonjas to be vigilant.
Then, Fern, who was guarding Eleanor's house, came to the room with a sandwich in her hand.
"I have a night snack, but do you eat Weid-kun?"
"Oh, eat. Take a break."
Fern's sister looks scared in my words.
"Well then, we have to take a rest too. When the night breaks, I'm sure we'll be more busy now, because there is no one who can take over."
That's true.
I felt restless, but I got up after eating all the roast beef sandwich.
"Okay, I'll sleep until dawn. If there's anything ... yes, report it to Eleora."
When I return to my room, suddenly a sleeper attacks me.
I don't know the time, but it will be a few hours before dawn because it is winter.
I fell on the bed and closed my eyes.
The next morning, I got up before noon.
Looking up at the sun in the south, I rub my eyes.
"... Did no one wake up?"
There is no reply.
When I went to the crowd where everyone gathered, the people of the werewolf corps were falling everywhere. The Gurney brothers are sleeping in the doorway, so step into the room while stepping on the disturbing giant.
"Good morning. How about then?"
The Jerikh squads, who were resting early, look back.
"Captain, don't you need to sleep?"
"I haven't contacted anything yet"
That's surprising.
As I sat down on the couch, Monza sneak up from behind. I have a brush in my hand.
"Oh, Captain, you have to fix your sleep habits."
"Do you have a habit of sleeping? I'll heal in the evening"
"It's already noon. Look, head out."
I don't care about hairstyle.
I have Monza mess with my hair as I like, as arguing is troublesome.
"Do you have any reports by the way?"
"Hmm ... there's no squad here.
My head was held down.
Monza continued, brushing my head with a brush.
"Sir Kastoniev was on schedule, he sent his horse to the territory."
It's a way to prepare the townspeople for a battle. It's not a problem during the off-farm season, but it takes time to recruit because of the accumulation of snow.
Fern and her sister enter and receive a brush from Monza's hand.
"Weid-kun's hair is habit hair, so we have to do it harder.
It hurts.
Can you stop it?
Fern-sister told me this while working unproductively to fix my sleeping habits.
"Bolsh has returned to Noviesk Castle. He will mobilize the squadron as well."
A small number of second-nine ninja squadrons are professionals in urban combat. Some infantry can blow off the castle gates, while others can run around the back alleys by driving a bird.
It may be stronger here than a wolf squad that can't be transformed from a standpoint.
"Is this noticeable?"
It's bad to see that you're running the army.
Jerikh responded while repairing the hinges on the mansion.
"General, only a regular report from the squad monitoring the palace. Is it okay?"
I hope it is.
In the afternoon, Sir Kastoniev will come and consultation will begin.
"I'm surprised that Ivan is going to be in such a violence. Isn't he too impatient?"
I nod to the words of Lord Kastoniev.
"Ivan seems to have had a medical condition, and he has one son, thinking about what he did after he died, trying to get his hands dirty and accomplish reforms."
"I see, are you ill ...?"
Lord Kasniev told me he was thinking a bit.
"In such circumstances, it would be a good idea to bring this to a long-term war.
I just need to stick until Prince Ivan's life runs out.
However, he is a terrible person.
The Lorumunds are scared because they are all like this.
Later that afternoon, it was reported that Prince Warroy and Prince Runie left the Dniesk mansion.
The Hammam squad followed the carriage, leaving it to the rest. This time, we've been prepared so well that we won't fail to track.
I will have them swim and look for their home base.
Movement inside the palace took place one night later.
"Prince Ashley has convened the Regiment Regiment. It seems he is now dedicated to palace security, but he is also sending messengers to nearby lords."
The report came from Sir Rechonjas immersed in the palace.
I don't know how Prince Ashley obtained what information, but the move is clearly preparing for war.
"It was only in the past few generations when the coronation was celebrated peacefully, but ..."
Sir Rechonya said so and laughed.
"I hoped that nothing would happen, and I would like to spend my life in the territory of Mirardia in a tropical mood."
I'm coming to prevent it, so please be patient in the territory of North Rolmund or West Rolmund.
Probably because there are no lords in this time.
At that time, Natalia rushed between the guests.
"It's tough! Prince Ivan of the Dniesk family has raised troops to defeat Prince Ashley!"
"What did you say!?"
Lord Recoma jumps from the chair.
`` Nominal !? ''
"Um ..." "Principal Ashley assassinated Prince Dniesk in an attempt to defend the throne. We, the North-Romund Coalition, are to overthrow the violent prince Ashley and restore the throne to legitimate bloodlines." ! "
It is a strategy of assassinating yourself and pushing everything against political opponents. That's how I was previously sent to the Senate of Milardia.
However, whether you can believe this depends on your daily routine. The Dniesks are known to be a plot clan, so I feel a little weak.
When I nodded, Lord Reckomya looked nervous.
"Is it finally a battle?"
I shook my head.
"I'll just stay on the side, so that you don't eat the collateral."