Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Saint Snow Cave
Episode 197
Thanks to my sabotage, Prince Ivan has not moved yet.
However, Prince Warroy continued to seek reinforcements, and the relationship was beginning to be slightly jerky.
He crushes Prince Warroy's request for reinforcements, and conversely crushes Prince Ivan's offer for reinforcements.
So they may be wondering each other, "Why don't you send reinforcements?"
However, it's not easy to think about the text to cheat every time.
If you write something weird, you'll get crazy.
It is a series of tightropes.
Substitution of secret books is not easy either.
He gradually became aware of the routes of infiltration by the messengers, and learned the smell of them, so that the ambush itself could be done with plenty of time.
However, do not notice the replacement of your secretary. Hammam sneaks into the inn at midnight, and Rashi is distracted by hallucinations, struggling with that trick.
The lack of hands and the mobilization of Parker will indicate the difficulties of the secretary pursuit squad.
"Necromancy has magic that greatly diminishes vitality. It was originally meant to give you a glimpse into the world of death. This makes you temporarily feel like anemia, then pretends to rescue ... Are you listening? "
"It's going to be a seal that's not going to work that many times. Think about your next move."
"You're fine, I don't care ... I'm still prepared for about six more."
It is a reliable brother and son.
By the way, Ivan's genuine letter says, "Are there any missing supplies?" Has a good younger brother. "
Although his personality is very different, he seems to be a good brother.
I'm a little enviable because I don't have a brother either before or after this time.
Although the text of the secret letter is hidden by a signature, there is an expert kite in this camp.
"Everything you think of a great person is the same."
My deputy, who had seen a lot of such confidential documents, commented with a sigh.
The ciphers in this world are still so simple that they can be easily broken by a kite.
Kite's observation power, analytical power based on a wealth of knowledge, and detection magic that has reached the master's level.
Werewolf who are good at stealth and pursuit support it.
For now, espionage seems to be favored by the Demon King.
It's tempting to divide a good brother, but it's a war.
Well, how do you craft the text this time?
Returning to Eleora's headquarters with that in mind, Eleora was just hearing a report.
"Sir Weid has come to a good place, the messenger we sent to Prince Warroy has just returned."
"Emissary? Did you make a surrender recommendation?"
Eleora smiles like a mischievous child.
"Are you trying to break up with your brother now?-I'm going to help you."
I thought a bit and convinced me.
"If I see Prince Warroy negotiating with the army of Eléora, Ivan will be skeptical."
"Ah. Even so, Prince Warroy is in favor of you. Prince Ivan will gradually distrust you and your brother in a secret agreement."
This is a common strategy, but it may be effective for the Lorumunds, who are prone to suspicion.
Eventually, a secret letter came from Prince Ivan, saying, "You seem to have frequently negotiated recently with the Eleora camp, but what happened?"
I replaced this with a fake secretary and deleted all the questions.
Since Prince Warroy did not know his brother's question, no reply was written to it.
Following this, Prince Ivan asked again, "I will ask you to explain the negotiations with the Eleora camp."
This question is also squashed.
And another letter from Prince Ivan came out: "What happened to Princess Eleanor or Lord Vaite? I will give you the details, because I will respect your judgment."
I laugh with a grin as the text from Prince Ivan gradually becomes more and more suspicious.
Of course I'll squeeze this too.
"You're good friends, this brother"
The kite muttered, so I nodded.
"To be honest, I don't feel guilty about doing this, but if Ivan and Warroy are so united, I'm unlikely to win this battle."
There are Prince Ashley and Princess Eleora, but they are only temporarily in an alliance.
Here you need to make your heart a demon and tear apart the brothers of the Dniesk family.
Little by little, Ivan is worried that his brother may be on the verge of Eleora's camp, reducing his will to fight.
Meanwhile, Prince Warroy seems impatient, saying, "My brother will not send reinforcements forever."
By the way, do you think about the strategy of attacking Lake Jojo?
When the ice melts, the warships begin to move and rush on the shores of the lake. It's awkward because it is like a mobile fortress.
On the other hand, there are no warships here, so you cannot send troops.
"Oh, weid, can we keep doing this? I'll be in spring"
I nodded as Jerik, the off-duty officer, muttered while checking Eleoora's weapons.
"If the snow melts in the spring, you can call for reinforcements from Miraraldia."
"Can you do it?"
"... the enemy will think."
There are at most thousands of human forces capable of long-term expeditions from Miraludia.
The Demon King's army is about the same, but Rolmund will be in chaos due to cosmetic problems.
So the war situation does not improve significantly with reinforcements from Miraraldia.
However, little is known about the status of Milardia, so Prince Warroy should be worried by now. My secretary to my brother mentions Milardia's army many times.
It seems that this time his father's prudence, which does not despise the enemy, is backfired.
Jerryk picks up the crossbow thick arrows and checks them one by one for bent arrows.
"In the spring, the ice will melt and you will not be able to enter the lake. Is there no boat here?"
"Oh, let me build a warship when it's time, but I'll definitely be hindered."
In fact, I can't relax too much.
It is a very cold season now. Is it about one month in the previous calendar?
Spring is coming to Lolmund in May, so you can still fight on the snow and ice battlefield for a while.
But the soldiers are getting tired, and we want to settle by then.
"Um, is this something?"
"Thank you, Natalia!"
I heard Natalia and Rashi from afar, so I looked back.
If you look at it, Natalia has just completed a fine kamakura.
It's more authentic than what I've made before, with even a skylight for ventilation and curtains to partition the entrance.
Natalia smiled proudly, using a cooling spell to reinforce the kamakura.
"Lacy, come in. Rolmund's huntsmen will spend the winter here."
Lacy enters the kamakura and is busy with the inside.
"It's really good! Wow, warm! Nostalgic!"
Ah, Lassi is from the northernmost part of Miraraldia. There must be something similar.
Are you glad to be praised by the Mirardias? Natalia reinforces her kamakura with cooling magic.
By the way, she is a member of the magic battalion, a magician.
The heavy sniper platoon to which she belongs is power oriented, so everyone will be a saboteur. Since destruction magic consumes magical power, the magician has a large amount of magical power.
And magic that manipulates the cold belongs to the family of destruction magic.
Did you notice my gaze, Natalia salutes me laughing shyly?
"Oh, I'm sorry! I've just built an evacuation snow cave at the request of Mr. Lashi!"
I'm playing no matter how, but that's OK. Both are off duty.
But Rashii can make friends with anyone.
"Natalia, this is fine."
"Yes, I've solidified it with the cooling magic I'm best at! I guarantee the strength!"
I try to touch Natalia's Kamakura. The snow freezes and seems to be stronger than it looks.
Indeed, it would certainly be a winter if it were this sturdy. A crossbow arrow would be easy to stop.
I look at Natalia's face seriously.
Natalia smiled and tilted her head.
"What is it, Lord Vaid?"
"Can all the magical soldiers make this much?"
Natalia thinks a bit.
"Yes ... if you're a heavy sniper platoon, I think everyone is a saboteur."
"What was under Eleora was the squadron from the 23rd to the 29th. What is the total number of heavy sniper platoons?"
"Yes. Every battalion has some heavy sniper platoons ... about 300 or 400 in all."
Until magical weapons were put into practical use by Elleora, sorcerers were rarely rushed to the battlefield. At best, it was reconnaissance and messengers, and a few were enough.
But now there are hundreds of sorcerers here.
This seems to be used for something.